[Playboy: You don't know anything and you still ask a question mark? 】

  [Big Big Wolf King: It was posted without noticing. 】

  [Playboy: ... ok]

  [Playboy: A newcomer has been added to the group, and the newcomer earned 5000 points as soon as they came in, and even became an administrator]

  [Big Big Wolf King: 5000? ! ! ...what is an administrator? 】

  [Qianwumei: It is the existence in the group whose power and status are second only to Sikongjing]

  [Big Big Wolf King: Is he so awesome?Newbie... ah, administrator, please take care of me in the future~! 】

  [Neet Ji: ... Grey Wolf, are you licking it?What about the integrity of your Big Wolf Overlord? 】

  At the black cat's house, Hui Ye held Wu Geng Zhu Xi with a look of enjoyment, eating the fruit platter brought by Wu Geng Hyuga, with a smile on his face.

  "Hey, Kaguya. Calm down, don't scare Zhuxi."

  The black cat who couldn't stand it gave a warning, but Yaomei Zhuxi blinked her eyes, then shook her head, and said innocently and confidently:

  "Sister Hui Ye won't scare Zhu Xi, but Zhu Xi is very brave~!"

  "Wow~~ Kawaii φ(ω*)~! Come on, Zhu Xi, let Sister Kaguya kiss, hug, and hold high~~!"

  "Yeah~~ Sister Hui Ye's saliva~~"

  "Zhuxi's disgusting expression is also super nice~! Ahh~~ Black cat, just let me take Zhuxi back to Yongting to be my sister~~"

  "Don't even think about it~!"

  The black cat cut off Kaguya's delusion without hesitation.Then, while passing the fork to Kaguya and her two younger sisters, she looked thoughtful.

  "By the way, Kaguya, why did that newcomer become an administrator as soon as he came in?"

  "How do I know?" Hearing the black cat talking about it, Kaguya temporarily stopped teasing Zhu Xi, "That newcomer's nickname...Zhengman or something, I remember it was a group of Huaxia Netwen fan fiction. Zongman The male protagonist of the daily text...indicating that the newcomer is probably the male protagonist of a comprehensive daily fan novel...[-]% of the time is still a traveler in the Chinese online text.

  However, even if it is a male protagonist and a traveler, why should he become the administrator of the dimensional chat group?Moreover, looking at the group owner's reaction, she doesn't seem to know what's going on? "

  "Well, that's true." The black cat nodded, she sighed, and then said: "In short, I hope this newcomer is not a bad person. Otherwise, it will be bad if it destroys the harmonious atmosphere in the group."

  After all, everyone in the group is already my friend.

  The black cat thought so in his heart.She has very few friends, and because of this, she cherishes the friends she knows in the group, even though everyone is separated from each other in different worlds.

  Just when the black cat was worried, Sikong Xuan finally sent a message in the chat group.

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: uh~~ The news is brushing so fast, I feel that I have returned to the days of the water group before]

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive comics: Hello everyone.First meeting... uh~~ It seems like we haven't met yet.All in all, it is an honor to join this chat group.I hope to get along well with all of you in the days to come]

  'Well, it seems quite polite and easy-going. '

  The group members in different worlds, watching Sikong Xuan's speech, nodded involuntarily.

  'I hope to be good friends in the future. '

  Thinking like this, a group of members suddenly saw a new speech from Sikong Xuan in the group.

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Just joined the group, Mengxin will send a red envelope to talk about friendship. 】

  Ding, the administrator [Zhengman Daily Man] sent a lucky red envelope

  【Sikongjing】Received the red envelope and got 200 points.

  [Qianwumei] received the red envelope and got 152 points.

  【Playboy】Received the red envelope and got 177 points.

  【Neet Ji】Received the red envelope and got 138 points.

  [Grey Wolf King] received the points and got 99 points.

  【Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat】Received points and gained points.

  Ding, the red envelopes of the administrator [Zhengman Daily Man] have been received, [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat] is the king of luck


  'Rookie, I've made a deal with you as a friend~! ! ! '*6

  PS: It is estimated that some people will be too generous and prodigal?To make one point, although the protagonist has joined the chat group, the chat group will not help the protagonist much (because the protagonist himself has opened an invincible link), the main character is set to be the boss of the chat group, and the boss will give benefits. Should be normal, right?

  PS: If you still can't accept it... delete the book. .

Chapter 10

  "Hum hum hum ~~~"

  Humming and singing songs, Sikong Xuan left the chat group after using his banknote ability to easily resolve the anxiety of the group members, and then happily visited the private Chiyoda School.

  [Well~~ 1000 points are gone, so I can't open the forest ˉへˉ]

  'Haha~~ Isn't there a system sauce for you?With you here, points are not very important to me, right?Anyway, I probably just need to buy some time-travel cards. '

  [Uh, Xuan really trusts me, but it still hurts so much~~]

  'Hehe~~ Just treat it as a friend o(*^︶^*)o.Well, this local tyrant-style way of making friends feels awesome! '

  Thinking of the rainbow farts of the group members just after he threw the coins, Sikong Xuan couldn't help showing a happy expression.Today is also the first day of his time-travel, and he has experienced so many interesting things. In a good mood, he even wanted to throw a little more points into the red envelope. After all, it was too easy to get 5000 points. Sikong Xuan didn’t have any. What a cherished thought.

  Fortunately, this prodigal son also has a well-kept system, and it is also the system sauce who desperately stopped his idea of ​​​​spending away his family wealth, so he 'only' invested 1000 points into the red envelope.

  Just, despite this, the budget-conscious system sauce still feels distressed.

  'Alright, alright, system sauce.Don't feel bad, the big deal is that I won't send so many red envelopes with points next time, okay? '

  [This is what you said, Xuan, next time you can't be so prodigal, a penny is money. ]

  'Hehe... Well, didn't you say the system anyway, this world is a fusion of multiple worlds?In this case, it is not difficult to earn points, right? '

  [This is true.Hmph, this time Xuan is bleeding, and we will bald off all the wool of the Roush subsystem, and double the 1000 points to earn it back~! ]


  Only then did he realize that System Sauce's stingy and greedy property was so strong, Sikong Xuan scratched his face in embarrassment.He thought for a while, then simply changed the subject and said:

  'correct.This chat group stipulates that you can get points by changing the plot. Could it be some evil force that steals the origin of the world by changing the plot? '

  [how is this possible?Xuan, you think too much, how can you steal the origin of the world by changing the plot?The setting of that kind of dark wind novel is unreliable at first listen. ]


  [The world is a game after all, and there will be a fixed plot flow.If the plot changes, there will be a change in the plot line.And the information generated along with the changes in the plot line is what the chat group of the Luo Shizi dimension wants.

  And for the world, the change of the plot line is also something they like to hear.After all, for the world, it is very boring to be the same, step by step, etc. If unexpected changes can occur, then they will have a lot of fun. ]

  [As for our systems, the origin of the world, the destruction of the world, and the control of the world are all outrageous things. Our systems have only one demand, and that is the more information the better.The rest we don't care at all and have no idea. ]

  'Is that so?I've been thinking too much. '

  Although they had only been with each other for a day, Sikong Xuan did not suspect that the system was lying.He walked around the school, and after stepping on the dots, he was ready to leave.

  By the way, it's still early, so let's just go to the supermarket to buy, anyway, there are not many ingredients and snacks at home.

  Thinking like this, Sikong Xuan, who walked out of the school gate, changed direction and walked towards the supermarket.


  Pushing the shopping cart to the vegetable area, Sikong Xuan looked at the dazzling array of products and said to himself:

  "It's no different from a supermarket in Huaxia, except... um, fruits and vegetables are so expensive... more expensive than meat..."

  Looking at a small cantaloupe with a price of 6000 yen (equivalent to RMB), a tomato (attention, it is one) with a price of 258 yen (equivalent to RMB 16.3), and 198 with a price of 12.5 yen (equivalent to RMB 2) Little Green Cabbage, Sikong Xuan was about to say, 'Why don't you go grab money'.

  However, it seemed that Sikongxuan finally held back the words with the expressions that customers were accustomed to.After thinking about it, he reluctantly bought a box of mandarin oranges for Sagiri, as for the other...

  Forget it.

  Ignoring the price tags in the fruit section that made Sikong Xuan head big, Sikong Xuan went straight to the vegetable section.This fruit can not be eaten, but the vegetables must be bought.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure.

  That is a girl.Wearing green sportswear, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a brown baseball cap covered his long blond hair, and the fair skin, delicate skin that couldn't be completely covered even though he tried his best to dress up. The facial features and the dazzling blue pupils under the glasses like sapphire.

  Rather, this kind of old-fashioned dress and exquisite appearance, on the contrary, appear to be a lot of subtle contrasts.

  "This is... Ying can't, it's gone... ahhh, is it Sawamura Spencer Yingli?"

  Watching a certain blond loser who was pushing a shopping cart and sneaking away a pack of snacks from the shelf from time to time, Sikong Xuan felt a sense of fate and fun.At this time, a certain blond dog also seemed to sense Sikongxuan's gaze, she turned around and looked towards Sikongxuan.And Sikong Xuan didn't dodge, but gave her a friendly smile, which scared her to turn around in a hurry.

  'Ha, suffered, this person... I remember that he was also a student of Chiyoda, did he recognize me? '

  Thinking like this, she lowered her baseball cap and hurriedly pushed the shopping cart away.In this regard, Sikong Xuan was a little puzzled, but saw that the blond girl seemed to have dropped something on the ground.

  Out of friendliness, Sikong Xuan walked over to the thing that made Ying Lili fall on the ground - a student ID card.

  "Hmm~ Wait, was she just afraid of being recognized by me? Oh, I remember that in the original book, Ying Riri seemed to be disguising herself as a kind-hearted young lady in school..."

  Instantly guessing Ying Lili's thoughts, Sikong Xuan smiled slightly, thinking that this blond dog was quite interesting.Just... what should I do with this student ID card?

  Well, put it back.

  Thinking of this, Sikongxuan put his student ID card on the ground with his back to his face, and then shouted to a certain blond blond dog who was running away:

  "Classmate, you dropped something~!"

  'Nani? ! '

  Hearing Sikong Xuan's figure, Ying Riri froze all over.She touched her pocket and soon found that her student ID was missing.However, if he turned around and picked it up like this, wouldn't he be recognized by the other party?

  She thought so in her heart, but after all, Sikong Xuan had already reminded her, how could it be unreasonable if she didn't go back?Now, I can only find a way to fool the past. It is best to say thank you and run away.

  After making up her mind, Yingri turned around in trepidation, only to find that Sikong Xuan turned his back and pushed the shopping cart to leave, which made Yingri secretly relieved, thinking that she was lucky.When she saw the student ID that she had dropped, she was even more surprised to find that the student ID was on the back, which made her feel even more lucky.

  'Lucky~!The back of the student ID card is facing up, indicating that he did not see my name and photo. '

  Thinking of this, Ying Riri suddenly showed a happy smile.She put her student ID in her pocket, whispered thank you to Sikongxuan's back, and then walked away in a panic.

  And Sikong Xuan, who had his back to Ying Lili, couldn't help but smiled when he heard the movement behind him, and then went on to buy vegetables.


  "I am back."

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