Returning home with a lot of things, Sikong Xuan let out a sigh of relief.Because of the awakening of the origin, his physical fitness has been strengthened a lot, so he doesn't feel too tired.

  Putting the purchased ingredients and daily necessities on the dining table, Sikong Xuan walked to the second floor with a small cake box.This is because he passed by the cake shop when he came back. In his memory, after Sagiri squatted at home, she seemed to have never eaten a cake, so she reluctantly bought one for her.

  (PS: Sikong Xuan: My wallet, it hurts...)

  After knocking on the door of Sagiri's bedroom, Sikong Xuan said loudly to the door:

  "Sagiri, I bought you mandarin oranges and a small cake, you can try it. If you like it, let me know, and my brother will buy it for you next time, okay?"

  After speaking, Sikong Xuan didn't care that there was no movement in the bedroom, he just put the small cake box at the door, turned around and left.Then, after nearly ten minutes, the door opened to a gap, and a small cat-like hand stretched out from inside, took the small cake box inside, and hurriedly closed the door.

  PS: Well, the three female protagonists of passers-by have all appeared.

  PS: The lily stalk of the passer-by heroine——

  Why are the pears so skilled, and when it comes to pears, you have to let me do as much pears as you can?

  Mingming poetry I came first, kissing is also poetry, becoming a childhood sweetheart is also poetry!

  Why did Hui become like this?For the first time, I have someone I like, and someone I can be a lifelong friend. When the two come together, Ben Hui brings more happiness, but why is Shi I so exhausted, and Shi Hui becomes like this?

  (Ah, I don't need to explain who Huihe Shi represents?).

Chapter 11

  After placing the small cake box at the door, Sikong Xuan came down from the second floor, picked out the ingredients he bought, and then lay lazily on the sofa.

  "Ah~~ I'm a little tired after a busy day~~"

  [Um?Tired?impossible?Xuan's body has been strengthened, how could you feel tired? ]

  "Haha~~ It's not that I'm physically tired, it's my heart that's tired. Too many things happened today, and now I can't even react."

  [yes?It feels like nothing happened, right?Isn't it just crossing into this world, and then encountering a guy who crosses the line? ]

  "Traveling through and joining the dimensional chat group are two major events. There is also the encounter with the saint Hui and the chance encounter with the golden lost dog. Today's experience is really wonderful."

  Citing what he experienced today, Sikong Xuan said with a sigh.Then, he suddenly thought of something and said:

  "By the way, since I have already crossed into this world and become Sagiri's brother, I have to find a way to solve the problem of life."

  [Life issues? ]

  "Living expenses, living expenses~~"

  Taking out his wallet from his pocket, Sikong Xuan, who had just crossed over, was still a little uncomfortable. After all, he was used to the days in China where he carried his mobile phone around the world.

  When he opened his wallet, he was even more used to it.

  "I'm so poor... I really have to find a way to get some money, otherwise my life with Sagiri will be difficult~~"

  [Get money~~ Hey, Xuan, how about we go to rob the underworld?I remember that the underworld in Japan is legal and easy to find. ]

  "Forget it, the underworld in Japan is legal, and it has a very close relationship with the Japanese government, especially the police station. If I rob the underworld, I might get into a lot of trouble."

  [So... write light novels? ]

  "Writing light novels... But I've watched "Student Council's Own Opinion" and "Dating Battle" before, and I've only watched animations for the others. With my writing style, I want to change the animations I've seen. It's a light novel, I feel reluctant to think about it."

  [Um~ Sorry, Xuan, I have no choice.If you don't want to go, you go to the guy who crossed the line and ask, she should have a solution, right? ]

  "Dimensional chat group? Eh, wait, I'll go to the group store to look for it."

  With that, Sikong Xuan excitedly prepared to log in to the chat group.But at this moment, a violent stomping sound suddenly came from the second floor, which made him raise his head blankly:

  "Sagiri is... what's wrong?"

  —————— Time goes back two minutes ————————

  Secretly brought in the citrus cake box that Sikongxuan had placed at the door, the petite silver-haired girl suddenly cheered in surprise:

  "Wow~~ it's mandarin orange and limited purple potato cake~~!"

  Putting the mandarin oranges aside for the time being, he opened the cake box, and couldn't wait to pick up the spoon to take a sip. A smile of enjoyment appeared on Sagiri's face.

  "It's really limited purple potato cake, it's delicious~~It's delicious~~"

  A flower-shaped cake made from three types of purple potatoes grown on a franchised farm and mixed with high-quality chestnuts from Miyazaki Prefecture, this limited-edition purple sweet potato cake Sagiri has been coveting for a long time.It's a pity that she didn't dare to go out at home, and she was embarrassed to ask Sikong Xuan to buy it for her, so she could only drool watching live broadcasts and pictures online all day.

  Unexpectedly, today, the Nissan of her family suddenly became enlightened and gave her such a surprise.

  Taking small bites of the purple potato cake on the table, the softened and moist taste, and the faint aroma of sweet potatoes oozing out of each mouthful, made Sagiri feel full of happiness, especially since this cake is still his own Nissan, who is not very enlightened. I bought it, which made Sagiri even more memorable.

  "and many more!"

  Halfway through eating, Sagiri suddenly remembered something, and the happy smile on her face gradually disappeared:

  "The previous Nissan obviously didn't know how to please girls at all. The snacks that I bought for me were always unpalatable desserts dedicated to Buddha statues. Why did they suddenly buy me such an expensive limited-edition purple potato cake?

  And I don't remember much money at home..."

  Then I think that today is obviously a holiday, but Nissan went out early, and then came back so late.Sagiri's mind flashed like Conan, and the pupils shrank like a sapphire:

  "Could it be... Nissan is being fostered?!"

  It must be so!

  Otherwise, why did Nissan suddenly become rich and become more attractive to girls?Nissan obviously has no friends, so he must have gone out for so long today to accompany the rich woman who took care of him.

  Could it be that the family's financial situation is so difficult that Nissan has to sell his body? !

  She began to analyze Qi Sikong Xuanlai: Well, he looks handsome, although his personality is a little dull, but maybe a rich woman is good for such an innocent little boy?His own Nissan may not want to do this, but if forced by life, it is not impossible to have to agree to the rich woman's request.Then, during the holidays, he forced his face and smiled with the rich woman to date, chat with the rich woman, accompany the rich woman to the hotel, and then in the pink room, forced to meet the rich woman...


  dong dong dong-

  With over-compensating brains (what will the book artist make up for?), Shawu's face was blushing, and her feet kept stomping on the floor, both angry and distressed.

  "Bastard Nissan, don't tell me if there is any difficulty at home~!"

  dong dong dong-

  "It's too pitiful to be raised by a rich woman... No, it's disgusting~!"

  dong dong dong-

  "Even if you want to look for a rich woman to take care of you, you can look for me... (whispering beep)"


  "What's going on here?"

  Sikong Xuan, who was lying on the sofa, heard the constant sound of stomping the floor. He stood up with a puzzled face, walked up to the second floor, and then knocked on Sagiri's door a few times before asking:

  "What's wrong, Sagiri? You've been stomping the floor..."


  As always, there was no reply. In this regard, Sikong Xuan, who was used to it, or at least his body was used to it, was not annoyed or discouraged, but continued:

  "If you don't want to say it, write it on the paper and stick it out from the crack of the door. If you have any difficulties, my brother can help you solve it."


  There was still no reply, this time Sikong Xuan sighed helplessly, and then said:

  "Brother went downstairs. Write down any difficulties you have on paper, and I'll get them later."

  With that said, Sikong Xuan turned around and went downstairs.But at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the room.The next second, the closed door suddenly opened a small gap.


  Hearing the movement behind him, Sikong Xuan was overjoyed.She turned around and saw her sister Sagiri, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

  I saw the girl timidly showing half of her face from the crack of the door, her long silver hair tied with a pink bow, and she was wearing cute pajamas.

  Seeing Sikong Xuan, the girl timidly turned her head back.It didn't take long for the girl to stick her head out timidly again, and Sikong Xuan couldn't help but praise her in her heart because of her cute hamster-like behavior:

  'My sister is the cutest in the world! '

  Seeing Sagiri, who was still stubbornly exposed in front of him, his face was still a little frightened, Sikong Xuan took a deep breath, and then said to Sagiri with a kind smile:

  "Sagiri, what's wrong? Did you encounter any trouble?"


  It wasn't silence, but the girl's voice was so low that even Sikong Xuan, whose body had been strengthened, couldn't hear it clearly.

  "Sagiri what are you talking about? Big brother can't hear you clearly, you should speak louder."


  Looking at Sikong Xuan, who was approaching subconsciously because he couldn't hear clearly, Sawu's face turned red and he closed the door subconsciously, which made Sikong Xuan sigh in disappointment at the same time.However, after a few seconds, he saw the door open again, and then Sikong Xuan saw Sagiri put two small speakers under his feet, holding a small pink microphone in his hand.

  Before Sikong Xuan could react, the next second, a deafening voice suddenly sounded from the two small speakers.

  "Stupid Nissan, don't sell your body~!!"


  Like the radio playing in his ears, Sikong Xuan couldn't help covering his ears with his hands, and then...

  "Hayi? Selling your body?"

  Looking at Sagiri blankly, the girl took a deep breath, looking shy, but still shouted loudly:

  "If you don't have money, I'll take care of you~!!"


  After seeing that, although her face turned crimson, she still stubbornly stared at herself, Sikong Xuan, who covered his ears, blinked, then put down his hand, and patted Sawu on the shoulder lightly. With a 'kind' smile:

  "Sagiri, can you tell me what 'let me take care of you'?"


  Simata~!Accidentally speaking the truth~! ! ! .

Chapter 12

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