"And when the time comes, I think classmate Sikong will bully the pregnant me even more unscrupulously."

  "Ahaha... how could it be? I can't do that kind of thing no matter how unscrupulous I am."

  Smiling embarrassedly, Sikong Xuan thought to himself, is it true that his integrity is so low that it makes Hui Lenovo think of child-rearing py?He just can't do this kind of thing.

  "Forget it, let's put aside the unpredictable things like pregnancy. Megumi, Zhihui, let's order takeaway for breakfast. What would you like to eat?"

  "For takeout or something, let me and Hui Jiang prepare it."

  Hearing Sikongxuan's words, Zhihui immediately stood up and prepared to go to the kitchen to make breakfast, but she was not aware that this movement also involved the injury of her lower body, and the girl sat back again.

  In this regard, Sikong Xuan shook his head helplessly, and then said:

  "How can you prepare breakfast after all this? Obedient, what do you want to eat, I'll just order takeout."

  "Umm~ that's all it can do..."


  After eating the specially delivered breakfast, Zhi Hui, who was still a little sleepy, was forcibly returned to the bedroom by Sikong Xuan and went back to sleep.In comparison, Kato Megumi surrendered early last night, and was not as much tossed by Sikong Xuan as Zhihui, so she went to the computer room in this courtyard to write the second volume of "Demacia".

  As for Sikong Xuan, he had to deal with his two younger sisters.

  'Brother Sikong——! ! ! '

  Just after turning on the phone that was turned off yesterday afternoon, Situ Jing called.

  'Where did you go last night?Also, why is your phone turned off? ! '

  "This... By the way, is Sagiri okay? Are you not hungry?"

  'Sagiri is fine, I'm taking care of you at home.Brother Sikong, haven't you answered my question yet? !Where the hell did you go last night, why is your phone turned off, and @you in the chat group doesn't answer me at all~! '

  "Ah...I'm with Megumi and Zhihui, we...well, we're in retreat to create novels. To avoid outside interruptions, we turned off the phone and didn't log in to the chat group."

  '... Brother Sikong, do you think I don't know?Yesterday, the black cat told me that the three of you have successfully submitted manuscripts to the Fantastic library. Why do you need to retreat to rush manuscripts? '


  Ask, what should I do when I lied to my sister and was exposed in person?Hurry, I'm so embarrassed now~!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  On the other end of the phone, Situ Jing, who was lying on Sikongxuan's bed, sat up angrily after exposing Sikongxuan's lies.From Sikongxuan's veiled words, she vaguely felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help but continue to ask:

  "Brother Sikong, let me confirm again, were you really with Zhihui and Kato Megumi last night?"

  If her brother Sikong is really with those two, she can still breathe a sigh of relief, after all, she doesn't think her brother Sikong can pick two flowers in one night, unless Sikong Xuan secretly learns the avatar technique.

  To this, Sikong Xuan directly replied in a natural tone:

  "Of course it's true~! Chi Hye is still sleeping, do you want me to let me talk to you on the phone?"

  'Um...this is useless.The three of you were good together last night, good together...'



  Why was Jingjing relieved to hear that Megumi and Zhihui were together last night?

  Scratching his head, Sikong Xuan glanced at Zhihui, who had already slept in the bedroom. Could it be that Jingjing could accept the addition of two sisters-in-law?

  'That's it, Brother Sikong, remember to go home early, Sagiri seems to have something to do with you. '

  "Sagiri? Oh~~ Maybe it's about the illustrations of our novels. But I'm afraid I can't go back now. I won't be able to go home until evening, right?"

  'Tonight?I see, I'll tell Sagiri.Also, don't worry about Sagiri, I'll take care of her. '

  "Well, then I hang up."

  After speaking, Sikong Xuan hung up the phone and let out a long sigh of relief.But when he reacted, he was surprised by his nervousness just now.

  "Hmm~ What am I afraid of Jingjing doing?"

  Maybe it's because Jing Jing's pressing tone just now resembled that of his mother in the previous life, that's why he was so guilty?Or is she worried that Jingjing can't accept that she has two more sisters-in-law?

  Shaking his head, Sikong Xuan couldn't think of the reason why he was so nervous and guilty.

  Throwing the phone aside casually, Sikong Xuan lay directly on the tatami.Because he was a little bored and wanted to relax, Sikong Xuan logged into the chat group and planned to see what the sand sculpture group friends were doing.

  But he didn't want to, as soon as he went online, Hui Ye @ him.

  [Neet Ji: The boss asks for support, the news that Yongting is in Gensokyo has been leaked~! ! ! 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive comics: ...? 】ten.

Chapter 116

  It looks like the lowly people on the earth are extracting the magic power of the moon and trying to establish a base on the moon.

  Although we Moon People are committed to negotiating with humans, peaceful coexistence seems impossible.

  We, the people of the moon, have launched the final all-out war against the people on earth.

  In the current battle situation, our side is slightly disadvantaged in terms of firepower.The power of the modern weapons used by the enemy is beyond our imagination.

  But this is not something to be afraid of, the people of the moon have thousands of years of wisdom, and we are arrogant and cannot allow it, and it is impossible for us to lose.

  レイセン, the moon is about to become a battlefield.Come back and fight with the proud us.

  Finally, tell those on earth who live with you.We will come to pick up Reisen on the night of the next full moon, so don't make senseless resistance.

  [Neet Hime: On the night of the full moon, the rabbit waves emitted by the moon rabbits in the capital of the moon are the special abilities that the moon rabbits can communicate with each other through those large ears no matter how far apart they are.The above content is the news from the moon that my family's Lingxian received on the night of the full moon tonight. 】

  [Neet Ji: So local tyrants, hurry up and help out, it’s better that the bosses turn into emperors and beat the messenger of the moon who came to arrest Lun’s family, so that they will never dare to come to Gensokyo to harass Lun. Home and Eirin~! ! 】

  Here, Sikong Xuan had just finished reading the large paragraph that Hui Ye sent, and then saw the news of Hui Ye's request for support. He who knew about the Touhou Project suddenly became speechless.

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Let’s not mention other things, it is Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji sisters who succeed Bayi Yonglin as the messenger of the moon?You let me beat them, are you sure that your family's eight meanings, Yonglin, will not have any opinions? 】

  [Neet Ji: (ˉ▽ˉ~)Cut~~ Two defeated dogs who were abandoned by my Yonglin, what would you think of beating them Yonglin?If you like local tyrants, just catch them up and train them into RBQs, so that no one will come and rob Yonglin from me (*^▽^*)]

  In this regard, Situ Jing and Hei Mao jumped out before Sikong Xuan spoke.

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: What the hell is RBQ? ! !You bastard Kaguya, don't bring down Senior Sikong~! ! 】

  [Situ Jing: Hui Ye, if you talk nonsense in the group again, the 30-day mouth ball of justice will be worn in your mouth~! ! 】

  Facing the black cat's anger and Situ Jing's warning, Kaguya smiled disdainfully, and then spoke:

  [Neet Ji: Sorry, I was wrong. (Kneel down and beg for mercy.jpg)]

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Hui Ye, you added four words less - next time you dare]

  [Neet Ji: Local tyrant, I have no grievances with you, why do you want me to be locked up in a small black house for [-] days? ! 】

  [Neet Ji: In case the group owner gets so embarrassed and gets banned from speaking, then after the ban, you can’t drive anytime, anywhere, you can’t tease the girls in the group happily, and you can’t complain unscrupulously. What’s the point of life in Penglai? 】

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Knowing the consequences but not knowing the convergence point?Don't you know what happens to your mouth? 】

  [Neet Ji: This is what I said... if you don't want your life, you have to owe your mouth.A life without words is incomplete~! 】

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: ...I'm considering whether to reward you with a three-month experience period. 】

  [Neet Ji: I was wrong about local tyrants (beautiful.jpg) (selling cute.jpg)]

  Once again, admitting counsel, knowing mistakes, begging for mercy, and doing it from the heart in one go, today's Kaguya dances and knows how to go well as always, and other members of the watching group show knowing smiles one after another.

  Of course, they all know that the Kaguya in front of her has always been an unrepentant lord who actively admits his mistakes.This is also because although Situjing and Skongxuan have been threatening to be banned from speaking, but they are good-natured, unless they are offended by Hui Ye, or they are trampled by Hui Ye, they will basically not use the group owner and administrator privileges. of.

  Now that Kaguya has become a member of the group from the heart to the third day.

  [Ganwumei: Everyone, I’m digressing from the daily topic again. We are discussing clearly that the messenger of the moon is coming to catch Kaguya.]

  [Sikongjing: Speaking of which, this is the beginning of "Eternal Night in the East", right?Next, the people in Eitei hid the real moon and replaced the moon in Gensokyo with a fake moon, thus triggering a joint crusade against the monsters and humans in Gensokyo.]

  [Sikongjing: Speaking of Kaguya, what are you worried about?Gensokyo was originally a closed space, and it was impossible to come directly from the moon to Gensokyo.Even if you don't do anything, sisters Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji will not be able to find you and Bayi Yonglin.Otherwise, with those two masters, they would have killed you long ago, and then brought Bayi Yonglin back to the Moon City]

  【Neet Ji: This is... 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Isn't that right, didn't Mianyue Toyohime went to Gensokyo under the leadership of Lingxian No. [-]? 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Saying that Mianyue Fengji's ability is really invincible.The ability to connect the sea and the mountains is just because Lingxian [-] informed the location of Gensokyo, and in an instant, Lingxian [-] was teleported from the moon to the earth, and even the gap between Yakumozi can be teleported into it. , this ability is not too strong]

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: It’s really strong and a little perverted. It takes me nearly a minute to fly from the earth to the moon, and this Mianyue Fengji doesn’t even need a second]

  [Playboy: One, one minute? ! 】

  Hearing Sikongxuan's inadvertent showing off, Tony Stark, who had been diving, was also bombed out...  

  He calculated, the distance between the earth and the moon is 38 kilometers, and it takes less than a minute to fly from the earth to the moon. At that time, the speed... ah, no, it is the speed of seconds...

  [Playboy: The speed is 6400km per second. Did the boss knock out a big hole in the moon when he flew from the earth to the moon? 】

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: Of course not, I can't hold back my strength, so why am I still flying to the moon? 】

  [Playboy: ... the big guy is awesome~! 】

  [Sister Ganwu: ...you're off topic again~! 】

  Deeply sweating for the speed of this chat group's digression, Tu Mabu sighed, and then @Black Cat:

  [Qianwumei: Black Cat, the plot of Lingxian No. [-] you mentioned is the later "Dongfang Yanyue Copy".Now Hui Ye's timeline is still in "Dongfang Yongye Copy", and there are still three years before the timeline of "Dongfang Yanyue Copy"]

  [Qianwumei: That's not right, the timeline of "Eternal Night in the East" is in 2004 according to the Gensokyo chronology, but we usually chat with Hui Ye, and I feel that the timeline of Hui Ye's world is at least 2010. After all, after all, in Gensokyo Kaguya also stole the network cable from outside and ran to the Zaan District in Huaxia to play LOL]

  Facing Xiaobu's doubts, Kaguya, who finally found a chance to speak, replied with tears streaming down her face:

  [Neet Ji: This is the problem.]

  [Neet Ji: I compared the timeline of our world with the timeline in the game and the set, and found a big problem]

  [Neet Ji: Of course, the most important thing is that I found that in the human world outside Gensokyo, some people drew Gensokyo as a manga, made an anime, made a game, and… also drew a book. .I feel that the world I am in seems to have a transmigrator.】

  [Neet Ji: Of course, that's not the point.The point is, I am afraid that Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji may find out that Eirin and I are in Gensokyo from the entertainment works circulating on the ground.In other words, those two little bitches may raid Gensokyo at any time and bring Eirin and me back to the Moon City~! ! ! ].

Chapter 117

  Gensokyo, Yakumo Residence.

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