This is an old house on the border of Gensokyo, on the edge of the barrier, and it exudes a heavy history that rejects all visitors.The realm monster Yakumo purple and her shikigami Yakumo blue live here.

  Inside the room, many machines, props, books, and magazines produced in the human world outside Gensokyo are piled up in a disorderly manner, which seems incompatible with the quaint architectural style.

  But in the living room of this house, with the efforts of the naked sky fox and eight cloud blue, it was finally not turned into a garbage dump by eight cloud purple.

  And now, the monster sage Yakumo Zi and her shikigami Yakumo Lan have gathered in the neat living room, kneeling on the tatami with a solemn expression, staring at the...


  "let me see..."

  Quietly stared at the five characters "Oriental Gensokyo" on the cover of the manga, as well as Hakurei Reimu and Kiryu Marisa on the cover for a while, forever seventeen-year-old old lady... Beautiful girl Yakumo Zi , I saw that she covered her face below her eyes with a fan with one hand, opened the manga gently with one hand, and then read the content of the manga with Yakumo Lan. 29

  As soon as I turned the title page, I saw the words marked at the beginning:

  "Gensokyo Survival Law: 1. Youkai can eat people...

  39. The witch of the shrine will not kill people, but the monsters related to the witch will definitely deceive people!

  40. Welcome to Gensokyo! "

  After reading the last rule, a faint smile appeared on Yakumo Zi's face, but Yakumo Lan felt that her master's eyes became colder and colder.

  The two youkai flipped through the Gensokyo Survival Laws they had read, and continued to watch the content of the manga.

  The content of the comics is not very much. It mainly spends two chapters to introduce the two protagonists of "Oriental Gensokyo" - Gensokyo Urban Management · Hakurei Reimu and Gensokyo Thief · Misty Marisa, followed by Hakurei Reimu The daily stories of Marisa and Kiryu Marisa are interspersed with some memories of the two of them getting to know each other.

  Looking at the introduction of Hakurei Reimu and Kiryu Marisa in the manga, and the happy smile of Hakurei Reimu in the manga, the coldness in Yakumo Zi's eyes melted a little.

  "Master Zi, there is another song here."


  Hearing Yakumo Lan's words, Yakumo Zi saw his Shikigami take out a laptop and click to play a song stored in the laptop.The song is called...

  "Oriental... Huangliang Dream?"

  The rainbow bell rings in front of the Dragon Sleeping Palace

  Bookstore self-locking seven luminous saints

  The Phantom of Clock Stop Appears

  The baby moon reigns forever

  Who is pitiful for the crimson forbidden flower


  Listening to the playing of "Dream of Oriental Yellow Beads", even the well-informed Yayunzi and Yayunlan had to be shocked by the celestial voice of the singer of this song.

  But after they listened to the lyrics of the song, Yakumo Zi's face turned completely gloomy.

  "Flying Tiantian Hu Nian subverts the realm... Hehe~~ Now Gensokyo, in front of the creator of this song, what secrets do you have that you don't know?"

  Jade Finger firmly squeezed the small folding fan in his hand, and the special fan bones were almost crushed by the monsters of this realm.It was Yakumo Lan who reminded her that the sage, who was always calm, stopped the anger in his heart.

  "Lord Zi, what you need to care about now is not the humans who know all the secrets of Gensokyo, but the Hakurei Great Barrier that guards Gensokyo.

  Gensokyo has spread from the human world, and although they seem to only regard us as a two-dimensional existence, there are still many... many... um, it seems to be called a dead house, right?There are some people who are called Dead Houses who genuinely believe that Gensokyo is real.

  Thanks to these people, the power of the realm of illusion and reality that you have imposed on the Hakurei Great Barrier is fading.Before long, the Hakurei Great Barrier will lose its ability to block the communication between Gensokyo and the outside world. At that time, I am afraid that many people will accidentally break into Gensokyo.At that time, I am afraid that Gensokyo will be completely exposed to human vision and bring disaster to Gensokyo. "


  After listening to Yakumo Lan's analysis, Yakumo Zi gritted her teeth with a sullen expression on her face.After a while, she sighed helplessly, and then said to Yakumo Lan:

  "Then, let's work together to consolidate the Hakurei Great Barrier. This is the barrier that protects Gensokyo, and it's a barrier that must not be lost~!"


  Yakumo Lan nodded respectfully.Seeing this, Yakumo Zi slapped the manga on the low table with her hands, and gritted her teeth and read out the name of the author of the manga:

  "Father of Anime · Porter~!!!"


  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: the father of animation?porter?He Chen? 】

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: Wait, why do I think this name sounds familiar? 】

  [Neet Ji: Huh?Does the boss know this person? 】

  Seeing Sikongxuan's speech, Hui Ye was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously:

  [Neet Ji: Could it be that this transmigrator is a person from the world where the boss and the group owner live?This guy has traveled to the world I am in, so he has made so many things? 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive manga: No, I vaguely remember that this He Chen does not seem to be a real person]

  Rubbing his temples, Sikong Xuan searched hard for his memory.

  But in the forever pavilion, Hui Ye was holding Ling Xian's ear with a frantic expression.

  [Neet Ji: This guy, I’m very grateful that he likes Gensokyo so much, but can’t we make Gensokyo not known to everyone?If this is to let the two little bitches, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji know that we are hiding in Gensokyo, they will come and arrest people in minutes~! 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Kaguya isn't so scared, is it?Are Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji that strong?Even you and Bayi Yonglin, plus Ling Xian and Inpandi can't fight? 】

  [Sister Ganwu: Black Cat, you don't know, these two sisters are one of the characters who have the ability to compete for the title of the strongest in the Touhou Project.Among them, Mianyue Fengji has an exaggerated record of easily catching Yakumo Zi, and Mianyue Yiji has shown an overwhelming strength gap in "Yanyue Copy", and reversed the existing popular characters in the story. A series of incidents of 'Yiji Wushuang' aroused the topic. 】

  [Qianwumei: From my personal opinion, although Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji are disciples of Bayi Yonglin, I feel that their individual strength is definitely not weaker than Bayi Yonglin, and they may even be in the capital of the moon. Under the blessing of black technology, it is much stronger than Bayi Yonglin]

  Speaking of this, Xiaobu thought of an interesting thing, and couldn't help but share with you:

  [Sister Ganwu: Speaking of which, do you know?Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji are not only a pair of sisters, but also a pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law~~]

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: Wait, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? !Are the sisters already married? ! 】

  [Dianwumei: ... boss, what do you care about is the wife...]

  PS: By the way, do you know which novel the characters in this chapter are from?That novel is one of my favorite novels. I have read it dozens of times, and I still remember the emotion it brought. .

Chapter 118

  Saying it can be hard to believe.

  Although Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji's two-month-old princesses are a pair of sisters, on the other hand, they are the rare wife characters in the Touhou Project, and this pair of sisters are also a pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

  Specifically, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji are both disciples of Bayi Yonglin and distant relatives of Bayi Yonglin.Among them, Mianyue Fengji is the grandson-in-law of Bayi Yonglin's nephew, and Mianyue Yiji is the great-granddaughter-in-law of Bayi Yonglin's nephew. Under such a division of generations, Mianyue Fengji is not only Mianyue Yiji's relative Sister, and also Mianyue Yiji's mother-in-law.

  In the Japanese mythology corresponding to the Touhou Project, Toyohime's son (that is, Yiji's husband) was raised (and then overthrown) by Yiji, which in a sense can be said to be the 'Reverse Light Source's Project'.

  【Playboy: So it is】

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: Knowledge has increased]

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: strange knowledge has increased]

  [Si Kongjing: Is this the trouble of the longevity species?Generations are really messed up]

  [Sister Ganwu: It's alright.We Japanese are not as particular about family as you Chinese people, anyway, we call our uncles, uncles, uncles and uncles as "おじいさん"]

  Seeing that the topic in the group was crooked and went up to the Japanese family level, the anxious Kaguya couldn't help but get mad again.

  Poor Ling Xian, with a pair of big ears caught in her hands as if Kaguya was venting, she could only show the expression of wanting to cry without tears, and wanted to beg Kaguya for mercy, but found that Kaguya didn't care about her at all, and could only endure it silently. Kaguya's ravages.

  Fortunately, not all the people in the group had their heads off the hook after all. Just when Kaguya was thinking about how to bring the topic back, Sikong Xuan said:

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: By the way, I remembered it.I remember that He Chen is the male protagonist of a novel of the type of copywriter. I said, why does the name sound so familiar~~]

  [Neet Ji: The hero of the novel? 】

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: Well, yes.I liked that novel very much, and I read it many times, so I have some impressions.I remember that the male protagonist of that novel seemed to have a traverser system, and then promoted ACGN culture in a parallel world with little entertainment, and finally became famous and became the father of animation in that world]

  [Neet Ji: F*ck (a kind of plant), she is indeed a traverser, and she is a traverser with a system~! !Is this guy who exposed the old lady's Eternal Pavilion and Gensokyo? ! ! 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily essay: Hui Ye, what do you want to do?Don't mess around, I quite like the hero of that novel, so don't kill people directly]

  [Si Kongjing: Hi, like? 】

  [Playboy: Big boss think twice, homosexuality has no good results~! 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive manga: ...Go away, I just mean to appreciate it. If your brain is broken, I can help you wash it for free! 】

  [Neet Ji: Hey~~ How can my concubine have the time to pay attention to that human being?My concubine is in a state of fear now, I'm afraid that Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji's sisters will bulge and make my eyelids jump.]

  [Si Kongjing: Eyelids jumping?Which eye? 】

  [Neet Ji: Uh, right eye, what's wrong? 】

  [Sikong Jing: Leaping in the left eye, Leaping in the right eye... Kaguya, why don't you prepare your own coffin first? 】

  【Neet Ji: ... 】

  【Neet Ji: ? ! ! 】


  And while Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue were busy reinforcing the Hakurei Great Barrier, and Kaguya was busy moving rescue soldiers in the chat group, Japan outside Gensokyo, Yatsugatake between Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures. In the Zhongxin Plateau Quasi-National Park, the figures of two young girls quietly appeared in the sky above this place.

  One of the girls (woman?) has long lavender hair, tied into a ponytail with a yellow ribbon.The clothes on the body are white shirt-like clothes with half-sleeves and wide placket on the inside; outside wearing a red one-piece dress like a suspender skirt with a shoulder strap only on the right shoulder.The buttons are at the mid-seam position on the front, and there are 4 unfastened buttons below the knee, so the skirt part is like a slit skirt, and the legs are exposed.

  The other girl was dressed almost the same, except that the color was changed to blue, and the shoulder strap was on the left side.The difference is that the former holds a red-handled samurai sword, while she holds a folding fan; the former has a cold face, while the latter has a gentle smile.

  Their names are Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji.

  Open the small folding fan in his hand, and look around, looking around the sky, Mt. Fuji, Akaishi Mountains (the second highest peak in Japan), and Mt. Oku-Chichibu in the distance. The princess of the moon can be seen Feeling very comfortable.

  It's a pity that she didn't come here to see the scenery after traveling thousands of miles from the moon to the earth.

  "Yiji, have you sensed the so-called Gensokyo?"

  "No, it's probably the so-called Boli Great Barrier that blocks my perception."

  "Really? It's a pity..."

  After Mianyue Fengji said this, she took out a comic book from her pocket and said helplessly:

  "The location of Gensokyo is not stated in the manga or the set. It's the limit to find this place."

  "¨"Maybe we can wait here and wait, and there will always be a chance to find the traces of that Gensokyo!"

  "No! If we stay on the ground for too long, those pedantic guys in Moon City will definitely accuse us."

  "What should I do?"

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