When The Moon Calls

19 Who are you?!

"It's here...." Said a woman while touching the ground.

The youth was looking around with a frown, a four-eyed crow was flying above their heads, shouting from time to time.

The woman stood up and observed the forest intensely.

"What is it?" Asked the youth.

"I'm not sure...there is Dark Magic all over this place but, it isn't evil. I have never encountered such a thing before."

The youth turned around confused, "Dark Magic that isn't evil? Such a thing exist?"

The woman was just confused as the youth, "Apparently yes, what do you see?"

"I'm not sure..." Answered the youth after crouching down to pick up some earth from the ground.

"Here were humans but...."


"They are mixed with traces from some kind of animals....big, strong animals."

"That doesn't make any sense, there aren't any traces of sacrifices here." Said the woman.

"You are right there aren't but there are still traces of strong life force around."

The woman took out a cigarette from her jacket and lit it up, "How strong?"

"Very strong, unlike anything I have seen before. I can still see it lingering around." Said the youth while his eyes wandered around the forest.

"I don't like this at all, here is a power at work that we don't understand." Her voice had a trail of concern within.

"Right, but we can assume that they live inside Palmer Falls, I can find them if their life force is this strong, they should look different than regular humans."

"Right!" The woman's mood improved.

"Let us try to see where the traces lead us, if we reach a dead end we can search for them in the town, what do you think Aunt Susan?"

"We will do as you suggested."



School was over and Claudia was walking with Rachel through the little mall they had in Palmer Falls.

"I can't believe that we can awaken new powers, I wonder what kind of power I will get when I finally awaken." The red haired beauty was very intrigued by the possibility of awakening.

Claudia was slowly beginning to regret agreeing to go shopping with Rachel. Rachel had been talking almost non stop about the awakening.

She too desired to awaken herself and become stronger. Michael and Stacey seemed to be invincible after their awakening.

"Ah right Claudia what's going on between you and Ceddy?"

Claudia lost her balance for a moment, "What nonsense are you talking about?" Asked Claudia back, feeling embarrassed.

A cunning smile appeared on Rachel's lips, "Don't play the innocent, I can literally see a firework everytime you both are together. Everyone can tell, I first thought you had a thing for Michael but you went for Ceddy instead."

Claudia was speechless, listening to Rachel. Her heart made a skip when she thought about Ceddy.

'Is it really so obvious?'

"Dear have you forgotten that we are all emotionally connected?" Continued Rachel cheekilly.

Claudia couldn't stop herself from hitting Rachel's arm. They both laughed heartily.

"Do you want some ice?" Asked Rachel.

"No thanks I'm still full."

"Alright, I will be back in a minute." Rachel entered the cafe and went to the counter.

Claudia waited outside and leaned on the wall, watching the people walking past her.

It was then that she saw him, he was standing not far away looking at her wide eyed, she frowned but still walked up to him. His clothes and hair cut were different and there was something about him that irritated her.

'Why is he so excited?' Thought Claudia irritated.

"How come you are here?"


The youth was standing inside the mall and he looked bored around.

'What a small town they don't even have a Foot Locker here.'

He had earlier followed the traces from those animals deeper into the woods but they arrived at a dead end. With no other option he went back to Palmer Falls with his aunt. She was too tired and went to the motel to rest for a while.

The youth was too bored to stay at the motel and started to explore the town. He found later this mall were he was currently standing in.

The youth walked around and saw many people staring at him, especially the woman. He smiled, going with his hand through his hair. He was used to the attention and licked his lips with anticipation. He noticed that something was amiss, it was almost as if all the girls knew him, but that should be impossible. It was his first time staying in Palmer Falls after all.

He started looking around the stores, searching for a prey. It was then that his eyes showed him something incredible. Two top class beauties walking across the mall. He was so shocked when he saw them that he started to follow them without thinking.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The youth noticed them stopping in front of a cafe and the red haired beauty entered it while the other brown haired beauty waited outside for her.

He became more shocked the more he looked at her.

He could see the life force of every being ever since he was born. Normal people had normally only a little spark of life force it inside their bodies, witches like his aunt had 10 times the amount from normal humans. Their life force looked like a small flame burning.

But that girl, that girl not standing far from him, it looked like her whole body was being scorching with life force.

His mouth became watery looking at the gigantic amount of life force.

The girl suddenly turned to him and started to walk straight at him. He wasn't surprised at all, he knew exactly how strong his charm worked on others.

He became excited, just thinking about devouring her life force.

She stopped in front of him, "How come you are here?"


The youth became confused, he didn't expect that kind of question.

'How come I'm here? What the hell is this chick talking about?'

His mouth was filled with salvia just looking at all her life force, he needed to gulp multiple times before putting on an enchanting smile on his face

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean? Didn't you drive home after school? Did you go to the barber?"

The youth became even more confused. Before he could think of an answer the red haired beauty walked out of the cafe, holding ice cream in her hands. She looked around before finding them, she came over, "Hey there, wow Michael that's some change I say." Said the red haired beauty while eating her ice cream.


The confusion was clearly visible on his face and the red haired girl stopped eating her ice, grabbing the other girls arm, pulling her behind herself.

"You don't smell like Michael. Who are you?!"

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