When The Moon Calls

20 Fateful Meeting

Michael entered the car and James started the engine, "To the mansion Sir?"

Michael wanted to reply but stopped, he almost forgot about something that important.

"You can drive home James, I will head to the hospital."

Michael activated his power, starting to sink into his own shadow.

"Wha....t?" Said James shocked when he saw Michael disappear into his own shadow, vanishing from the car.

Anna Greyshaw was still lying in coma. She was alone inside her private room when the dark part of a corner shook. Michael stepped out of the shadows, appearing inside her room.

'This ability is quite convenient, it just drains too much power.'

Michael felt weaker after using this method to arrive inside the hospital almost instantly.

He took a deep breath and walked to the bed in which Anna Greyshaw rested. Michael observed her peaceful face for a moment. He took her hand and kissed her softly on the forehead, "Everything will be alright mum."

Four sharp fangs grew out of his mouth and he sank them into her arm. His eyes stayed normal after he transformed into his semi-wolf form, his eyes would only change when he transformed into his full werewolf form. It became like this after his awakening, Michael however wasn't bothered by it.

He took a step back and sighed in delight. He watched the wound on her arm heal rapidly.

'Just like I thought, every curse has a loophole, it prevents them from becoming a vampire but werewolf is alright.' Thought Michael happy.

Suddenly a sensation of being watched washed over him. He looked confused around, only to find a strange black crow standing on the half opened window ledge. It cried out before flapping it wings in panik, flying away. Michael felt for some reason uncomfortable and walked to the window, watching the crow fly down not far from the hospital.

'Are my eyes messing with me or did that crow have four eyes?'


A four-eyed crow landed on the shoulder of a woman outside the hospital and closed its eyes.

The moment the crow closed its eyes, the closed eyes from the woman snapped up in disbelief, "How is this possible? He looks exactly like..."

"Like who?" Asked a voice from her back.

A shiver went through her body and she turned around, seeing the same youth she saw erlier through the eyes of her familiar standing inside the shadow from the building behind her.

'How did he get here so fast?' Wondered the woman.

The youth stepped out from the shadow and spoke again, "Why did you spy on me?"

The woman's mind was a mess right now and she needed some time to sort out her thoughts.

"I felt a strong magical aura and grew curious who it belonged to. Now it's my turn to ask, who are you?"

The youths eyes narrowed, "Your answer doesn't satisfy me."

He vanished from the spot and she felt a strong grip on her throat before she could react.

"W...a..it." Panicked the woman.

"Wait for what?" Asked the youth clearly impatient.

He loosened the grip on her just enough for her to talk, "I'm your Aunt."

The youth looked at her like she was crazy, "What bullsh*t are you spouting? My aunt lives in Germany, I have had enough of you."

The woman felt her throat being pressed harder. She eyes widened, 'He wants to kill me!'

She lifted her hands, "Banish!" an invisible wave of magic came out of her hands and stuck the youth, sending him flying backwards.

He crashed against the building, leaving cracks on the wall. She rubbed her sore throat and watched in surprise how easily the youth stood up without any visible injuries.

She took out a stone from her jacket and aimed at him, the youth felt the air around him stir.

"You are a witch right?"

She was really angry right now, "Shut up, I told you I'm your Aunt!"

He looked at her thinking if she wasn't lying when his phone vibrated. He took it out and answered the call.

"Do you need something Rachel?.....Wait, what? You are talking too fast.....I'm at the hospital right now.....I can be there in 5 minutes.....alright calm down, I'm coming."

The youth ended the call and looked at the woman strangely, "Count yourself lucky, I need to go now." Said the youth while he turned around, walking away.

The woman became flustered , "Wait where are you going?"

He stopped his steps, "Meeting a friend there seems to be an emergency."

"What's your name? Where can I find you?"

The youth turned around, "You really think you are my aunt huh? I live at the Greyshaw Mansion."

He walked away after leaving behind those words.

"Greyshaw Mansion...." Whispered the woman determined.


Michael stood in front of the entrance to the mall, waiting for Rachel to come and explain to him what could be so important.


He turned around when he heard the shout from Rachel. He saw her together with Claudia and an unknown youth walking quickly to him.

His jaw almost hit the ground when he took a better look at the youth.

They arrived in front of him an Rachel started to talk excited, "Look who we found Michael, his name is Jonas and he looks exactly like you. Incredible right?"

Claudia head was turning from Michael to Jonas in wonder, 'If someone told me that they are twins, I would totally buy it."

Michael felt thunderstruck when he heard the name from the doppelganger in front of him.



Their eyes met and they felt an profound familiarity between each other. 'His eye!'

Michael's right eye was brown, his left eye was green, while Jonas right eye was green and his left eye brown.

Michael was just too familiar with that green eye, he smiled, "How have you been, Mad Bone?"

Jonas eyes bulged, only people from his past life called him Mad Bone, "Michael? You are Michael right?"

"Who else idiot?"

They gave each other a strong bearhug.

Both girls looked at them confused. Rachel snapped, "What's going on? You know each other?"

The twins turned to them, "Of course, how could I not recognize my own twin brother?" Said Michael.

Now it was Rachel's and Claudia's turn to be shocked.

"That's impossible, your mother only had you." Said Rachel confused.

Michael shook his head and smiled, "I'm adopted Rachel."

"Wow!" Rachel felt like her brain was about to explode by all the information.

"How do you know that you are adopted?" Asked Claudia

"My father told me a few days ago. Girls please excuse us there is so much I want to talk with my brother about."

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