Michael and Jonas walked through the streets of Palmer Falls, most people knew Michael and were flabbergasted when they saw the pair of twins.

"Where are we going?" Asked Jonas.

"It's past 6pm and Aiden's Bar should have opened, we need to celebrate our reunion, don't you think?" Laughed Michael while slapping Jonas back.

"Haha you know me well, let's drink until we collapse."

They headed to the south part of Palmer Falls and entered a bar.

The barkeeper was cleaning a jug when he noticed the two first customers of the day.

His eyes bulged in surprise, "Hello Sir, it's nice to have you here...who might be the young man beside you?"

"Haha hi Aiden, this is my twin brother Jonas, get us two of your strongest whiskey please." Said Michael.

"Of course Sir." Answered Aiden, turning around and entering the back room to get the liquor.

Both of them sat down and started talking.

"We were brothers in arms during our past life and now we are true blood brothers, haha fate is a strange thing." Laughed Michael.

Jonas laughed too, "Fate is certainly a strange thing. But is it alright to talk about it here?" Said Jonas while glancing in Aiden's direction.

"Don't worry Aiden is part of my pack."

"Your pack?" Wondered Jonas.

"Errr yes my pack? Don't you have one too?"

"....No, what are you talking about?"

"Huh? Aren't you a werewolf too?"

"No I'm not, you are a werewolf?"

"Wow that's a surprise we are twins but..." At that moment Michael remembered Goddess Lupa's words.

"Nevermind, what are you then? I can tell that you aren't human either."

"Hmm the sad truth is, I don't know what I am."

"What, how is that possible?" Asked Michael surprised.

Jonas laughed embarrassed, "I'm not like you who watched all those Supernatural TV Shows in the past."

Aiden arrived holding two old looking bottles in one hand and two glasses on the other, "Your whiskey Sir, brewed by my grandfather about 60 years ago." Said Aiden.

Michael nodded approvingly and poured Jonas and himself some of the whiskey inside their jugs.

"Can you do me a favor and close the bar for tonight? I want to enjoy my time with my brother."

"No problem Sir, should I leave you both alone?."

Michael thought about it for a moment and nodded, "Thank you Aiden, I will give you a call when we finish."

"So Jonas you know that I'm a Supernatural Expert, I watched almost everything, like Vampire Diaries, Bitten, Supernatural, Teen Wolf and Underworld. Tell me what are your powers?"

Jonas took a sip and felt the whiskey burn down his throat, "Ahhh good stuff, well where should I begin....I'm much stronger and faster than normal people. I can see the life force of living beings....and I feed of it. I need the life force of others or I start feeling weak and horny as hell."

Michael leaned back and took a sip himself, "Really good stuff ahhh, bro I know exactly what you are. There is no doubt that you are an Incubus." Said Michael with a smug smile on his face.

"And what the hell is an Incubus?" Asked Jonas annoyed.

"Hehe from what I know, Incubus are Demons. You need s*x to get the life force of others right?"

"You are right." Said Jonas surprised.

"Of course I'm, bro you are a hell of a lucky guy. You can do so much stuff, like bewitching others and making them do what you want."

"Huh? I can? I know that I'm attractive but not to the point where I can let others do what I want."

Michael shook his head and took another sip, "You idiot are wasting your potential. I can tell you straight that Incubus are linked with the devil himself, they are one of the rarest and oldest demons that exist." Explained Michael.

"Wow, who would have thought...."

"Yep, now it is my turn to ask, what happened to us? Why did we get separated after being reborn?"

Now it was Jonas who leaned back in the chair, "A long story, our mother was a rather powerful witch from the Northern Chaos Circle. How much do you know about the witches of this world?"

"Not much..."

"Alright, let me explain. When a witch gets pregnant, she would most likely bear a girl. The chance to bear a boy is almost nonexistent. I read that there was only one boy born in the last 800 years."

"Damn, that's harsh, why is that so?"

"Because boys end up becoming rather powerful warlocks. And even then there is a strange case. There exist a ancient text that mentions a boy being born undead."

Michael eyes widened, "Don't tell me that is..."

Jonas took another sip and nodded, "Yes, the first vampire was born, and his mother was without a doubt a witch. The probability of giving birth to a boy is so small and the probability that the boy isn't a warlock is even less." Explained Jonas while pouring himself more whisky.

Michael frowned he was deep in thought, "Then the both of us are the two in one million right?"

"Yes, and that is the reason why we got separated. Our mother got pregnant, something was went wrong during the pregnancy and she needed to visit a hospital. That's when everything went downhill. The vampires hunt down witches since a long time now and they got their hands on her information. A witch pregnant with male twins....you can imagine how it stirred up a worldwide hunt. The Sacrosanct Department Force hunted her down....My aunt only managed to get me and thought that they got you."

"Holy sh*t, one could make a movie of it....our mother?"

Jonas shook his head, "My aunt thinks that she is still alive...." Jonas shrugged.

"Right about our aunt, I think I met her earlier...and almost killed her."

"What why?"

"She was suspicious, spying on me and not giving me a good answer..."

"I understand, that's how we do things."

"Yeah, you know how it works."

Michael lifted his Jug and Jonas did the same, they drank the whisky in one gulp and breathed out satisfied.

"Really good stuff!"

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