When The Moon Calls

22 Future Plans

"So what are you gonna do now? I mean you have your own pack." Asked Jonas.

"You know me, we have spoken about it in the past...."

"Still the same huh?"


Jonas sighed, "You lunatic."

Michael took another sip, "See we are immortals now, and it's a interesting way to spent our time right?"

"We are immortals? Like really?" Wondered Jonas.

"Yes, immortal not undying. We can still be killed."

"Good point. So you want to stir up the powers of this world, do you know them?"

"The Sanguine Council and the Fallen." Answered Michael.

"Yes the two Vampire Powers and the three Great Witch Circles rule the world."

"Oh? I thought the Sanguine Council rules the world and the Fallen just resisting."

Jonas shook his head, "That's only on the surface. The Sanguine Council has its members spread all over the world but they still need the approval at some parts. Like here, Canada and USA are under the rule of the Northern Chaos Circle, the Dragonblood Circle rules Asia and the Cursed Fate Circle has its hand on most part of Africa."

Michael listened to Jonas explanation and fell into deep thought.

"But the Sanguine Council hunts witches, how come the three great circle allow them to do that?" Asked Michael slightly confused.

"I don't know, what I know is that they only hunt rouge witches that refuse to join the three great circles."

"And our mother?"

"She was a special case, male newborn means power and no one wanted the Northern Chaos Circle to get it."

"That means that all the other world powers hunted her down?"


"Well they failed miserably, we are still alive and kicking hahaha. What about you? Are you part of the Northern Chaos Circle?"

Jonas nodded, "One could say that, but I'm useless to them because I can't learn magic. They don't know about my powers. In their eyes I'm a only a pretty boy."

Michael laughed, "Hehe a bunch of imbecils, why don't you join me brother."

"Pffft, you are still asking? Of course I will, I'm sick of running sh*tty errands."

"Good what about our aunt?"

Jonas stared at him for a moment, "Oh right, haha I forgot. I will talk with her."

Suddenly Michael's phone vibrated, he picked it up, "Yes?....ah?....Are you telling me the truth?.....These are incredible news I will head there now."

Jonas looked at him questioning.

Michael put away his phone and explained, "My mother woke up from her coma."

"Ah that are good news."

"Yes I need to go there now, here this is my number give me a call later."

Jonas nodded and stood up.

Both of them left the bar, they gave each other a bearhug and went separate ways. Michael texted Aiden that they had finished.


It didn't took Jonas long to arrive at the motel. He headed to his room when the door suddenly opened, a woman with long dark blond hair wearing a shirt stared at him angrily, "Where the hell have you been? I called you dozens of times!"

Jonas smiled softly, "Sry Aunt Susan, I turned my phone off."

She put her hands on her waist, "And why did you do that?"

"Because I met my brother." Said Jonas relaxed.

Her soft green eyes shook, "You...what did you just say? You met him?"

"Yes Aunt Susan, I met him earlier and we spent some time at a bar to talking."

His aunt staggered backwards and fell on a chair, "I met him too at a hospital, he almost killed me."

"I know he told me, you are lucky to still be alive."

"You ungrateful brat! Right he is the one using Dark Magic, or something similar, I'm not entirely sure....I saw him through the eyes of my familiar...he isn't human."

"I know, he is a werewolf." Said Jonas while closing the door and sitting down on the bed.

"You know? And what is a werewolf?"

"I know because he told me. A werewolf...they are humans that can transform into beast like beings. They are very powerful."

"I saw it...why can he use Dark Magic?"

"I don't know."

Susan felt exhausted, "We need to take him back to the Circle."

A dangerous glint flashed through his eyes, "You can forget it, he will not go anywhere."

Susan glanced at Jonas for a moment, "He doesn't have the right to decide. He is Amelia's son, that makes him part of the Northern Chaos Circle."

Jonas shook his head in disapproval, "Aunt Susan it's better if you stop thinking like that. He isn't part of any power and won't join anyone. If you try to force him.....only death awaits."

Her eyes widened, "What are you talking about? On which side are you?"

Jonas smiled faintly, "On my brothers side of course, I will stay here with him."

Susan stood up, "Are you out of your mind? Did he do something to you?"

Jonas only shook his head, "I wanted to leave the circle anyway, why not stay here with my brother. No one ever asked me if I wanted to part of the circle, I never did the ritual so I'm not a member."

"Because you can't use magic."

"Yes I can't use magic so what's the big deal of me not going back anymore? I don't belong there."

Susan was speechless, she never expected her nephew to think like that. Yes he was only a pretty boy and a lazy one at that but, he was still part of the family.

Jonas continued to speak, "It's not like I will disappear, I will life anormal life and go to school like a normal human. Don't think that I don't know what the Circle Elders think about me, in their eyes I'm a failure."

Susan felt hurt. She knew that everything he said was true. He was born without the ability to use magic. His body was like any other ordinary human. He could only see the life force of living beings and that was in most cases pretty useless, even a magic novice could kill him without problem. Everyone was secretly sneering at him behind his back. Still she felt bad letting him go.

"I need to report it to the Elders."

"Alright, and don't mention my brother. I know how greedy they are and they think they own him. If they try to bring him away....there would be a bloodbath, I know you don't believe me but that's only because you don't know how savage werewolves are. Trust me Aunt Susan, please.

She stared at her nephew for some time before slowly nodding.

"Thank you Aunt Susan."

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