Michael stood beside Anna Greyshaw who was surrounded by a group of doctors.

"How are you feeling mum?" Asked Michael softly.

Anna had lost some weight over the time she was in a coma and her face looked a lot thinner than in the past.

He knew that she was completely healed and only needed some time to recover, however it still hurt him seeing her like this.

She looked over to Michael who held her hand and smiled sweetly, "You don't need to worry honey, I'm fine."

Michael looked over to the bunch of doctors that were furiously discussing her condition. They checked her after she woke up and found that her evil brain cancer had mysteriously vanished.

It was a miracle.

Her data looked fine and she should recover after a few days resting.

They couldn't explain how the brain cancer was cured and was discussing the possible explanations.

Anna's smile looked somewhat stressed and she asked them to leave her some privacy with her son.

The doctors agreed and left them both alone in the room.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Michael nodded and sat on a chair beside her, "You collapsed last week and were in a coma until today. They found out that you had evil brain cancer...It is a miracle that you are cured."

Anna listened to him and her mood improved when she heard that she was cured.

"Father was here."

Anna's eyebrows arched up, "Oh? He really came?"

"Yes, he did. He told me about our Family Curse."

Anna stared shocked at Michael and she felt her heart tightening, "That means you know..."

"That I'm adopted? Yes, I know, and I don't care you will forever be my mother." He leaned over and hugged her.

Tears came out of Anna's eyes and she hugged him back, "You will always be my one and only honey..."

They kept hugging each other for minutes before separating. She wiped her tears away and smiled sweetly.

Michael took a deep breath and prepared himself to tell her about Jonas. It was still too early to tell her that she was a werewolf now, he still had time until the next full moon to think of a good explanation.

"Mum there is something else, today I met my twin brother, my biological brother."

That sentence left her staring blankly at him, "What? How is that possible?"

Michael shrugged, "He came with his aunt to Palmer Falls and we met each other earlier. He wants to stay here to live with us what do you think about it?"

Anna didn't know what to say she felt her emotions becoming chaotic.

"And your biological mother...?" She asked carefully.

Michael shook his head, "She died when we were born."

"Oh." She was relieved and was ashamed of herself because of her happy feelings.

"I have no problem with him living with us, but I still need to tell your father about it."

"Yeah, I know."

They continued talking for an hour before Michael stood up, kissing her softly on her forehead and saying his goodbye. He promised to come every day to visit her in the hospital before walking outside where James waited for him to drive him back home.

Michael ate alone the dinner that Rosa made. He quickly finished and went to his room.

He sat down on his bed, leaving all the lights off. He felt the darkness caressing him. He enjoyed the feeling and noticed his connection deepening.

He lied down with half-closed eyes, relaxing his body and embracing that feeling.

Michael felt faint presences appear around him. They were somehow connected to him. Some of them stronger, some others weaker.

His instincts were telling him that those were the people that he had turned into werewolves and those who were turned by others into werewolves. They all shared the same origin, him.

It was a mystical experience and he noticed how more and more shadows appearing around him. He could only sense them faintly in the beginning. They began becoming clearer with the time passing, they started to give off unique auras. He recognized Stacey first, then Chris, Leroy, Rachel, Laura, and all the others.

There were some he wasn't familiar with and he guessed that they should be the German pack members.

His thoughts started to drive even deeper into the darkness until he saw a full moon shining brightly above the darkness. It's rays shone down on him and he felt his mind relax. It was a great feeling.

Michael was abruptly brought back by the vibrations from his phone.

He cursed inside and picked it up annoyingly.

Michael only realized that it was a video call when he looked at the display. An unknown youth was sitting on a gamer chair wearing a hoodie.

"Hello? Is the Alpha there?"

Michael was surprised and turned the lights on.

The youth finally saw him and smiled, "Hi Alpha it is an honor to meet you."

Michael was slightly irritated, "Who the hell are you and where did you get my number from?"

"Ah yes, how stupid of me, everyone calls me Spider, I'm part of Unknown. I was lucky enough to become a werewolf today."

Michael frowned, "You are one of Odette's people?"

The youth nodded excited, "Bing, bing, you got it right haha, I'm your contact person for the American continent."

"Oh? Not bad." His eyes narrowed with an excited glint flashing through them.

"Hehe yes, yes I'm the best man here hehe." Said Spider with his happy attitude.

Michael rolled his eyes, 'Oh god....'

Spider leaned forward, taking a better look at Michael, "Wow I didn't notice it at first but you have a beautiful pair of eyes, haha I bet you are quite popular with the girls haha. Anyway, do you have any questions?"

Michael suppressed the urge to ask for his location to travel there to strangle this clown.

"Yeah I have one, how much does your group know about the three Great Witch Circles?"

Spider's, happy expression vanished the moment Michael asked. His eyes became sharp and he observed Michael silently, "I didn't expect you to know about the three Great Witch Circles."

Michael stared at him blankly, waiting for his answer.

"Fine, well we have some information on the Northern Chaos Circle and the Dragonblood Circle."

Michael was positively surprised, "What about the Cursed Fate Circle?"

Spider stayed silent for a minute, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Asked Michael in disbelief.

"Yeah nothing, they are.....too old.....and too scary."

The way Spider said it made Michael wonder.

"Alright, I understand, it's still too early for that, can you help the German pack?"

"No, that is the role of Hawk he is the one to call for that region. Don't worry he is already on it. And they need all the help they can get."


"Because the Sanguine Council HQ is in Germany."


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