When The Moon Calls

2 Michael Greyshaw

Michael woke up feeling....strange....something had changed. He recalled his strange dream and tried to look around but, his head didn't follow his command.

'What the hell is going on?' He wanted to speak but only some strange noises escaped from his mouth. His view was blurred, almost black. Feeling irritated he started to cry out loud.


It hit him like a lightning bolt. 'Don't tell me I turned into a f*cking baby!?' His thoughts were chaotic and he had more and more questions.

Suddenly he felt himself being lifted up and heard a soothing voice speaking.

"Oh my poor child, how could your parents leave you here like this?"

Michael stopped crying and his eyes searched for the origin of the voice. His view was still very bad but, he could still recognize the rough outline of a nun.

'I was left behind by my parents? Bruh, how cold!'


A few months passed and Michael was adopted by the couple Anna and Richard Greyshaw.

His name changed into Michael Greyshaw.


Two weeks ago Michael became 7 years old and today was a special day.

It was full moon.

This was the first time he transformed into a silver furred werewolf.

It was the most painful event in his two lives, even the torture from the Taliban was a joke compared to the transformation into a werewolf.

Every bone inside his body broke and changed, but the worst part was his face, it was such a painful experience was when his teeth started to grow and change, it was a nightmare, filled with pain.


Michael was 17 now and today was the last day of the summer vacation. He spent the last two weeks with his pack. Yes his pack, he turned over the course of 17 years several people into werewolves.

One of them was his best friend Christopher Norwish, he turned him when they were 12 years old. Another was Stacey Adams and the last was Leroy Saints.

Chris (Christopher) turned accidently his girlfriend Rachel McCullen into a werewolf while they had their first time.

They spent their summer vacation in Greenwater Lake, they stayed at the hut that was owned by Michael's parents. It wasn't far away from Palmer Falls. Palmer Falls was a town surrounded by a great forest with only 20k residents living there.

Michael was lucky, he was adopted by the rich Greyshaw's. He didn't look nothing like in his past life. He was 1.84 meters tall and had a handsome face with a sharp jaw that made him look especially manly. His left eye was bright green colored and his right eye was dark brown. His body was well built thanks to being born as a werwolf and never skipping his daily training routine. He had middle long dark blond hair.

Michael was currently playing with his hair in front of the mirror.

Chris peaked at him from the outside of the bathroom and shook his head, "Dude, I will never understand why you love your hair so much."

Michael didn't bother to turn around and continued to play with his hair, secretly sneering inside his mind.

'What do you know? I finally understand why all those pretty white boys, put their hair style as priority number one back on Earth. D*mn I love my hair!'

"Are they still hunting?" Asked Michael while admiring his reflection in the mirror.

Chris sighed in defeat, "Yes, I already told them that our parents are arriving at 9 pm to pick us up."

Mchael nodded and took his phone out of his pocket to check the time. 'Still 3 hours left....'

He turned around and patted Chris broad shoulder, "We should pick them up, just to make sure we don't mess up."


They started to take off their clothes apart from their elastic undershorts. Both of them stepped outside of the hut and focused their senses to hear if someone was near.

"No one in the vicinity."

Michael nodded silently and closed his eyes.


Cracking sounds could be heard, coming from their bodies. They started to transform, hair started to grow all over their bodies. Their fingernails turned black and grew bigger and sharper. They gnashed their teeth in pain and both of them started to breath faster.

Michael fur turned silver and Chris was deep brown. Their bodies grew taller by a great deal and furry tails started to grow out from the hole in their undershorts. The whole transformation lasted only for 20 seconds. In the end two over 2 meters tall beast like creatures with wolf like heads departed into the woods.

Both of them ran through the forest with a speed of 80 kmh. They could go faster but, didn't dare to. One unlucky moment and they could smash into a tree, it happened in the past and it hurt like hell. They picked up the scent from the other 3 and followed them deeper into the woods.

Michael growled annoyed, they were already running for more than 10 minutes and still didn't catch up to the others.

They jumped over a fallen tree with an unheard of agility and rushed into a more dense part of the forest inside Greenwater Lake.

They finally arrived silently beside three other werewolves that were observing a deer eating grass.

Michael pointed at his wrist, letting them know that they had no time left.

The three looked at each other, rolling their golden eyes in dissatisfaction.

Leroy who was the only black werewolf in the pack shook his head and pointed at the clueless deer, showing that he wanted to hunt it. Rachel whose fur was more red than brown nodded in a cocky way, signaling that she stood behind Leroy, even the quiet and obedient Stacey whose fur was deep grey, stood behind Leroy.


Michael snapped and roared deeply out with dominance, making them all shudder and bow their heads down.

The planned prey and all the other animals in the area took off, their instincts screaming that they need to run as fast and far as they could.

Leroy felt like crying, watching the prey escaping.

Michael stood up on his hind legs, towering over the four werewolves like a king. He had pitch black eyes, his pupils were black too but were surrounded by bright lunar ring[1] , his eyes seemed to pierce right through one's soul. The rest of them had the same black eyes, but a golden ring around their black pupils.

'Bunch of puberty controlled brats! I'm the d*mn Alpha here. If I say we go back because we don't have enough time then do as I f*cking say!' Thought Michael while staring down at them.

They couldn't hear his thoughts but his expression and the magical emotional link between them was enough to let them all know what he meant.

Observing their submissive stances, Michael let it go and growled short and deep before starting to run on all four. The first to follow him was Stacey, she was mostly very obedient, it was rare that she didn't listen to Michael. The hunt was the most exciting part of being a werewolf and it took the better of her this time. Chris and Leroy followed after a moment. Only Rachel, growled annoyed before following them.

Michael, Chris and Leroy started to transform back into their human forms, Stacy and Rachel walked behind the hut in the meantime, were the boys couldn't see them.

The time to transform back into their human form was swift and faster than reversed.

The girls walked out from behind the hut, wearing sport bras and tight, elastic underwear.

Rachel took the lead and walked to the bare chested Michael before pushing him.

"What is your problem? It took me the whole afternoon to find that deer and we had enough time to hunt it!"


[1] www.deviantart.com/jaygraphixx/art/Legion-726682030 <---- eyes like this.

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