When The Moon Calls

3 Another Earth

Rachel's ocean blue eyes were almost spitting fire, she was really pissed off.

Michael was stunned for a second before growing angry, the rage was starting to flood his mind and he was about to grab the smaller Rachel by the neck and lift her up.

He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, cooling his rage down.

This was one of his downsides of being a werewolf, their emotions were many times stronger than normal humans.

Stacey and Leroy stared wide eyed at Rachel, Chris actually started to sweat with worry.

Michael opened his and gave Chris a harsh, meaningful look, turning around and entering the hut.

His voice echoed out from the hut, "I don't care if she is a 3 weeks old newborn, put a leash on her temper Christopher, or I will do it!" His harsh, commanding voice didn't let any room of disobency.

Leroy and Stacey exchanged a surprised look and gulped down.

"What did you just say? Do you think because you are the first werewolf, it gives you the right to order us around?" Rachel's anger reached its peak and she started to storm in the direction of the hut.

Chris finally sprang into action and held her back, "Calm down honey! You need to calm down!"

"Shut up Chris, why are you even listening to him? Are you his slave?" Rachel was struggling to get out of Chris hold.

"I SAID, CALM DOWN FOR F*CKS SAKE!" Shouted Chris while his hazel brown pupils turned completely black with a golden ring around them.

Rachel was surprised at his reaction, he had never shouted at her. She calmed down a bit and noticed that Stacey and Leroy were staring at her with threatening black eyes and the same golden ring around their pupils like Chris, ready to pounce at her any moment.

A cold shiver ran down her spine and she realized that she had said something stupid.

Michael was currently putting some clothes on and didn't need to use his supernatural hearing abilities to hear the commotion. He sighed and put his hand on his forehead, 'What a mess!'

Rachel was a 3 weeks old newborn werewolf and still hasn't realized fully the rules of the pack.

She was accidentally bitten by Chris while they made the first time love. Chris became too wild and excited and he instinctively bite her to mark his girlfriend. She still hasn't figure out how to control her wild side and her hot temper bursted out often.

Everyone calmed down and packed their things, waiting for the parents to arrive.

After 20 minutes waiting three cars finally arrived at the hut and Michael's, Chris and Stacey's parents signaled them to hop in. They said goodbye to each other and drove back to Palmer Falls.

Michael was sitting on the backside of the car, observing the sun setting from his window. His mother Anna Greyshaw turned around, "Honey how was your time?" Asked she sweetly.

Michael glanced at his adoptive mother, "It was really fun, we had a good time together. Thank you for letting us stay in Greenwater Lake mum."

His mother smiled lovingly and nodded.

He turned back to the window, observing the sun setting. He fell into deep thoughts thinking about this world.

Humanity isn't the ruling race on this Earth, the ruling race are the vampires. It was strange, from little on most human would strife to become vampires. It was the highest honor to become a vampire. He didn't count how often his parents told him to become successful so he can become a vampire and be an immortal being.

As long humans have a great talent in research or became filthy rich, they had a great chance to be turned into a vampire. From the outwards the world was the same as the one in his past life, same shape and same countries, but the vampires stood supreme over humanity for as long humans knew.

He asked his mother once about werewolves but she had never heard of them. He was hoping that he was the first of his kind. Michael became smug, thinking about it. Michael Greyshaw, the Progenitor of a new race on Earth.

He still hadn't met any vampire so far but, he wouldn't be surprised if werewolves turned out to be the natural enemies of the vampires.

They arrived in front of the big Greyshaw Mansion. Michael took his stuff and entered the mansion, heading to his room.

His mother asked him if he was hungry and Michael shook his head.

He put his stuff on the ground and went to his bed.

The next morning greeted him his alarm on his mobile. He stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get himself ready.

His mother was already waiting for him. Their maid Rosa had prepared a great breakfast for them.

Michael sat on the table and turned to Rosa, "Thank you for the hard work Rosa."

The middle aged latina Rosa smiled at his compliment.

His mother started to eat and praised Rosa's cooking skill.

Rosa was one of four maids that worked in the mansion.

His mother drove him afterwards to his High School, giving him a kiss on his forehead before he could escape her clutches.

Chris and Leroy were already waiting for him in front of the school gates.

Michael greeted them with a bear hug.

"Summer break is over...." Lamented Leroy.

Chris put his arms on both Leroy's and Michael's shoulders and cheered them up, "Come on guys, don't put on those long faces, we are now 11th graders hehe."

Leroy shook his head in defeat, "You are only that happy because you have Rachel!"

"Hehe!" Chris didn't deny it at all.

"How is she? Did you explain it to her clearly?" Asked Michael.

Chris happy mood vanished and he looked down, "We spoke for hours and I think she gets it."

Michael sighed, "I hope so...."

The trio entered the school when the bell rang and went inside the classroom.

Their teacher Mr. Simmons was already waiting for them. Stacey and Rachel came a bit late but still within the time. They greeted each other and sat down.

Suddenly an unknown girl entered the classroom. She was a bit nervous and stood beside Mr. Simmons.

Everyone in the class observed with interest.

"Listen up everyone, this is Claudia Díaz. She moved here from Atlanta and is new, be nice to her."

Just like everyone in the class was observing her, Claudia was watching them.

When her eyes fell on a good looking boy with his broad shoulders and spiky brown hair, she felt a blazing gaze directed at her from the girl sitting beside the boy. That girl had long red hair and a pair of blue eyes. Her blazing gaze told Claudia that the boy with brown hair should be her boyfriend or at least her target. She then saw a black boy sitting beside the one with brown spiky hair. He looked good too and his shirt couldn't hide his well trained arms and chest. Claudia was the most surprised by the boy in the middle. His eyes had different colors and he looked exceptionally handsome. The three boys were a cut above all the others boys she had seen so far.

When her eyes met the gaze from the boy with different eye colors she felt her hair stand up.

It was like she was hit by an electric strike. Her heart started to beat faster. It wasn't love but she felt that something about this boy wasn't normal.

When the boy suddenly smiled at her she couldn't help but look away, she stared at him way too long.

She started to walk down the classroom and sat down on an empty desk.

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