The two of them were very close.

"Not a bad attack, but a little too childish, and the eyesight is not very good..." Kuzan leaned down and climbed onto Em's shoulders, looking very intimate. If it weren't for the spreading ice, the two of them would be like good friends who have known each other for generations.

Em rolled away from Kuzan's embrace, touched his shoulder, and felt the biting cold from his fingertips. Then he put the black knife on his shoulder, and the black flames surged out of the black knife, burning on the ice. The ice slowly melted, wetting Em's clothes, and he looked very embarrassed.

He twisted his shoulders with great effort and said, "So strong... But I'm not dead yet, you can't step over my body yet."

Kuzan smiled contemptuously and stepped on the ground: "Ice Age..."

Ice burst out from under his feet and spread towards Em and Robin. Em's face changed, and he appeared behind Robin in an instant, picked him up by the waist, and jumped onto the tree in one step, looking at the large piece of land covered with ice with a serious look.

Em gently put Robin on the tree, the black flame on the knife burned Robin's frozen feet, deliberately pretended to be relaxed, and said, "Go and inform Luffy and the others, let them run, I'll be the last one, and I'll catch up with you soon, you'll affect me here." Then he stroked Robin's soft black hair and smiled.

Robin looked at Em with a complicated expression, nodded slightly, stood up and ran towards Luffy and the others.

Seeing that Kuzan did not stop him, Em reached out and stroked his hair. His black hair turned white as he moved. He jumped down from the tree like diving, and landed steadily on the ice with a somersault. The surging black flames ignited around him, burning a small space on the ice.

"Pirates are so loyal and righteous. You really make me feel like I'm seeing the era of Roger and Rocks. You are too dangerous. I will arrest you all today." Kuzan's mouth was filled with white air. There was no joy or anger in his tone. He was still so lazy, but the indifference in his words could be clearly felt.

Em twisted his neck, making a crisp "squeak" sound. He held the black knife in front of him with both hands. The black flames spread from the black knife to his body, as if he had turned into a fire man. He said, "I am not loyal, but I don't want to go against my own will. If Sister Robin looks ugly, I will definitely not care. Do you believe it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black flame burned a long track on the ice. Em appeared in the air and faced Kuzan face to face. His excited expression made Kuzan frown.

"Breathing of the Sun, Ten Form, Brilliant Grace!"

"Breathing of Flame, Four Form, Flame Whirlpool!"

Two different swordsmanship techniques were performed by Em, and the black flames on the black knife burst out, even covering his own figure. Kuzan raised his arms horizontally, spread his five fingers, and whispered: "Ice Shield..."

A thick shield made of ice blocked the surging black flames. The black flames burned on it, but the speed at which the ice shield became thinner was hard to see, which made people inevitably feel a little desperate.

Em stepped on the air, the white hair turned blood red, and the exposed arms showed the lines of moonlight. He twisted his body in the air, knelt on one knee on the ice, stretched out his other leg and kicked hard, and swung the black knife in his hand towards Kuzan's legs.

"Breath of the Moon, Nine Forms, Moonfall. Lianmian!"

The surging crescent moon blade changed Kuzan's expression, and a solemn expression appeared on his face for the first time. He stepped hard on the ice, and saw the ice spreading upwards and wrapped around his legs. The lower half of his body turned into an icicle, and the crescent moon blade slashed on it, making a sound of golden swords clashing.

The black flame and the crescent moon blade gathered together and collided violently with the freezing ice. In the end, they slowly dissipated in the air due to lack of strength, and the ice felt like it was only a few layers less, which made the panting Em a little desperate.

"How can a pirate of this strength be so unknown on the sea? But since I met you today, you will die as an unknown pirate..." Kuzan slowly raised one hand, and the cold air kept flowing on it, and then he waved it at Em.

Em gritted his teeth, blood flowed from his mouth, and he was still half-kneeling on the ground. He raised the black knife upwards to block the cold air. Several pieces of ice condensed on the black knife. Then he supported himself with one hand, did several somersaults in a row to avoid the cold air, and landed on the edge of the ice, panting.

Heavy breathing.

Kuzan waved his hand casually, and the ice shield and the ice covering his body shattered into powder, then he slowly stepped forward, and every step made Em's heart beat faster.

"Your strength is really commendable, but I don't know whether it is her luck or misfortune that Robin met you. Block my three more moves and I will let you go." Kuzan changed his previous statement, and no one knew why. Then a cold air surged out of his body, like an ice demon descending to the world, and then he raised his hands flat with five fingers open, and shouted coldly: "Ice ball!"

A column of cold air gushed out from his hands and shot towards Em.

Em took a deep breath, and then the air he slowly exhaled turned into black flames. There seemed to be black flames burning in his pupils. The ice on the knife was swallowed by the black flames gushing out of the knife. His white and red hair moved without wind, and he whispered softly: "Ye Ye Jian, 100% increase."

"Oh!" With Yue Ye Jian's reply, a vacuum circle appeared around Em, and the black flames burned and rotated at the edge of the circle, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The whole person was shrouded in the black flames, and the cold air gushing out was involved in it.

Then Em's fingers moved slightly, and he tightly grasped the black knife. All the black flames around him were sucked into the knife. He smiled and said: "Then you must keep your word, the first move..." Then he stepped on the ice and broke it, like a cannonball, shooting at Kuzan, his red eyes were clear and transparent.

"Freezing moment!" Kuzan's lazy eyes disappeared, replaced by full of excitement. He opened his arms as if he was defenseless and waited for Em's attack. The cold air around him gushed out and rushed towards Em like a slashing sky and earth.

"Breath of the moon, the shape of the 14th, fierce change. The sky is full of thin moon!"

Countless crescent-shaped blade winds collided with the cold air, and the blade winds were frozen by the cold air. Fortunately, there were blade winds that kept moving forward.

"Second move!" Em fell from the air and vomited a mouthful of blood, but the corners of his mouth pulled up an arc and said with a smile. He wiped his mouth casually, and the blood and smile matched together, which seemed a bit tragic.

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