The sea is full of people, and the sea is full of people.

"As expected, you can meet all kinds of guys on the sea. This is the first time I have met a guy who can still be like this after eating that fruit. Boy, you are very good. Don't worry, I will let you go as long as you hold on for the last move." Kuzan looked at the cold air and the blade wind offsetting each other, and the smiling Em, and the excitement in his eyes became more intense. Then he raised one arm and wrapped it with ice: "Ice. Pheasant's mouth!"

One after another, ice birds emerged from his arms, fluttering their wings quickly, and shot towards Em like lightning.

Em swallowed the blood in his throat fiercely, tightly grasped the black knife, opened his mouth wide and filled the cold air into his lungs, then raised the black knife above his head and smashed it down like a hammer.

"Breath of the Moon, Form 16, Moon Rainbow. Arc Moon!"

As he swung, giant blade winds fell from the sky one after another and smashed into the body of the ice bird. The full moon blade smashed it hard, but Em was really exhausted and swung a little less force. Two scattered ice birds rushed in front of him through the blade wind. He raised the knife to hold one of them, but the other one just smashed into his body. Em slowly began to freeze, maintaining the posture of holding the knife, and the cold ice covered his face. Even so, there was no fear on his face, just a little regret.

Kuzan slowly moved in front of Em, looked at Em's ice sculpture with a complicated look, and then slowly raised his leg to kick it to pieces.

"Rubber. Rocket!" Luffy, who was covered in injuries, rushed to Em's side in an instant, hugged him, and blocked Kuzan's kick with his body, freezing instantly.

"Three Swords. Demon Slash!"

"Mutton Shoot!"

Zoro and Sanji appeared on the left and right sides of Kuzan, attacking him mercilessly.

Kuzan grabbed Sanji's ankle with his left hand and Zoro's elbow with his right hand, spun his body to both sides, and the two fell to the ground, their ankles and elbows were frozen.

Then his kick continued to go to Em's ice sculpture. Usopp was really yyds. At the critical moment, he took Em's ice sculpture from Luffy's hand and slid to throw it to Chopper.

Chopper turned into a strong man and used his body as a cushion to steadily take Em's ice sculpture, gritting his teeth and rushing towards the Merry.

Robin crossed her hands, stretched out her palm from the ground and firmly grasped Kuzan's ankle. Nami jumped into the air, and the weather stick in her hand shot lightning towards Kuzan's body.

Kuzan waved his hand casually, and the cold air swallowed the lightning. Then he stroked the back of his neck with his hand and said helplessly: "Ahhh... I seem to be too excited. I agreed to three moves. Since that guy took it, he should keep his promise." After that, he walked into the room under the eyes of everyone, pushed out a bicycle and swayed towards the sea.

As he moved, a thin ice line appeared on the sea, just enough for the bicycle to travel, and it gradually went away...

Everyone looked at Kuzan's figure in the distance with vigilance, until they could no longer see him, they breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed towards the Merry in a panic.


Em, who looked weak, curled up in bed, wrapped in a small quilt and drinking coffee, looking at Yue Yejian with a look of disgust, he was really helpless.

"Xiao Jianjian, what do you mean by looking at me like that?"

"Look at the Warriors, a rookie challenging the top fighters, can I interview you about what you think?"

Em sipped his coffee, the warm gas spread in his body, finally relieving the coldness in his body a little, and then he said: "I didn't have any thoughts at the time, Sister Robin was so scared, if I didn't go, would I just watch him take Sister Robin away?"

"...I suspect you are an LSP." Yue Yejian snapped his fingers, instantly changed into Robin's clothes, and imitated Robin's voice and said "Thank you~ Em, how about I give myself to you..."

Em turned his head and looked, the anger in his chest burst out, more effective than coffee, and said viciously: "Don't use my face to wear Sister Robin's clothes, and say such disgusting things!"

"... Sorry, I'm not very experienced yet, I forgot to change my face, but you have breasts, will you tolerate it?"

"I'll tolerate it..."

"You're so hard to please..." Yue Yejian snapped his fingers again, and returned to his original state, and then said: "You have also seen the strength of the general. That guy basically didn't use himself except for the last blow.

's strength, just teasing you like a child can beat you like this, even so, do you still want to go to the top war? "

Em was silent for a while, holding the coffee cup, then put the coffee cup on the bedside table, and said: "If I am one level stronger, I should be qualified to participate if I can open 200% amplification..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you know nothing about the strength of those monsters, unless your Armament Haki and Observation Haki are firmly on the third level, plus 400% amplification, you can have a 40% chance of winning against that guy just now. According to your memory, Akainu Sakaski is one point stronger than that guy." Yue Yejian spread his hands and said jokingly.

"It's okay, let's take it one step at a time. Who knows what changes will happen because of my joining..." Em shook his head, pulled the quilt away, and twisted his body: "It seems that consciousness can return. I know you are so excited, so don't pretend to keep persuading me. "

The teasing smile on Yue Ye Jian's face became more obvious: "You have discovered this. If you don't participate in this world-shaking event, you will regret it for the rest of your life..."

Em scratched his head helplessly, sighed and said: "You are just afraid of chaos in the world..."

"Hahaha, shouldn't this be? I just didn't expect that the Nika Fruit of this generation would be eaten by a pirate. It's really an interesting era. "

"I don't know what you think... Forget it, I have to go back and reassure those guys next time I talk, otherwise what if they think I'm dead. "Em waved his hand, leaving Yue Ye Jian alone in the room.


Em slowly opened his eyes and looked at a group of guys watching him. Nami was relieved to see that he woke up, and then a slap on Em's head: "You are not allowed to do this again in the future, you must tell us if there is anything! If it weren't for Sister Robin to notify us, you would be dead! "

The slap that was more intimidating than destructive made Em a little embarrassed, and then she heard Robin's gentle voice: "Em... Thank you."

... Sister Robin, did you miss a word? I can do it, don't pity me!

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