When You Are Mine

Chapter 155 - A Different Jake

Jake was excited as he continued driving, he kept stealing glances at Jade who was scrolling through her phone.

His brows furrowed when she dropped her phone and slowly rubbed on the wrist Cale had grabbed earlier.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, his eyes fixed on the road. Jade glanced at him before answering him, "Just a bit"

"Hmm" was all he said as he continued driving. Jade was surprised when the car slowly came to a stop. She turned towards him to say something but he says, "Hold on, I'll be back. Want to get something" before stepping out of the car.

Jade narrowed her eyes as she nodded and watched him leave, her eyes following him till he walked into a pharmacy shop which she had not noticed earlier. She furrowed her brows more as she kept her eyes on him.

'What's he buying?' She asked herself. She looked down at her wrist, and she suddenly had the feeling that what ever Jake had gone to buy definitely for her.

Soon Jake came back and hopped into the car. "Give me your hand" Jake said as she stretched his hand to her.

Jade's eyes shot up as she looked at him with confusion written all over face. Jake noticed her confused look and he pointed at her slightly bruised hand, "Give me your hand" He said again.

Jade slowly stretched her hand to him while Jake brought out a small tube from the pharmacy bag, and started applying it on her hand. He applied it gently, moving his hand in circular motions.

"It's going hurt a little, but it will make your hand heal faster" Jake said while Jade nodded. Jade reflexively moved her hand when the ointment began to sting her hand.

Her eyes widened in shock when Jake pulled her hand closer to his mouth and he started to blow on it.

She was dazed and her heart was slowly increasing its pace at Jake continued to blow on her hand. She felt a sudden swell in her heart, there was some kind of feeling that was brewing on her inside, a feeling she couldn't understand..

Her eyes were glued to the guy who was slowly blowing on her hand like that was all he cared about. Looking at Jake from such close proximity, Jade couldn't help but appreciate his facial features. Though there was quite a few stubble which were not there the last time she saw him, the guy still handsome.

Jake was not just handsome but drop dead gorgeous. He'll make those male models and actors look like mere mortals if they stood before him. His perfectly carved jaw line, his chin, finely pointed nose, his brown hazel eyes...and his slightly pink lips were all too breathtaking. Jade suddenly seized her breath when Jake looked her up, her heart almost stopping at the same time.

"Errm..." She cleared her throat with her eyes wandering around but didn't dare to look at Jake. She really wished her cheeks were not flushed right now.

"Uhm..Thank you" She said as she slowly pulled her hand away. Her heart was still racing like hell.

God! I can't believe I was drooling over him. Jade was mortified by her shameless action. What the hell!

Jake was her friend, who well...was very handsome, but hell, she shouldn't ogle at him like that. What if he gets the wrong message?

'Jade Peterson" She face palmed in her mind. But she still couldn't get the feeling she had minutes ago out of her mind.

Jake was behaving differently. He was a different man, far different from the man she had met months ago. Different from the man who had signed a contract with her barely two months ago. That Jake she had seen in his office was a lascivious man who looked at her like a piece of meat he was dying to devour - not that he hasn't done that before - he was everything that the tabliods described him to be; Mischievious, a playboy, and wild.

But now, this Jake was doing things she'd never expect him to do. Unbelievable things. She had to say she was impressed.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Jake asked cocking a brow. His question jolted Jade back to reality. She didn't know she has been staring at him.

"Star..ring? How?" She asked back. Jake tilted his head sideways as a mischievious smirk appeared on his face.

"Like you just realized I'm handsome" He said raising his brows playfully making Jade blink.

"Wh..at?" She stuttered.

"You can't just stare at me like that, it's not free, so you have to pay up. I'm a rare commodity Jade Peterson"

"What?" Jade spurted out with her eyes widen in disbelief "Are you being cocky and shameless right now?" Jade asked with incredulity. Pay for staring at him?

"I'm not being shameless, I'm just a business man. You just know there's nothing..."

"Free in Freetown" Jade completed his statement in a mimicing tone, making Jake's lip curl up in amusement. She remembered he had said that exact same thing when he tricked her into being his date to a party. Speaking about that Jake was yet to honour his part of their deal. She made a mental note to ask him about it.

"Good to know you learn fast. So since you know that and I very much know I'm dangerously handsome, why are you still asking questions?" He said while Jade scoffed.

'Tch...he is definitely cocky. What a proud fool. Dangerously handsome my ass' Jade cussed in her head.

Jade faked a smile and pressed her hand together in a pleading manner,"Your royal handsomeness, have mercy on your humble handmaid. She'll never stare, gaze, glance or ogle at you ever again" Jade said mockingly her eyes silently cussing him, while Jake chuckled.

Jade Peterson was going to be the death of him. Hanging out with her has become the boon of his life.

"You're forgiven" He smiled as he stretched his hand and patted her hair, earning him a glare from her eyes.

"Sorry, bambi" Jake joked as he threw his hand up to surrender under her lethal glare.

"So where are we going?" Jade finally asked when Jake turned on the ignition.

"To my penthouse princess" He said flashing her a smile.


Cale was beyond furious as he paced up and down his room. The memory of what had happened earlier at the company kept playing through his head. Jade had wales off with another man, and she had completely ignored him. Who the hell was that?

Cale couldn't accept the fact that Jade could do something like that. She was such an obedient girl that loved him like no mans business. She came running whenever he called, even when he didn't she was always there, loving him, helping him supporting him and doing all the things she knew how to do just for him. So what has changed. What the hell changed? What has happened to his woman that she could no longer stand the sight of him, neither would she help him. Even now that he was the risk of losing his job, she was still ignoring him. She had worked hard to help him gain this job and to also bring him this far, so what changed?

Jade didn't even care if he lost his job or not. He wasn't going to have it. He was going to get her back, whether she liked it or not she was going to come back to him.

"She loves me and this must be her way of getting back at me for hurting" He said to himself.

"Jade has to forgive me" He kept speaking to himself. His hands clenched into his fist as the memory of Jade's hand been held by that you flashed through his mind again.

In a fit of anger he threw the things on the table beside him to the floor. His eyes were flashing red as he kept thinking of it.

Helen who heard the loud sound of things falling rushed into the room. She wondered what was wrong with him. He has only returned from work minutes ago, so what happened?

She was shocked when she walked into the room and saw the state it was in.

"Cale what happened?" Helen asked with concern, her eyes closely observing her son, if he was okay.

Cale's eyes darted towards his mother.

He rushed over to her like he had just seen his Messiah. He reached for her hand and held it tightly, but not enough to hurt her, but enough to tell her that he meant every word he was about to say.

"Mom please you have to help me" He pleaded, his voice was firm and desperate.

"Help you with what?" She asked, raising her hand to touch his face gently. She has never seen her son like this.

"With Jade" He said, making his mother's hand abruptly stop her movement while she snatched her other hand from him.

"In your dreams" She snapped.

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