When You Are Mine

Chapter 156 - You Are Delusional


"You're being delusional. Is this why you created such a mess?" Helen asked glaring at him, pointing at the mess Cale has made of his room. "Maybe you should have thought about doing something else" She hissed as she tried turning away.

"Something like what?" Cale asked.

"Something like forgetting about her and leaving her the hell alone" She snapped, raising her voice.

"No!" Cale spoke, his voice firm and strong.

"No to what?" She asked eyeing him. She understood what he meant, but she wanted to hear him say it.

"No I can't leave her alone. Mum I love Jade, I truly do. She completes me, she makes me happy, she's all I want. Mom please help me get Jade back" He said with a pleading tone.

"You should have thought about that before you broke her heart" She told him coldly.

"Mom I know" He said as he raked his hand through his hair, "I was a fool" he hissed.

"Sure you are" She hissed too.

Cale brushed one hand through his face while the other rested on his waist, his eyes were fixed on the table clock, which Jade had gotten one time she had gone shopping, "They say you don't know the value of something, until you've lost it" He sighed loudly before staring back at his mother.

"Mom, Jade gives me stability, she makes me special, like I can conquer the world and achieve all my dreams. Jade is the woman I want by my side, she has always been, the thing with Stephanie was because I couldn't control myself but I never had the intentions to marry her. Mom, you know Jade is good for me, she's the ideal wife and daughter in-law. Jade is my life, Please help me get my life back" Cale slowly brought himself to his knees as he continued speaking.

"I'll lose my job, my sanity, everything if I lose her. She belongs to me..."

"She's not some sort of possession Cale, she's a woman, her own person, not someone you can own" She told him before looking away.

"Yes I know" Cale nodded affirmatively. "She's not someone I can own, then let her own me, I don't mind. As long as I have her in my life" Helen glanced back at him but didn't say a word. To be honest, this was the first time she was seeing Cale behave like this. She has never seen him on his knees before except as a child when he wanted to tactfully ask for something. But here he was kneeling and pleading for Jade.

"Mom please. I know she'll listen to you, please help me get my woman back" He said gently pulling at her hand.

"Cale I can't force her to take you back. If you want her to forgive you, then talk to her yourself. Show your sincerity to her and I know Jade, she's a sweet girl she'll hear you out and forgive you" Helen spoke back.

"But I have tried" He said looking up at her. "I've tried, but she won't even see me, or talk to me"

"Then leave her be. She'll come around when she's has forgiven you. Give her time" Helen said in a soft tone.

"But I'd have lost her completely. Mom just talk to her once, just once. Please" He pleaded earnestly.

Helen sighed as she looked at him. She didn't know what to do. She was confused at the moment.

On one side is a girl who she loves as a daughter and wishs the best for. On the other side was her who she also loves and wants to be happy in life.

Meeting Jade would mean she was taking Cale's side and overlooking all the wrong he has done to her. But what if Cale has realized his wrong and was truly sorry? Nobody is perfect right? Not even her. People make mistake but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a second chance right?

What if Cale has trulay changed? And his words about only loving Jade was real?

Helen looked down at Cale, she sighed before helping up his feet.

"Come on" She said as she pulled him up. She looked him deep in his eyes, "Cale i know you made a mistake and I'm happy you've realized your wrong doing. But are you really sure about this?" She asked.

"Of course, I'm sure. I want Jade back and i promise to do right by her" Cale said assuringly.

"Cale I love Jade just as much as I love you. I also want her in this family but not as a woman you can use for your own selfish reasons or maybe because you simply can't get over her. If you don't love her..."

"Mom I do" Cale cut in. "I really do"

"Then fine I'll talk to her even though I know I shouldn't. But know I'm not going to coax her into getting back with you. If she says she has moved on, then you will have to do that too" Helen said firmly, with her eyes expectantly waiting for Cale's reply.

"Of course" There was no way Jade wouldn't come back to him. There was no way he'd let her go, not in this world. Jade was a rare treasure, one that was hard to find. She's all he needs in this world and nothing was going to take her away from him.

"Cale?" Helen looked at him doubtfully.

"I agree, but please talk to her first"

"Okay, I will"

"Thank you mom....Thank you" He said pulling her in for a hug.

"Okay, that's enough" Helen said pulling away from Cale who was squeezing her too tightly.

"Now put this room in order, before I change my mind"

"Sure. Thanks mum, I love you"

"I know" She said with a teasing smile before walking out. Her smile disappeared from her face the moment she walked out of Cale's room.

'Am I doing the right thing?' she asked herself.


When Jade heard him say they were heading for his penthouse, an alarm bell has suddenly set off in her head. Warning bells were ringing as she stared at him unblinkingly.

"Penthouse?" Jade asked him with widened eyes.

"Yeah" Came Jake's reply.


"Because it will be the best place for us to play and relax ourselves, and it's just around the corner" Jake said. He didn't think much about it. He thought it was okay since Jade was slowly opening up to him, and to be frank he was too tired to drive to those game house.

Jade had compelled herself remain quiet and not be suspicious of him. She didn't think it was a good idea to go his penthouse, but so far Jake has proven to be quite a gentle man and has by no chance made her uncomfortable. She decided to let her guards down just for a little bit and go with him.

Jade was more than stunned when she walked into the all smart penthouse, owned by Jake.

Her jaws dropped when she stepped into the house, her eyes were wide open as she took in the beauty of the house.

"Jake how rich are you?" Jade asked without much reasoning. That was a really dumb question to ask, but she has blurted it out anyway.

Jake chuckled when he heard her and saw how enthralled she was.

"Enough to travel in a spaceship every one hour" He replied, while Jade scoffed, "show off"

"Wait till you see the game house" Jake said as he led her to the small game house upstairs.

"Oh my God! How..."

"Don't ask any silly questions. This is just the perk of being rich" He said smiling gleefully. He couldn't contain his joy knowing Jade was right there with him.

Jade turned to him, her hands folded across her chest as she gazed at him intently, "Has someone ever told you how conceited you are?" Jade asked.

"Of course, you just did" He replied making Jade scoff again. Seems Mr Jake was a bit thick skinned.

"Comeon, let's go" Jake gestured to her, waving his hand at her.

"Where to? I thought we were here to play the game, don't tell me you're chickening out, I came prepared"

"I know you did. Let's just go to the kitchen and find you something to eat before the worms in there feed on your organs" Jake said pointing at her stomach. Jade has been enthralled by Jake's gorgeous apartment has been oblivious to her rambling stomach. As if on cue, it rumbled again, making Jade bit her lips in embarrassment.

"Let's go" Jake told her, walking ahead while Jade trailed behind.

Jade thought they were going to order take out or something that didn't require Jake using the heat or pots. But she was shocked out of her skin when he rolled up his sleeves and put on an apron, before saying, "What would you like to eat? But mind you, ask for something simple, I haven't cooked in a long while"

That was another shock.

"You know how to cook?" Jade asked doubtfully. Doubts was written all over her face.

'There was no way he can cook'

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