When You Are Mine

Chapter 166 - Name Rhyme

The gaze between the two brothers were hard and piercing, mostly Jake who looked like he could kill Blake right where he sat. Blake could feel the intensity of Jake's gaze but he remained unfazed or more he pretended to be.

Jake could say at this moment he really hated his brother. Threatening him with something like this was preposterous.

"So you're threatening me?" Jake asked pointedly.

"I'm not threatening you bro. I'm only trying to coax you" Blake replied. "Comeon call her already or give me her number, I'm really anxious okay. Amy has never missed a day at work since she started working here, she always look as sound as a horse and now she didn't come to work."

"If you her that well why don't you have her number then?" Jake asked sounding slightly pissed.

"Are you giving the number or not?" Blake also intensified the tone of his voice.

Jake gazed at Blake wickedly. He couldn't believe he was been compelled by his little brother. He glared at the phone Blake was handing over to him, obviously to dial Jade's number into.

"Keep your fucking phone" Jake growled as he picked up his phone. There was no way in hell he was going to give Jade's number to him. Blake has just revealed his true colors to him and he was going to make sure he never gets Jade's number in this life.

Blake's lips curved upwards when he saw how protective his brother was acting over a girls number. Now he was more than sure that Jake truly liked her.

Jake has never acted this way with any girl. He didn't even tend to take a second look at the woman he had slept talk more of sleeping with them for a second time or worst having their number.

Girls were the ones pining and throwing themselves at him, and he has witnessed Jake pretending to be sick just to trick a girl. This was going to be a good for him. She was going to be his gateway to having Jake fulfill his every demand....Hehehe. His mind began to wander towards the things he can swindle out of his brother through her.

Jake hissed and glared at Blake as he dialled Jade's number.


Jade who has been in quite a mood since morning was making some designs at the office and Sara was quietly observing her. She kept swinging the mouse like she had some personal vendetta with it.

"Don't vent on the poor mouse"

"I'm not venting" Jade replied curtly.

"Yes you are. You've been in quite a mood since morning. And your eyes keep staring at that phone of yours. Boyfriend issues I suppose?" Sara asked inquisitively, making Jade scoff.

'Boyfriend issues indeed' Why was everyone asking her same question all morning?

Sara raised a brow when Jade scoffed. Maybe she shouldn't pry into people's personal affairs and Jade seems to be out of it.

Jade noticed the awkward change in Sara's countenance and she knew she shouldn't be acting strange towards Sara. Her attitude might have made her feel bad.

"I don't have a boyfriend, so I'm not having boyfriend issues" Jade said, making Sara's eyes to shoot up. Since Jade started working with her team about a month ago, this was the first time she was getting to hear that Jade was single.

"You're kidding right?" Sara asked in disbelief. There was no way Jade didn't have a boyfriend.

"I doubt it" Jade shrugged casually. Sara's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at Jade from head to toes, and she couldn't believe someone as beautiful and sexy as Jade was really single. Even as a woman she envies Jade's looks and her well curved body, so why the hell was she single.

"Jade you're truly really single?" She asked again just to be sure.

Jade chuckled slightly when she saw the disbeliving look Sara was shooting at her.

"I'm not" She replied.

"So if you're not having boyfriend issues, then why do look upset and you keep staring at your phone like you're expecting a call" Sara asked, because that was something she does when she and Simon have problems.

Jade cocked a brow at her. She didn't quite understand Sara's logic. Were boyfriends the only people that could offend a girl and can't someone expect a call from any other person apart from their boyfriends? Not that she was expecting a call from anybody most especially a certain someone, she just felt like maybe he should....Never mind!

"I'm not upset Sara and I'm not expecting a ca..." Jade's words trailed off when her phone started ringing. She hurriedly grabbed her phone when she saw the name displaying the screen. She didn't know but her lips twitched when she saw who was calling her and Sara saw it.

Jade stared at the phone in a daze before answering the call. So he finally decided to call.

"Hello" Jade said in a cold tone as soon as the call connected.

"Hey" Jake narrowed his brow when he heard her tone. She sounded a bit off. "Are you okay?" Jake asked with concern, glaring at Blake who was urging him to go straight to the point.

'I'm okay, I should be the one asking you that. What's up with the attitude last night?' Jade said in her head but in reality she replied,"Yeah I'm good"

"Are you sure? You sound like you've got something going on" The more she spoke the more Jake was conviced that Jade wasn't sounding like her usual self.

Jade didn't know why, but hearing Jake bother about her made whatsoever she has been feeling since last night was slowly dissipating.

"I'm fine" She replied.

"Okay. Jade I'd love to ask about your friend, my staff, Amy" Jake said his, making a concerned frown to appear on Jade's forehead.


"Yes" He replied while he kept glaring at Blake.

"What is it?"

"Uhmm..I heard she's sick and did the report to work today. So I was calling to know if she was okay. My brother was a bit worried about her so I thought maybe I could ask you?"

'So that was why he called?' He didn't even want to..

"I spoke to her this morning, but I'm yet to see her. I'll probably do that after work"

"Do you think maybe you could help my useless brother talk to her when you get there?" He said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He didn't like the idea of making Jade a middle man between this fool sitted in front of him and her friend. Jade fell silent for a while. She didn't know if that was a good idea, knowing how Blake had rejected her friend and she wasn't sure of Amy's feelings towards him for now, especially with the whole Micheal issue going on.

"Jade?" Jake called out when he couldn't hear her.

"I don't know, but I'll see if its possible. But if she isn't up for it then there's nothing I can do" Jade replied curtly.

"Sure. Thanks alot"

"Is that all?" Jade asked in a slightly annoyed tone, which Jake took note of.

"I think so" He replied.

"Okay, I'll return back to work, and you should do the same. Bye" She said before hanging up.

"Ja.." He tried calling out but she had already disconnected the call. He looked at his phone with his brows furrowed. 'Why did it seem like she was angry?'

"So what did she say?" Blake asked anxiously.

Jake dropped his phone and sighed, before turning to Blake. "She hasn't seen her, but she'll get back to me when she does" Jake told him.

Blake wasn't satisfied with that answer. Maybe he should just pay her a visit. But wouldn't that be too much?

"So when will she see her?" Blake asked.

"Later in the day" Jake replied curtly.

"Didn't she say when exactly?"

"No. And Blake leave me the hell alone" He wouldn't be needing his help if he hasn't rejected her. Now he was bothering him with problems he shouldn't be bothered with.

" You're just mean" Blake said.

"You don't have to tell me. Now get out" He ordered pointing at the door with his chin.

"What if I don't want to?" Blake asked defiantly.

"Then consider yourself dead" Jake threatened.

"You can't kill me. I promise to tattle to sister in-law if you as much as lay a hand on me. You can say goodbye to your sweet love even before it starts" Blake said tauntingly.

"Blake I dare you to try as much as breath a word to Jade, and I promise to curse the day you became my brother" Jake roared, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Threats" He hissed. "Wait that's a rhyme, Jade and Jake. Ha...so what will you call your child, Jadke? " He said before bursting out in laughter.

Jake picked up a pen to throw at him and Blake jumped to his feet when he noticed it too, be laughed hard as he hurried to the door.

"Bro it's good you took your name into consideration when falling in love. I'm super proud of you. Jade, Jake, Jakde, or maybe Jaked. How perfect" He teased before running for his life.

Jake hissed and glared at him.He didn't pay much attention to Blake's nonsense.. He was still hooked on why Jade was sounding angry. Was she upset about something Or did he do something? wrong?

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