When You Are Mine

Chapter 167 - Ask A Girl Out

After the close of work, Jade was still fuming over what had happened last night. She even became more cranky after Jake's call.

After ruining the latter part of last night by giving her that taciturn and bored attitude, he was just going to call her and make a request, and she was damn sure it was for that brother of his who had turned down Amy's feelings, completely breaking her girls heart with no remorse whatsoever. Now he was going to have call her Amy, to do what? Why didn't he just call her by himself, instead of calling her?

Bunch of stupid brothers!

And as if that wasn't enough, everyone kept bugging her about her being in love. With who exactly?

What gave them that stupid idea? Wasn't Cale enough?

Jade had a frown on her face and from the way she walked, she was probably going to break the tiles of the company with the heels of her shoe. She whipped out her phone to call Amy but her line wasn't reachable. Then she dialled Lairs' number, and he answered after the first ring.

"Hey sugar, why are you calling me today? miss me?" Lair teased as soon as he answered the call.

"What do you mean? I'll always call you" Jade retorted grumpily.and

"I guess you must be mistaking me for some other Lair? How many Lairs do you have in your phone?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe a thousand?" She replied.

"Woah, that's huge"

"I didn't call you to tease me"

"I know you didn't call me to check up on me. You're now a bad kitty" Lair teased again. "So what's up?" He asked.

"I'm trying to contact Amy, but her number isn't connecting and I want to visit. Can you ask her if she needs anything so I can get it for her? I was thinking about getting some nachos from Eddy's spot, don't know if she has the stomach for it" Jade told him.

"Sorry about that, I confiscated her phone. You know how stubborn she can be. She's sick thanks to the ongoing troubles in her life, but she won't let go of her phone not for a second. Always trying to call Ethan and his private investigator every minute she gets" Lair hissed exasperatedly.

"Oh okay" Now she understood why Blake couldn't get in touch with her.

"Yeah. So I heard you're coming over? Are coming now?" Lair asked.

"Yes, just about to grab some nachos and I'll be on my way" She told him.

"Should I pick you up?"

"No, I can get there by myself."

"Okay sweety. Save one of those nachos for me. Men, I miss that Eddy's stuff" Lair said making Jade chuckle lightly. He always had a thing for Eddy's restaurant. They served some of the best food in town.

"Okay I'll save you one"

"Alright baby girl, I'll see in a bit. Don't make me miss you too much" Lair teased again.

"Sure I won't" Jade replied before ending the call. Speaking with Lair had somehow lightened up her mood.

Jade had just disconnected the call when a flashy car parked in front of the company caught her attention. It looked somewhat familiar and she could swear that it was Jake's car.

'Jade Peterson, Jake is not the only one who can afford a sports c...." Jade held that thought when she saw the owner step down from the car...Of course it was Jake in all his glory, flashing his killer smile which was bright enough to shame the sun.

The way he stepped down from his car and that gorgeous smile plastered on his face, one would think a commercial was been shot. His handsome face attracted a few passerbys, mostly the opposite gender.

Jade was stunned to see him standing there, his smile was damn too bright and captivating, which made her wonder why a guy would have such a beautiful smile, as if he wasn't beautiful enough.

Jade was really shocked to see him and just the sight of him made every awkward and cranky feeling she's been exuding since last night, dissipitate.

He was here to see her right? What happened to seeing each other by Friday? A smile nearly broke out on her, but she remembered herself that she was supposed to be upset with him.

Jake walked closer to her and she just stood rooted to the ground. Her heart skidded a beat as he approached her.

"Hey Jadey" Jake greeted with a smile, but Jade just stood in a daze, staring at him, with nothing going through her head at the moment except Jake's handsome face.

"Jade?" He called out again jolting out of her reverie.

"He..ey" She greeted back, flickering her eyes slowly.

"What are you doing here?" Jade inquired.

"What do you mean by what am I doing here? I came to...ask a pretty girl out, would you help me talk to her, she works here?" Jake said with a teasing smile, but Jade didn't think that was a joke. She felt this squeeze in her heart when he said that. A girl? He came to ask a girl out and he wants her to help him? What was wrong with him? Repeating his words in her mind made her really uncomfortable. Who was that girl? Was it someone she knew?

'Was it Stephanie? They had a one time thing right?' She remembered. The thought of Stephanie and Jake was suddenly pissing her off.

Jade looked at him and the anger which was slowly dissipitating suddenly returned back, and this time more intensed.

Was this what their friendship was about? Him calling her to only ask for favours when he wanted? Jade didn't fully understand why, but she was getting really pissed. She just wanted to leave right now.

"Well good luck with that. I've got to go, I'm running late" Jade said as she tried to leave, without even looking at him.

Asshole! He should go seek help else where!

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