When You Are Mine

Chapter 257 - Daughter Of Hades

Jase saw the way the others were looking at her with disapproving looks and it made her heart pang hardly.

"Ms. Jade I'm sorry I can't tolerate such kind of behavior–"

"This isn't me" Jade cried out panicky, interjecting the man. She didn't want to lose her job. "I didn't do this, I don't know how this got there" Jade desperately explained, she was on the verge of tears. She looked from Mr. Simon to Mrs. Lin with desperation, but she lowered her eyes down. She was too embarrassed to even let her gaze linger on them for too long.

The man was about to say something when Mrs. Tracy leaned towards him and whispered something to him. The man narrowed his brows at Mrs. Tracy but she gave him a nod. He turned back to look at Jade who looked like she was about to faint any moment from now.

The man looked at her with angry eyes, before saying, "This meeting is canceled" he declared and angrily stepped out of the office in large strides. The others gave her several weird looks, shook their head disappointedly as they walked out of the room, except Simon who was walking towards her.

"Jade in my office," Mrs. Tracy said before walking out. Jade looked at the woman's retreating but didn't say anything.

"Jade, what Happened? what was that?" Simon hurriedly asked when he approached Jade.

Jade slowly lifted her head to him, her eyes glistening with tears. "I don't know" She spoke softly, a tear rolling down her cheek. She couldn't keep it in anymore.

Simon looked at her and he noticed her body was shaking, and he put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. She was stupified she was by the sudden turn of events. He sighed when he saw her like that. He might not have known her long but he knew how professional and ambitious Jade was. She was too smart and too driven to make such mistakes. Sometimes, one doesn't need a year to know someone.

He could tell she wouldn't make such a mistake, such as sabotaging herself in such a grand style, ruining her career which was yet to start.

Something was wrong somewhere.


Jade slowly walked into Mrs. Tracy's office after leaving the conference room. Mr. Simon had manageably calmed her down and requested her to meet in his office after she had spoken with the vice president. She was shocked to see the president seating across Mrs. Lin's desk as they both waited for her.

Her heart skipped several beats nervously, and her steps became heavy. She felt her heart fall through her stomach when she met the cold gaze they were shooting at her. She drew air into her lungs to calm herself down. She decided to stay calm just as Simon had advised her to do. Crying wasn't going to help her at the moment, she had to be strong.

"Sit" Mrs. Tracy ordered coldly. Jade looked from Mrs. Lin to the President, she nervously nodded her head before taking her seat beside the angry boss.

"Tell me what happened in there" Mrs. Lin went straight to the point. She wasn't the type for dallying.

Jade looked at the woman and slowly shook her head, "I don't know, I really don't know. I don't have such videos on my laptop and neither was there any on the drive the last time I checked. This is a mystery to me" Jade desperately explained. She didn't know if they would believe her but that was the truth.

"Then can you explain how a por..." The man trailed. He was too angry to even pronounce the words out of his mouth. "How that happened" He demanded angrily. Naturally, he didn't want to get involved in this, he felt so embarrassed by her unscrupulous act in the conference room and would have left her to the disciplinary committee to handle or worse fire her back there, but Mrs. Lin just had to step in. He had noticed that the vice president was unusually fond of her. He knew she wasn't the type to form a bond with an employee, but she did with this one, and it had his interest. It made him wonder how a girl who was well spoken of in his company could display such a shameful act in an important meeting.

Jade turned to the man, "Sir I didn't put that video in the drive. That drive was given to me by Mr. Simon and I wouldn't dare put such videos in it" Jade explained.

"It's the truth, I really can't explain how that happened" She added.

"Who else had access to the drive?" Mrs. Lin suddenly asked, earning her a look from the president.

'What was she insinuating?'

Jade thought about it, for a while before answering, "No one. Mr. Simon had given me the drive and after I made the PowerPoint presentation I made a copy for myself and kept it at the office. I only brought it out from where I left it this morning"

"And did you take a look at it before the presentation?" Mrs. Tracy Lin asked while Jade shook her head.

The president who noticed the way Mrs. Tracy was handling the situation scoffed at the realization of what she was doing. "Are you trying to suggest someone tried to sabotage her?" He gave Mrs. Lin a questioning gaze.

"Sir that's a possibility" She glanced at him and replied.

Jade who hadn't thought of that for a second because she was yet to snap herself from the shock of what had happened, narrowed her brows.

'Could someone had done this?' She asked herself. If yes, then who?

Author's thought: Don't ask me. Are you even supposed to ask?

Her eyes widened when she suddenly remembered something. It was that look on Stephanie's face back at the elevator.

'Good luck on that presentation, I hope you have fun on that presentation' She remembered Stephanie saying that.

'Was this the fun she was talking about? That evil daughter of Hades! No wonder she had an ominous feeling about her attitude this morning. She should have thought of this.

This was all her doing.

A grim look appeared on her face when this realization dawned on her. Her heart began to pound heavily, her eyes filled with immense anger.

Jade abruptly stood up from her seat and looked at both her bosses.

"I think I know who did it" She suddenly announced.

"Who?" They asked simultaneously.

"Give me four hours and I'll provide you with the evidence" Jade boldly requested. The president and Mrs. Lin gave her a questioning gaze, but she didn't say anything, right now there was an angry fire in her eyes and it would consume Stephanie alive. The man looked at Mrs. Tracy quizzically, and she gave him an approving nod.

The man sighed and looked up at Jade. "Fine, you have four hours. If you can provide me the right evidence, I'll kick whoever is behind this out of my company, I'm tired of all these useless people working in the company" He declared as he stood up and walked towards the door.

He paused and looked back at Jade just as he was about to turn the knob. "Fours hours Ms. Peterson, or it'll be your ass being kicked out of my company," He said before walking out.

Jade looked at Mrs. Lin who gave her a dismissive nod. Jade bowed slightly and walked out of the office.

Her blood was boiling with anger.. She was going to get that devil and give her the same embarrassment she had endured.

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