When You Are Mine

Chapter 258 - Hate And Love

Jake had his gaze fixed on Kyle as he looked at him with scrutiny. He didn't know what to think of all he had said. He didn't want to believe that they were all true. He had hated him for the past six years, harbored thoughts of killing him for his betrayal, he didn't want to believe that all the anger and hatred that he had for him were not necessary. That it had all been in vain.

Because If what he was saying was true, that meant that Kyle was also a victim of Hillary's ploy and he had been angry with him for no good reason.

Kyle could see the struggle in Jake's eyes. They had been brothers for years. Though they didn't share the same DNA he still knew Jake like the back of his hand.

"I know how you're feeling now"

"Just shut up" Jake snapped at him.

Kyle sighed and continued nonetheless, he was used to Jake treating him like this since that unfortunate accident.

"I know you hate me and you're so angry at me, I don't want you to lose that. I don't mind if you keep using me as your punching bag to relieve the pain you feel for father's death, but I just want you to know that I would never hurt father in any way. He was like a god to me. He took me in and cared for me like his own, far better than my parents who abandoned me would ever do. I would never do anything to him, or you, or Blake, or even grandfather. It's just unfortunate that things happened the way they did and for that, I'm truly sorry. But everything I said was the truth, I hope you can believe me. I'd never want father dead, and all I remembered I've told you. I just hope maybe someday you'll be able to forgive me" Kyle said with sincerity before standing up to his feet.

Jake looked at him with a lot of emotions flickering in his eyes. He looked away and signed wearily.

"Hillary is after Dad's will" Jake suddenly announced, halting Kyle on his stride.

A startled Kyle snapped his head around and looked at Jake who was simply looking ahead not bothering to see his reaction.

"What did you just say?" Kyle asked in disbelief. He didn't think he had heard him well.

"You heard me," Jake said with nonchalance. He still didn't bother to look at him. Looking at Kyle's face brings a lot of mixed emotions which he didn't Want. Something in him was prompting him to believe that Kyle was probably saying the truth, while another kept telling him not to believe him at all. For all, he knew kyle could be lying and might be working with Hillary. But then again he knew Kyle. He might be stupid enough to bed his father's wife, but not brazen enough to plot with Hillary.

Jake's heart was torn apart. The confusion he was facing right now was making his headache so bad. He was unprepared for this.

Kyle returned to his seat and looked at Jake more intently. "How do you know this? What exactly did she do?" Kyle curiously inquired.

Jake gazed at him without replying to his question. He could see the concern and anger which was already brooding in his eyes.

"I don't know if I should tell you anything, I still don't believe you, don't blame me. If what you say is true, we need to have that head of yours checked and when I say checked, I mean as soon as possible. That's the only way I can believe this" Jake blandly told him. He wasn't the type to sweeten his words just to make the other person feel better.

Kyle should know he still didn't trust him.

If Kyle wanted him to believe, then he'd agree to have a test done. Something to prove that there was indeed a block in his memory.

Kyle understood Jake's hesitation towards the truth. If he was to be in Jake's shoes he'd probably do the same.

Without hesitation, he bobbed his head in agreement. Jake was quite surprised when he agreed. He had thought maybe he'd hesitate and give excuses, but he agreed.

Jake stood up to his feet and buttoned up his Jacket, "Well I see you tomorrow then" he said. He had to return to the office, he also had a battle there.

Kyle stood with him and nodded his head. Jake gave him one last look, it was at this time that he noticed how Kyle had changed. For the first time, he noticed how tanned his skin was and how rough and unkept he looked. He must have been going through a rough patch. Jake sighed in his head and censured himself for wanting to go soft on him. He still had to confirm the story he just said and if what he said was true then he had more work to do.

Jake didn't say anything else to him before strolling out of the room.

"Jake" Kyle suddenly called out halting Jake who reluctantly turned towards him.

"Thank you for seeing me," Kyle said with a genuine smile. Jake gazed at him as he took in every of his expression. The way he had said those words and smiled at him made him remember how happy they used to laugh and tease each other while growing up. He had to admit that a part of him missed this brother of his. Maybe it was the love that he had for him that had turned into hate.

He was beginning to understand the true meaning of the words 'a thin line between hate and love.'

We can never truly hate someone we love or loved, especially when they cause us pain. The feeling makes you hate yourself for loving them in the first place, and for being stupid enough to trust them. And it drives you mad when you still care for them despite what they've done, and this feeling is what we reflect on them.

Now he knew that it wasn't Kyle he hated, he has just been angry at himself for being stupid.

Jake was almost tempted to say something to him, but he simply looked at him and turned away to leave.

He slowly walked out of the restaurant and Kyle trailing behind him. He watched as Kyle waved at him before making his way to the car. That was only if what Kyle drove in could be counted as one. He was driving a dilapidated taxi.

He felt a sudden pang in his heart when he saw him like that. There was the feeling of sadness that he felt when Kyle smiled at him before driving away. He suddenly wondered if he had been too blinded by his anger that he might have done wrong by Kyle. Or if his father would be proud of him knowing how he had treated his brother who might be innocent. Jake didn't know what to think of himself or how he'd face Kyle if what he said was the truth.

If it was indeed the truth, and Hillary had indeed tempered with his memory and had caused a rift between them, then God helps her.

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