When You Are Mine

Chapter 267 - Owe Me A Kiss

"Huh?" Jade jerked up to a seat on the bed while Jake laughed when he heard her surprised tone.

"What? You don't want want to kiss me anymore? You can't take your words back" He told her. He chortled when he heard her running steps. He knew she was running to the door to confirm if he was indeed there, and wasn't trying to pull her legs.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Grace who was heading for the sitting room called out when Jade ran out of her room.

Jade peeped from the window, her eyes grew wide when she saw Jake leaning on his car with his phone pressed against his ears.

She rushed to the door and ran out to meet him. Jake grinned from ear to ear when she ran towards him like a baby.

"Hey slow down," He said amidst laughter, but the happy girl didn't slow down a bit till she hopped into his arms, and wrapped her hand around his neck, with her face buried in the crook of his neck.

"You miss me that much huh?" He teased as he wrapped his hand around her and hugged her back, while Jade bobbed her head up and down without letting go of him.

Jake used one of his hands to brush her hair backward while the other held the big baby who clung to him like a koala.

They stayed like that for a while oblivious to the pair of inquisitive eyes watching them from the window.

Grace had a smile on her face when she saw how happy her daughter was with her newfound love.

"Why is sister Jade acting like a baby? Does she want to break his back?" He complained on behalf of Jake.

"Defender of the helpless. Go do your homework" Grace snorted, pulling the curtain close.

"Now?" Kevin asked in horror. "Must

you always threaten me with school work?" Kevin asked with an accusing tone.

"Threatening you is me telling you I'll hire a private tutor for you and register you for summer classes. What do you say?" Grace taunted, her brows evilly cocked.

"I'll do my homework" Kevin announced as he hurried to his room. Getting a private tutor after all the tiring school work, was death in itself. Then summer classes?? He'd rather go to the North Pole.

"Why do I have to come from this family?" He mumbled to himself as he walked away.

"I can always put you up for adoption" Grace yelled behind him

"Please do" He yelled from the hallway.

"Lazy brat" Grace cussed as she sauntered back to the kitchen to check on her cookies which were baking in the oven"


"Babe you have to come down now," Jake said in a calm and soft tone when Jade still held him tightly, her leg wrapped around his waist. But she shook her head.

"My back is about to break"

"What? I'm not that heavy" She snuggled a little closer.

"Who said" Jake teased.

Jade slowly pulled away from him, her lips cutely pouted as she looked at him.

"Am I?" She asked with a small voice, her eyes silently complaining about indirectly call her fat.

"Of course not." Jake wouldn't dare to say that for the second time. "I was kidding, I just wanted to see your face," He told her.

"Okay" Jade nodded as she finally hopped down with Jake's hands guiding her.

"Now you can see my face"

"Yeah I can see, but I don't like what my eyes are seeing. I leave you for two days and you already look like this? Are you still my girlfriend?" He raised his brow at her.

"Like how? What do you mean?" Jade asked with a frown and confused look while Jake looked her over from head to toes. Everything about this girlfriend was different from the last time he had met her, she was looking dishelleved. He knew it was because he had taken unaware of his surprise visit so she didn't have the time to fix herself. 

So much for hating being caught u fresh as per her favorite slogan.

Their initial agreement was to see each other two days later but after he received her text he knew he had to come because he was terribly missing her.

Jake faked a sigh. "My girlfriend is beautiful but I don't know who you are," He said as he tried to arrange her hair with his hand but Jade slapped his hand away.

"Are you saying I'm now ugly?" I'm no longer beautiful?" She asked in an angry tone. She knew Jake was joking but she didn't want to accept that. She had missed for so many days...okay fine, two longs that seemed like two years, and all he could do the moment he sees her was to tell her she no longer looks like his girlfriend?

Jake watched with amusement as she fumed.

"You know what? Go find yourself a new girlfriend!" She declared as she tried to storm away even though she didn't want to. Well, she knew Jake wouldn't let her go.

Jake smiled at her little tactic. He knew she didn't want to leave and was only making some drama for him to apologize. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back, almost slamming her body against it.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked her.

"Inside of course" She curtly replied, rolling her eyes at him.

"But you can't go. You still owe me a kiss. I drove all the way here because of it"

"You shouldn't kiss an ugly girl" She sassed.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back, almost slamming her body against it.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked her.

"Inside of course" She curtly replied, rolling her eyes at him.

"But you can't go. You still owe me a kiss. I drove all the way here because of it"

"You shouldn't kiss an ugly girl" She sassed.

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