When You Are Mine

Chapter 268 - Pervert Jake

Jake looked at the girl with a cute and angry pout on her lips as she glared at him, and he couldn't help but smile at her. His hands still holding her tightly against himself.

"So you're angry now?" He asked rhetorically.

"Of course I am" Jade hissed as she turned her face away.

"I think you're doing this on purpose," Jake said, making Jade look at him with narrowed eyes.

"Doing what on purpose?" She inquired.

"Seducing me and trying to be angry for not falling for it"

"Huh?" Jade's eyes grew wide confusedly. How was she seducing him? When did she even try to seduce him?

"When did I seduce you?" She asked in horror. Jake's eyes trailed down to her chest area, his eyes peeking at the two endowments on her chest that had no bra covering them.

Jade followed his gaze, she gasped when she noticed what he was shamelessly staring at.

"You pervert!" She jabbed him on the side as she wriggled away from his hold and dashed into the house, while Jake bellowed out in laughter.

He knew she had been too excited to see him that she had come out without being conscious of herself. He had to admit he liked what he saw. Quick flashes of the night they spent together came flashing into his head.

"Calm down man. Soon, but not now" He told his perverted member who was getting aroused after seeing her nipples.

Soon Jade returned, looking 'less seductive'.

Jake's eyes couldn't help but wander there. From how firm 'it' looked now, he could tell she had a bra on.

"I don't think I like this girlfriend, the previous one was more alluring and seductive. She was hot" He playfully winked at her.

"You shameless man" Jade smacked his arm, her cheeks burning red with embarrassment, while Jake burst out in laughter.

"Stop teasing me" She cried as she tried smacking him again but he caught her wrist and pulled her close to himself.

"Okay fine, I'll stop teasing, but on one condition," He told her as he tried to stifle his laughter.

Jade suspiciously looked at him and asked, "What condition?"

"Kiss me" He whispered in a sultry voice which sent goosebumps over Jade's skin. She blushed when Jake's grip over her tightened and his eyes zeroed on her lips. She looked at. his eyes which were lustfully looking at her lips, before looking at his lips which were very alluring especially when he licked them seductively.

Jake was getting impatient, he didn't want to initiate the kiss, he wanted her to do it, after all, she was the one who had tempted him with it.

"Babe you said you missed me enough–" Jake's swallowed his words back when he felt her lips touch his and dropped a quick kiss on it before pulling away.

Jake narrowed his eyes to look at her. "What was that?" He asked.

"A kiss" Jade replied, as she wondered why he tightened his brows like that.

"You call that a kiss?" He asked in horror. "That doesn't qualify as a kiss, it was a peck. I want a real kiss. You made us stay away from each other for days–"

"Two days" Jade corrected when he tried to be exaggerative.

"To me, that's long enough" He refuted.

"Babe come on, give me some reward, I've been a good boy and I've been working tirelessly. Give me a good pat, but not with your hands. Honey, please spoil me a bit" He made a cute pleading face as he begged.

Seeing him acting like that, Jade felt completely helpless. She turned around to look at the window of her house to see if anyone was spying on her, most especially Kevin....he's the mischievous one. She heaved a sigh when she didn't see anyone.

She took a step closer, hooked her hand against his neck as she stood on her toes, and kissed the man who was in desperate need of some spoiling. What can she do rather than spoil him with a kiss or two?

Jake went frenzy the moment her lips touched his again. He snaked his hand around her and claimed her lips before moaning softly into her mouth.

Gosh, he missed this. He missed her hot, soft and lovely mouth.

"I missed you," He said against her mouth while Jade slowly pulled away. It was a short-lived kiss that had Jake pinning for more.

"One more" He pleaded, his hands still hooked around her waist.

"No, when you want to leave," She told him. Jake gave her an accusing and unsatisfied look, but he sighed anyway. His lusty member was quite aroused and it didn't seem to understand the situation. He was at the front of her house and he couldn't do more than necessary. Speaking about the house, he finally remembered her folks.

Don't blame him, he was a man missing his woman.

"How's your mom and brother?" He asked as she brushed her hair backward with his hand.

"They are fine, and how about you brother and grandfather?" She asked when she remembered the nice old man she had seen in his office.

"They're good" He replied. "I'll take you to see him after all this is over. He's ecstatic to see you" He added.

Jade felt her heart skip when she heard him. 'See his grandfather?'

Jake noticed the way her eyes grew wide when he mentioned saying his grandfather.

"Babe relax I just want to officially introduce you to him, there's no need to panic or feel scared. You've met and I assure you that's how he is every day. I'm sure he'll love you, he already does" Jake assured her.

"You're sure?" Jade asked skeptically. Accidentally seeing him at his office was different from going to see him for an official introduction.

"I'm sure," He said with a reassuring smile as he kissed her forehead, making Jade bob her head as she said, "Okay."

"Good" Jake fully pulled her in and Jade wrapped her arm around his waist and placed her head on his chest.

"I missed you," She said.

"I know"

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