When You Are Mine

Chapter 269 - A Future With Jake

Jade still had her head placed on Jake's chest as she listened to his steady, rhythmic heartbeat.

"When is the meeting scheduled?" She asked. She couldn't wait for it to be over so they could go back to seeing each other daily and spending time together.

"Friday" He answered with a low voice, which made Jade sigh. She knew what he was thinking. They still weren't going to see each other till Friday, or maybe Saturday.

"So when do I see you?"

"After work" He replied, making Jade smile. Friday was good. For a moment there she thought they might still keep to the usual plan. She couldn't wait till Saturday either. Jade had never felt this attached to anyone before. When she was with him she finds herself yearning for more of him. Even when she dated Cale, she had never felt this way. She snuggled a little closer. She had to make the most of the time they had now before he leaves. She could already feel her heart missing him.

"Uhm... babe?" He called.


"Do you want to come to the penthouse after work on Friday?" He anxiously asked.

"Your penthouse?" Jade removed her head from his chest so she could look at his face as she asked.

"Yes" Jake wanted to spend some alone time with her, and he couldn't do that at the mansion or here. His penthouse was more private, and they could spend uninterrupted quality time with each other, and play games together.

Jade kept quiet for a while as she thought about it. A light bulb flicked in her head when she got an idea and she quickly nodded her head affirmatively.


Her response brought a smile to his face, he kissed her cheek and said, "I'll pick you up after work"

"No" Jake frowned when she said that. She wasn't changing her mind already was she?

"No to what? You coming or me picking you up?" He inquisitively asked.

"You picking me up" She quickly replied to him, when she noticed the frown forming on his face.

"Why? Will you be closing late? I can wait till you're ready" He informed her. He didn't understand why she didn't want him to pick her up.

"I'm not closing late. I'll be closing early and I don't want to wait there. So maybe I can go ahead and wait for you to return? That way you can take your time and do whatever you have to do at the office before coming. And I'll order us some food and snacks. So what do you say?" Jade asked with an expectant smile. All she just said were far from the reason why she wanted to go early, but she wasn't go to tell him. He'll have to wait and see.

Jake gazed at her in silence for some time before nodding his head, "Okay" He said with a smile.

"I'll inform them to let you in" He didn't want to think about it. All that matters was seeing her and spending time with her.

"Hmm," She nodded and returned to her snuggling position which made Jake chuckle.

"Do you want a pat too?" He asked jokingly, but the shameless girl actually nodded making him chuckle louder, but his hand was already patting his baby.

"Jake let's stay like this forever," She said against his chest. "I want to hold you like this forever" She added.

"Are by chance proposing to me?" Jake asked amusedly as he tried to wrap his arm around her and hug her tightly but Jade pulled her head away so she could look at him.

"Do....you want me to...propose?" She asked stutteringly. She had only said that at the spur of the moment but she had never thought about marriage but since he mentioned this, she couldn't help but ask.

Jake noticed the emotion that flickered in her eyes at that moment and he understood them. He had also jokingly mentioned the proposal. But it wasn't a bad idea. Lately, he has been fantasizing about waking up every morning to see her sleeping on his bed with her head lying on his chest and also returning from work to see her waiting for him. And there was a time he had imagined her being pregnant with his child and him excitedly waiting to have a mini Jade in his life. Both mother and daughter causing beautiful havoc and making him the envy of every guy out there. He didn't mind that.

With those thoughts in mind, he smilingly replied, "I wouldn't mind" he kissed her forehead.

Jade couldn't describe how she felt at the moment. She felt happy knowing Jake thought about a future with them. Maybe she should too.

"Okay, don't turn me down when I do," She told with a happy smile.

"Sure I won't. I'll be the happiest guy to have my woman propose to me" He told her as he pulled her back to him. 'That's if I don't beat you to it' He added in his mind.

"Okay," Jade smiled happily. She had always thought about proposing to her man when she was younger. She had once thought that the lucky man would be Cale but who knew a better man would walk into her life and have the honors.

'Hehehe...Just wait and see, I'm going to blow your mind' She giggled in her mind.

They remained like that for a while as they talked about random stuff but especially about Jake's work and his progress with the virus.

"Babe, I have to go, it's getting late" She heard him say which made her frown.

"But you just got here" She refuted.

"Two hours ago," He said showing her the time. Jade sighed deeply when she took of the time on Jake's watch.

It was pretty late. They have been there for two hours, but it felt like it only been half an hour. She knew he had to go and rest but she was reluctant.

Jake chortled when he saw her frown.

"You know for someone who initiated this idea for keeping us apart, I didn't expect to sulk at all"

"What do you mean?" She accused, eyeing him wickedly.

"Nothing," He said as he held her hand and gently pulled her in.

"I'll miss you," He told in a gentle and soft tone, making Jade hiss.

"I'll miss you too" She sadly replied.

"Don't look this sad, you're breaking my heart. Should I spend the night in your house?" He teased but she shamelessly nodded her head making him laugh.

"Your mom will chase you away," He said amid laughter, but Jade wasn't laughing.

"I smuggle you in," She told him while Jake looked at her suspiciously.

"Have you done that before?" He asked. He didn't want to hear what he didn't want to hear. Jade hesitated for a bit, and replied, "No"

Jake pulled her face up so he could look at her. "Are you sure?" He asked suspiciously, while Jade glared at him.

"No" She firmly replied. 'Jealous thing.'

"Good" He patted her on the head.

"Kiss me goodnight," He said as he lowered his face to kiss, but Jade frowned at him before reluctantly complying with his request.

She kissed him goodnight before he asked her to go inside before he could leave.

Jade didn't want him to, but she decided not to be clingy. She kissed his lips one more time and said,


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