When You Are Mine

Chapter 270 - D-Day

"That woman is sure sinister. How could she do that to us? She broke our family all for what?" That was Blake's voice echoing in Jake's office. The veins in his head were bulging out in anger as he paced the room.

Jake had just informed him about Kyle's situation and the results of the test Kyle had undergone. He had taken him to see a neurologist and they had carried out a test on him which proved that he had indeed been hypnotized and was suffering from post hynoptic recall amnesia which was as a result of the hypnosis he had undergone years ago.

Jake was feeling dizzy from all the pacing. He was prepping himself for the final shareholders meeting he was about to attend. Today was the D-Day but Blake just had to pick this time to rant. He sighed as he lifted his head to look at him.

"Please stop pacing around, you're making me dizzy," He told him as he dropped his pen to look at him. He knew Blake wouldn't calm down until he said something convincing enough about putting an end to their evil stepmother.

"I'm not pacing" He fumed, even though he was pacing at the moment.

"I'm sure that woman killed father, that's the only logical explanation for this. And I'm sure you know this already but you're just keeping mute about it. Why?" Blake spat out angrily. Jake heaved a sigh and lolled back on his seat.

'What a handful' He hissed inwardly. Jade wouldn't make a fuss like he was doing now. His girlfriend was more sensible than his brother, but he can never tell him that.

"So what if I know? I can't accuse her of anything at the moment. Don't forget we're only suspecting her and nothing is sure as of the moment. Acting recklessly will only tip her off if she's indeed guilty. So I'd advise you to stay calm and focus your energy on what's at hand before we lose the company first" Jake said calmly to placate Blake.

Blake paused and looked at him.

"That isn't good enough. If we can't find evidence then we create some" Blake snarled at his brother. He didn't understand how Jake was being so calm about things. Creating and planting evidence wasn't so hard and they wouldn't be the first people doing it.

Jake sat upright and intense his gaze on him, and said, "Stop thinking nonsense and stop wasting your energy on her, she'll definitely get to pay for crimes, I'll make sure of it." Jake assured him.

Blake narrowed his eyes on him. His look was sullen and his eyes were still red with anger.

"You better put an end to her" Blake drawled making Jake sigh exasperatedly.

"Stop bothering yourself about her. First, let's get the company back, and then we can do the rest" He told him while Blake nodded his head affirmatively. He couldn't wait for Hillary's demise. That woman has turned herself into the bane of their family and only till they finally got rid of her will he feels at peace.

Jake resumed the work he had been doing on his laptop while Blake planted himself in front of him.

"So what about Kyle? Are you bringing him home?" Blake inquisitively asked while Jake lifted his lidded eyes to look at him, a quick frown forming on his face. He didn't want to be reminded about the things he was trying to avoid at the moment.

Yesterday his mood has been so foul after he received the results for Kyle's test. He didn't know how to face him or talk to him. He knew he had to apologize to Kyle for how he had treated him in the past when he could have easily listened to his side of the story then and believe him. But he had acted on what he had heard and seen.

No, he realized why his father had always told him, "From everything you see, halfly believe. And for everything you hear, believe none"

If only he had been more open-minded like his father and had acted as he would.

Blake anxiously waited for Jake's response. He couldn't begin to imagine how hard things might have been for Kyle all these years. He had suffered the most and must resent them for how unfairly they had treated him. And he didn't mind apologizing for it. Kyle has always been an older brother to him. He had seen as one since he grew up with them.

"Just focus on the issue we have at hand right now. We can talk about that later. And Grandfather still hasn't said anything about it, so it can wait" Jake said dismissively before returning his attention to his work. Blake could tell he was trying to avoiding the discussion so he just nodded and began to finish his work.

Both brothers were still working when Jake's secretary, Patrick, knocked on the door and stepped in.

"Sir, the shareholders are here" He informed, while Jake nodded without looking at him.

"What about Hillary?" Blake asked. The hatred he had for that woman was enough to initiate an apocalypse.

"She's yet to arrive" Patrick replied, making Jake scoff.

"She's planning a grand entrance." He muttered out.

"Already feeling like the CEO, isn't she? I hope she finds somewhere to put her face after all of this" Blake hissed.

Patrick looked at both brothers in stupefaction. He was aware of the current situation of the company and his boss, so he didn't know why they were both relaxed when they should be busy trying to save their ass.

"Anything else?" Jake asked when he saw Patrick still standing there.

"No sir" He replied and disappeared outside the office.

"You should be in the server room the minute the meeting starts," Jake told him as he picked up his suit.

"I know" Blake nodded affirmatively while Jake looked at him intensely.

"Blake there can be no mistakes. Timing is essential to us" Jake warned him.

"Bro relax, I've got your back" He patted Jake's shoulder assuringly. Jake wanted to believe he would take this seriously and not mess things up. He picked up the files on his table and headed for the board room.

He was going to kick every piece of trash out of his company today.

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