When You Are Mine

Chapter 271 - D-Day (2)

Outside Acrosoft

"Hillary this is it. This is the day you take what rightfully belongs to you" Shirley pleasantly smiled as she looked at her boss.

"Mmm" Hillary nodded with a broad smile of her own. She looked at the gigantic building standing in front of her, and her smiled broadened even more.

"This is my first step towards achieving my goals. Everything they own will be mine" She said with her perfectly well coated lips curving upwards. She had promised herself she was going to make all the Beau's fortune hers and there was nothing anybody was going to do about it. First she was going to take the company and then all the assets.

"And you'll look so gracious sitting on that seat"

"Of course" She laughed at the thought of finally owning the CEO seat of Acrosoft. She snapped her head towards Shirley when she remembered something.

"Has he fixed it yet?" The smile on her face completely disappearing as she asked. She wouldn't and couldn't afford mistakes or delay at this critical period. Today was a crucial day so nothing must go wrong.

"Yes Hillary, the software is functioning well now. He did a good job" Shirley reported, passing Hillary an iPad to confirm. Hillary received it and began to surf through an app which had been malfunctioning when ProGuard got infested with the virus. She smiled satisfactorily when she saw that the app was indeed working well.

"Perfect" She exclaimed.

"Hillary do we let him go now?" Shirley asked with seriousness while Hillary closed her eyes for a short while before exhaling.

"Sure, he has done his job and I have done mine. Wish him success on his revenge" Hilary said before turning towards the door. She didn't see the need of holding on to him anymore, afterall all this was what they agreed on.



Server room

"So are you ready for tonight right?" Amy gleefully asked over the phone. She giggled after getting her response from the person she was talking to.

"This will be a steamy night. I can imagine" She said as she smiled sheepishly while she busied herself with one of the systems that she noticed was down. She didn't see the need to inform the technical team about it. She was sure it was nothing, hence she her presence in the room.

"Just shut up Amy" The voice from the other side of the phone yelled making Amy to laugh.

"Have a blast sweetheart. Duty calls okay" Any cheered before ending the call.

"This damn thing" Amy cussed angrily as she threw one of the cables which wouldn't work after she had tried plugging it into one of the servers.

"You shouldn't be one doing that" Someone said from behind her, making Amy squeal, "Ahh" she jolted back out of her shock and her sudden movement suddenly made her lose her footing, thanks to the heels which she had on.

Amy feared she was going to kiss the floor with her ass, so she tried to stabilize herself but it wasn't happening. The more she tried the faster she fell, accepting her fate, she closed her eyes as she prepared herself for the impact, but that never happened. She didn't fell the hard floor against her back or ass. As a matter of fact she wasn't falling anymore.

With her heart beat thumping over the place, she slowly opened her eyes one after the other too peek at the situation of things and find why she wasn't falling or hit the floor yet.

Her eyes flew wide open when she saw the face that had appeared before her. She blinked her eyes to ensure she wasn't imagining things.

"Bl...Blake" She thought she called out but that was only in her head. Her heart which was beating fast had started racing frantically and she could hear the rhythm in her ear. She couldn't move and she also couldn't peel her eyes from him.

Her brain nearly flatlined –if that was possible– when she realized Blake had caught her and saved her and she was currently his arms right now.

No scratch that, his hand was intimately wrapped around her waist and his face was just above her.

Amy felt like squealing in her mind when she realized this. Why hasn't she thought of falling all these while. Stupid Amy!.

Amy felt her heart skip several beat and it was ramming hard against her chest. The realization of being in Blake's arm was messing with her head. It made her excite and giddy at the same time. Noticing how firm he was holding her like her knight in shinning armor, she literally visualized an halo on his head. He was shinning like an angelic being.

Blake on the other hand had his heart slamming against his ribcage when Amy stared at him the way she was doing right now. It was like she was looking deep into his soul or something, and it was making his body to act weird.

He had almost lost his breath when she lost her footing because of him and began to fall. He had instinctively caught her with his hand around her waist.

Her slim slender figure kind of felt right in his arms, his eyes zeroed on her face. While was he just noticing her dark brown eyes which looked innocent, and her cute lips which currently had colors over them making them really alluring and tempting.

Blake didn't know what came over him because the very next second he found his free hand moving up to her face. He tucked the few strands of hair draping over her face behind her ears and his hand started trailing down her cheek. They felt so soft.


Hey lovelies, so sorry about the error yesterday. I was super tired to cross check the chapter after update. Ah...I woke feeling super tired and I had to go for a fellowship. please forgive me.. I'll work better towards avoiding this mistakes.

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