When You Are Mine

Chapter 272 - Bite Me. Suck Me Mindlessly.

Hey lovelies, sorry about the mismatched chapter. The previous chapter had been corrected. If you're not able to access it, please clear out your cache. Sorry for the inconveniences.


They felt so soft....

Slowly they started moving towards her alluring lips which were screaming touch me. Bite me. Suck me mindlessly.

Blake shook his head when he realized the thoughts that were going through his head. He snapped himself back to reality when he realized what he was doing. He awkwardly cleared his throat and slowly helped her to her feet.

"I'm sorry for startling you" He instantly apologized and looked to what she had been doing. There was no way he was going to help now, when his brain and body seemed to have disconnected themselves.

"You should call the technical team for that" He told her. He turned his gaze to her again and he Immediately regretted doing that.

"I–I'll go–now" He stuttered before turning away to leave. Amy was suddenly at a loss when he started acting weird?

Blake had only walked a few feets away when paused after he realized something. He turned to look at her, or rather at her feets.

"Those heels are too high. Wear something else" He said before walking away in large strides.

He berated himself for walking there. He knew she was the one in the room when he heard someone talking. Her voice was so hard to miss, and when he walked over he wasn't surprised when he found out she was indeed the one. But when he heard her conversation with the person over the phone, he couldn't help but feel angry.

'That must be her boyfriend' He thought.

He had wanted to walk away without making an appearance when she started having issues with the cable lines, he decided to help her, but who knew he would behave in an unruly manner. He must have startled her with his actions. She was dating someone now who she was just planning a spectacular night with, so he should keep his distance from her, henceforth even though he didn't want to.

Amy watched his disappearing back with interest. She didn't like the way he had simply walked away from her, but then she remembered the awesome moments they had just shared seconds ago. She placed her hand to calm her heart that was suddenly beating fast.

'Is he beginning to have feelings for me?' She asked herself. She couldn't help but think about it especially when this was the first time he was acting like this with her.

Maybe she hadn't imagined his question the other day. 'Don't you like me anymore' She had heard and she had pondered about it for days if Blake had actually asked her or if she had imagined things by herself.

"Why is he so confusing?" She mumbled out frustratedly.


In the conference room, Hillary pushed the door open and slowly walked in fully donned in an all white suit and her heels making clicking noises on the ground. Her minions in the room stood up to welcome her with broad victorious looks on their faces.

"Madam CEO" A couple of them greeted with smile, while Hillary feigned a modest laugh.

"Let's not get to far of ourselves yet, my step son is still your CEO" She said looking at his seat, which she found to be empty. A frown creeped on her face when she noticed he was absent. She had intentionally arrived thirty minutes later than the stipulated time, because she wanted to flaunt her authority and support in front of him, but who knew he'd not arrive late also.

"Why isn't he here?" She asked out loud, be almost as if she was complaining on their behalf.

"Ha, you shouldn't mind him. He must be running Helter-skelter to save himself" Mr Andrew said with no fear or restrain. He was the major shareholder after the Beau's. Honestly, he wouldn't be dancing on this woman's tone if she didn't have incriminating and scandalous reports about him. He had asked his men to retrieve that file from but they were yet to do that.

"Hmm, it's bad for a CEO to act with no manner" Hillary hissed.

"But you're only just coming. Or aren't you supposed to be the next CEO?" Someone asked from opposite her. Hillary's lips twitch but she let out her signature creepy smile.

"That's why I'm not the CEO yet. Wait till when I am" She drawled. That was a threat but the man snorted and looked away. He was disgusted by her and by all the other fools who were in support of her.

"Fools" He mumbled under his breath.

At that moment Jake pushed the door of the room open and walked directly to his seat with no care of looking at the faces of the people he shouldn't bother himself about, while his secretary trailed behind him.

"Let's begin" He said.

"Uhm" Someone cleared his throat and every eyes turned to him, except Jake. He had already predicted he'll be the only one who was brave enough to speak while the brainless co-minions would nod their head in unison.

"Jake, there shouldn't be anything much to deliberate about. We'll ask you two simple questions and we believe you'll give us credible answer" He said. The fact that he didn't address Jake as the CEO was evident to all.

Jake slowly to look at him and scoffed before saying, "Ask away"

Mr Andrew nodded his head, and quickly glanced at Hillary who responded with a single nod.

"Did you fix the software as agreed?" The man asked.


The man nodded his head.

"And is the software working now?" He asked his second question.

"I don't know" Jake replied with nonchalance. His response made the man frown slightly.

"What do you mean by you don't know?" He asked. Hillary smiled when she saw the look on Jake's face. She thought he was feeling angry over losing the company to her, so she spoke up, "You shouldn't be too hard on him"

Her response made Jake scoff as he turned to look at her.

"Why don't you ask her? After all she's vying for my seat, she should be able to answer your question" Jake said cooly.

A smirk appeared on Hillary's face, when she heard Jake.

"You don't have to be a sole loser son" She said. Anger flashed in Jake's eyes when she called him son, but he pat himself down.

"Just answer the question. Is the software working fine?" Jake asked with a serious look on his face.

Hillary snorted when Jake looked at her so intently. she ruled his behavior as him being sulky.

"Yes" she firmly replied.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked again. This time Hillary felt a bit uncomfortable with the manner at which he was asking her questions. 'Was he up to something?' She asked herself.

'No!' She didn't think so. This plan had been perfectly carried out, so there was no way she'd fail. With that confidence, she replied,


"Then what is this?" Jake asked as he slide his tablet towards her direction.

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