When You Are Mine

Chapter 278 - Lovestruck

Jake's office

"Boss that was a good win" Patrick praised his boss as soon as they left the conference room.

"Thank you. Henceforth, we all have to work harder. When is the meeting with the bead of departments scheduled?" Jake asked.

"Sir by 1 pm" Patrick replied.

"Move it up. We'll have that meeting in the next twenty minutes" He told him. Patrick nodded and hurried to get his work done. Jake looked at the time, it was still early. He wanted to handle everything he had on his plate before the close of work. He wanted to spend the night with his woman as well as the weekend with no interruption.

After Patrick left, Jake picked up his phone and made a call.

"Any news yet?" He asked the moment the person answered the call.

"Not yet sir" The person replied making Jake sigh defeatedly.

"Alright continue with your search, but for now I want you to hire a few securities for my house and my brothers"

"Sir what about you?"

" I can handle myself well. Just do that and carry on with the search, I want him found in the next few days" Jake ordered before hanging up the call.

There were so many things to do and he badly wanted to improve his relationship with Jade at the same time.

But first, why hasn't Blake come in to gloat and seek a reward or something like his usual self. That was unlike him.

Jake left his office and went in search of Blake.


When Jake stepped into Blake's office, he was surprised to see him in a daze.

He stood by the door and gazed at him, but Blake was too lost in thought to notice his presence.

"Back to earth, Blake Beau" Jake snapped his fingers at him to get his attention and that was enough to jolt him out of his reverie.

"How long have you been standing there?" Blake asked in surprise.

"Long enough to hear you calling out her name" Jake teased as he walked closer to Blake's desk.

Blake's eyes widened with shock, "Whose name?"

"Her name" Jake wriggled his brows in a teaseful manner.

"Stop playing with me man" Blake sighed.

Jake plonked himself on the seat opposite him, "What's wrong?" Jake asked with concern.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" Blake asked back.

Jake shrugged "You tell me. I was waiting for you to hop in and come seek a reward or some patting but you didn't come. What happened? You grew up?" Jake cocked a brow at him, while Blake eyed him.

"What do you mean? Do I look still look like a kid?" Blake asked feigning annoyance.

Jake hissed and lolled back on the seat, "You're still my baby bro, who's still a virgin and might die a vi–"

"Shut up bro" Blake cried out in mortification, making Jake chuckle, but Blake wickedly glared at him.

"Tell me what's wrong with you? You looked like you were about to cry when I walked in" Jake said in a more serious tone.

Blake looked at him for some time before sighing out loudly.

"If I tell you, you won't laugh at me right?" Blake asked.

"Well, it depends. If it's funny, I'll laugh. But if it's not I won't laugh" Jake replied making Blake eye him more.

"Forget it" Was there a chance that Jake wouldn't laugh at his predicament? The answer was NO!

Seeing his expression like he was about to cry, Jake chuckled, before stifling his gaze.

"Okay, I promise I won't laugh. Rather I'll give some good advice if I have any" He told him. But Blake looked at him suspiciously. He couldn't just believe his brother just like that.

"You promise?" Blake asked skeptically.

"I promise," He assured him with a nod.

Blake sighed and hesitated for a while before he finally decided to speak up, "What will you do if a pretty girl hugs you and asks you if you like her?" Blake asked.

"Why would a girl hug me and ask me that? Jade will kill me if I try that" He quickly replied. He didn't want to think of it. He still hasn't forgotten how terrified he had been when Jade got mad at him because of his previous lifestyle. One repeat of that, and he would be dead meat.

Blake rolled his eyes and hissed at him. "I'm not talking about you. I mean hypothetically"

"I don't even want to see it that way. My imagination is owned by Jade Peterson. Say something else" Jake told him, while Blake irritatedly hissed at him.

"Just forget it," Blake said dismissively and looked away from his lovestruck brother.

Jake hissed when he saw the irritated look on his brother's face. Of course, he knew what he was talking about, he just didn't want Blake's words to jinx his relationship. "So tell me, did she ask you if you like her?"

Blake looked at him and bobbed his head up and down affirmatively.

"And what did you say?" Jake asked.

"I told her, I don't know" He shrugged, and let out a defeated sigh.

"So what did she say?" He asked again.

"She gave me two weeks to tell her how I

feel or she'll date someone else" Blake hissed frustratedly when he remembered how she had said those words.

"She said that?" Jake asked in surprise, while Blake vigorously nodded his head. Jake couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

"You said you won't laugh?" Blake eyed him.

"But I can't help it," Jake said amid laughter. He threw his head back and laughed even harder.

Blake glared at him as he laughed, "Laugh all you want" He hissed and looked away from his annoying brother.

Jake glanced at him after his laughter died down. He chuckled when he saw the grumpy and gloomy look on his face.

"I'm sorry okay, I just couldn't help it. So tell me, do you like her?" Jake asked in a serious tone, his eyes were intently focused on his brother as he tried to grasp his every expression.

Blake looked at him with confused eyes, he signed as he scratched his forehead, "I don't know"

Raising his brows Jake asked, "You don't know?" while Blake nodded his head responsively.

Jake sighed and shook his head pitiably. It seems his family really did lack in the love aspect. They had to go through a lot of trouble when it comes to relationships.

"Well you have to find out"

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