When You Are Mine

Chapter 279 - Brother's Hatred

"Well you have to find out"

"But how?" Blake asked in desperation.

"I don't know man. You're asking the wrong person. Go talk to grandfather, I'm sure he'll help" Jake told him, but Blake hissed.

"So he should have his fun in teasing me. I'm not going" He wasn't interested in talking about women's problems with their grandfather. That old man knows how to tease him the most.

Jake shrugged, "It's your choice. You can stay here and sulk while she finds herself a boyfriend and then you'll be sad and alone. Then don't come crying, because I can't pacify you, my girlfriend is already enough for me to placate now and then" Jake told him.

Blake couldn't help but frown at him, as he glared at him.

"Just so you know, you're on your way to being a woman slave" Blake sighed irritably, making Jake chuckle amusedly.

"If it's for Jade, then I don't mind," He said, smiling sheepishly. The thought of seeing her today and having her to himself at his penthouse was giving so much joy and was making him giddy. Ha, he couldn't wait! He should round up his work and start heading over.

Blake was more irritated when he saw Jake smiling to himself, "Get out. Just leave my office. You're making me depressed" He spat out in frustration. He needed a solution to his problem.

Jake raised his hand to the air, "If you say so, but don't you dare step into my office to ask for a favor or anything, and I'm keeping my gift to myself. After all Jade has been begging to take it for a spin" He hissed as he stood up to his feet.

Blake snapped his head to look at him, with glimmering eyes as he asked, "What gift? You want to give me a gift?" A smile was forming on his face. From Jake's words, he had to be a car right? Maybe Jake was now willing to part with his baby.

"Forget it, you missed your opportunity. Thinking about it now, my baby will kill me if I give it out" Jake said as he stood to his feet.

Blake looked at him in disbelief and surprise, "You don't want to give it to me again?" He asked, while Jake casually shrugged.

Blake incredulously looked at him, "It was me before sister-in-law" He complained.

"Thank God, you called her sister-in-law, meaning I have to please her so she can marry me"

Blake scoffed, he couldn't believe it. He was just pulling his legs. He had no intention of giving him a gift.

"You're just evil" He hissed in annoyance. Jake chuckled as he made his way to the door. He paused and turned back to look at Blake who was glaring at his back.

"You know what? You should ask yourself how you'd feel if she dates somebody else. When you have your answer, then you'll know how you feel about her" He paused and continued.

"And Blake when you do, don't waste a second before you tell her. Delays are always dangerous" He said before walking out of the office. Thanks to Blake he was already late for his meeting.

Blake continued to stare at the spot Jake had just been standing seconds ago, as he pondered on what Jake had said. Was he willing to see Amy with someone else? Have someone else hold and hug her just like she has hugged him?

He didn't have to think about it much, because he already had his answer in his mind.


Jame's Office

"Sir your brother is here to see you" Jame's secretary informed.

"Mmm, let him in"

"Okay sir"

"You can go in" The secretary informed Lair.

"Thank you"

Lair wasn't sure he'd ever willingly visit his brother's office, as he couldn't remember the last time he had spoken to him. He always spoke to Jame's wife on the phone and asks about his little nephew and niece. Those kids were so sweet and adorable, completely different from the man who had bore them.

"I never thought you'll ever come to visit me," James said the moment Lair stepped into his office.

"Believe me, I'll never come on my own accord" Lair coldly replied, while James chuckled. As expected of his brother.

"Then you shouldn't have. I can always send you my findings" James said as he continued to sign on the document in front of him.

"You should ask father. I'd rather be in Syria, and sit in the middle of all the crises than step into this shackle you call an office" Lair retorted, making James chuckle the more.

James dropped the pen in his hand and looked at Lair, "You really hate me don't you?"

"You have no idea" Lair hissed and sat down in front of him, with an expressionless face. James looked at him and d

slightly shook his head.

"As a medical doctor, you shouldn't have all this venom in you. How do you treat your patients?" He asked amusedly.

"Funny how this is the longest conversation we've had since birth. Please don't act friendly with me. Let's just look through the documents and videos so I can get out of here" Lair said irritably. He didn't hate his brother, but the guy's nature and attitude had been so cold and annoying over the years. He had always tried to be the good child by agreeing to their mother's dictatorship. And has never stood up to fight for himself or his younger siblings. And even when he finally had a fit with their mother, he left and never looked back. What a brother, he was.

"Don't worry I already knew you'd be this way, so I saved us the stress. Pulling out a flash and some documents from his drawers, he dropped them on the table.

"I've gone through them–"

"And?" Lair impatiently interrupted. James looked at him and sighed.

"And I think something is off"

Lair hissed, "Don't we all know that?"

James wanted to say something to him but he decided not to.

"What was off, was the CCTV footage"

"What do you mean?" Lair asked with a serious expression.

"I believe someone tampered with it"

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