When You Are Mine

Chapter 280 - Surprise

Jade took permission from her boss to close two hours earlier from work as she had a few places to drop by before heading home to get herself ready for tonight. She was quite nervous as she looked at the clothes laid out on the bed. She could feel her heart racing so fast. Hours ago she was so sure of her decision but right now, she wasn't so sure anymore.

Just as she was still pondering about going on with her plan, her phone started ringing. She heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed who was calling her, it was the right person to talk to at the moment.

"Are you ready?"

"Almost" She replied in a low voice, making Amy frown.

"What now? Why are you sounding like that?" Amy asked with concern.

"I feel nervous Amy. What if he doesn't like it?" Jade said as she slowly began to pace.

"What? Do you know who we're talking about here?" Amy asked with incredulity.

"That's Jake Beau, honey. He'd love it and definitely love you more. Now tell me which normal man wouldn't like to be given a special treat by his hot and sexy girlfriend? Sweetheart you're overthinking. Just do it, and go with the flow okay? Don't sweat" Amy encouraged her.

Nodding her head, Jade said, "Okay"

"Good. So did you get everything you need?" Amy asked.


"And the gift?"

"I got it too" She nodded her head.

"Okay okay, go have fun alright. And remember to give me the gist when we meet at your place. I mean full details and I also have something to tell you too" Amy told her.

"Okay, thanks Amy, I love you"

"I love you too silly," Amy said before disconnecting the call.

Jade felt much relaxed after talking to Amy. She couldn't forget Amy's first reaction when she told her about her plan for Jake.

Soon Jade got dressed and she carried the stuff she needed but not before calling her mother, to inform her about going to Jake's place, which she readily agreed to.

There were so many emotions going through Jade's heart as she made her way to his place. Anxiety, fear, giddiness, and happiness were all going through her head.

She took a deep breath to calm herself when she arrived at the hotel. She walked to the front desk and informed them about who she was and they quickly sent someone to lead her to the penthouse.

Looking around the place, she felt nervous when she saw the little time she had to get everything in order.

"Ma, do you need anything else?" The young girl who had been instructed to bring her asked.

Thinking about it for a while, Jade said, "Yes, if you don't mind of course"

If she really wanted to get everything ready to surprise Jake before he returns she might indeed need some assistance.

"I don't mind" The girl replied with a smile.

"Really? Thank you" Jade chirped before she started instructing the girl on what to help her do.

Two hours later, Jade and the girl looked at the wonders they have done and they couldn't help but smile.

"What do you think?" Jade nervously asked the girl.

"He's going to love it," The girl said with a bright smile.

Nodding her head and with a proud and happy smile on her face, Jade said, "I think so too"

Turning towards the girl, Jade excitedly hugged her, "Thanks, Anna. I really appreciate your help"

The girl was surprised when Jade hugged her like that. "You don't have to thank me, it's part of my job. And this is for the big boss" She said.

"Ma, I think you should get ready too," The girl told her and that snapped Jade back to reality. She gasped when she saw the time. She was too excited that she had forgotten she also had to freshen up after all the work.

Hurrying towards the bedroom she called out to Anna, "Anna take the pack on the counter, it's for you okay" She said before hurrying up to get herself ready.

A few minutes later Jade looked at her reflection in the mirror, her heart started racing fast, and her palms turned sweaty. She brushed her hand through her jet black hair which was freely flowing down her back.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"Jade you can do this," She told herself before stepping out of the room.


Jake's office.

Jake was happily heading towards his car with a happy smile on his face when he saw Blake leaning on his car waiting for him.

"Before you say anything, know that my answer is no" Jake said as he walked past him but Blake quickly blocked his path.

Blake looked at him with disbelieving eyes, "I haven't even asked yet"

"And I don't need to hear you ask, my answer is no" Jake replied in a firm tone.

"Didn't you want to give me the car?" Blake asked while Jake chuckled.

"And when did I tell you that?" Jake cocked a brow at him.

"Wasn't that why you came to my office earlier?"

"But you exchanged it for love advice which I happily gave. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a girlfriend to meet" Jake said while Blake hissed.

"You're so stingy" Blake eyed him.

"Yeah, I know and my girlfriend isn't complaining, so scram before I kick your ass." Jake warned.

"Bet it, I'm going to expose some of your secrets to sister-in-law"

"Wait, isn't that Ms. Walker I see hugging that guy?" Jake said with a straight face.

"What? Where?" Blake hastily turned around and looked around, with widened eyes

"Fool" Jake chuckled as he took advantage of Blake's distraction to hop into his car.

Blake frowned when he realized he had just been played been his brother.

"Damn you bro" He cussed, as he eyed Jake with wicked eyes, while Jake burst out in laughter.

"Drive home safe and ask her out before I ask Phil to" Jake teased before drove off.

"You're wicked" Blake yelled behind him as he zoomed off.

Jake couldn't but smile to himself as the thought of spending some time with Jade came into his head. He quickly dialed her number to confirm if she had arrived there, but she didn't pick.

That was strange.

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