When You Are Mine

Chapter 281 - Special Treat

Jake dialed her number one last time but there was still no response. He quickly called the hotel to confirm if Jade had arrived there and they informed him, she has.

Jake heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that. He stopped at a flower shop and got her flowers. He smiled when he thought about seeing the beautiful smile on her face when she sees them. With that thought in mind, Jake floored the pedals and zoomed off to his penthouse.

He noticed the weird look and smiles on the staff's faces when he walked into the lobby, but he didn't think much about it as he hurriedly made his way to the elevator.

Jake frowned the moment he stepped out of the elevator into his penthouse. The whole pitch place was dark and he could barely see a thing since it was quite dark.

"Jade?" He called softly and at that moment the lyrics of 'At last' by Etta James started playing from the sound system, and the LED lights of the house turned up revealing the flower petals scattered around the floor of the house. Jake thought he was imagining things, he must have walked into the wrong room right? But right then he saw the most gracious and beautiful being he had ever seen suddenly appear in from of him, looking alluring and beautiful in a V neck spaghetti strap black satin dress, with a high slit at the front that revealed her left thigh, standing before him with the brightest smile that could melt a million frost.

"Hello handsome" She greeted with a sultry smile which had Jake's heart beating through the roof. Jake couldn't believe what was going on. He stood transfixed as his eyes scanned over from head to toes. She was looking breathtaking, so much that he gulped.

Seeing him in a daze, Jade smiled and walked over. She hooked her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on his lips, pulling him out of his stupefaction.

"You shouldn't look too dazed" She said with a smile.

Jake lowered his eyes and looked at her, before looking around the place and then back at her face.

"Y...you did this?" He asked in a low and surprised voice.

"Hmm" She nodded her head. "Surprised?"

Jake looked around again and replied "Very surprised" before kissing her lips.

"Then wait till i show you more" She said before taking his hand and leading him out to the terrace.

Jake's jaws dropped when he saw the sight in front of him. It was romantic candlelight dinner with alot of beautiful decorations.

Jake looked around and back at the her again.

"Baby you did this too?" He asked in awe, while Jade bobbed her head up and down, her smile not leaving her face.

"Do you like it?" She asked in a nervous tone. She has been worried Jake might not really like, so...

"Like it? Are you crazy? I love it" He said before wrapping his hand around her waist as he pulled her closer, slamming her body against his. He raised her chin up with his finger and whispered, "I love you" before crashing his lips against hers and kissing her passionately.

Jade moaned out in pleasure as she hooked her arm against his neck and enjoyed the warmth of his mouth. Jake deepened the kiss and gently bit her lower lips, before lodging his tongue into her mouth and entangling their tongues together, causing Jade to moan.

Jade couldn't help but moan at the pleasure she was getting from being kissed by this skillful and passionate kisser. She felt weak on her knees as he kept kissing her with no abandon.

Jake finally broke the kiss and came up for air, when they both felt breathless. Their chest heaving up and down from that very long and passionate kiss.

He used his hand and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear before trailing his hand down her cheek. And with a deep and sexy voice he said, "Jade I love you"

"And I love you too" Jade replied, looking into his hazel eyes. She wrapped her hand around him, and Jake hugged her back with both his hand.

Hearing some ruffling noise behind her, Jade stepped away and tried to look behind her.

"What's that?" Jade asked as she looked over her shoulders. Remembering what he had in hand, Jake brought the flowers forward.

"Are those for me?" She asked with sunny smile.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot" He said before handing it to her. Jade smile broadened as she received it, a warm blush creeping up her face.

"Thank you" She said, before giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold" Jade excitedly said, pulling him by the hand as she led him to the table.

Jake pulled out the chair for her to seat, before taking his seat at the opposite side. He hasn't forgotten his gentlemanly role. Looking at the meal laid on the table, he looked at his pretty girlfriend.

"You really made all this?" Jake asked with surprise.

"What you don't believe me?" She cocked a brow at him.

"Of course i do. It's... it's just–"

"Too much?" She completed his sentence.

"Yeah. You didn't have to go through the stress" He told her. He could imagine all the effort she must have put into this. When did she even close from work that she had the time to do all this? She should have rested and just wait for him.

"Just so you know, it wasn't stressful and I had a help. And I wanted to give a surprise date, since you weren't able to take me out for one and secondly, you've worked hard this past week, so I wanted to give my man a treat" She said with a shy smile, making Jake smile as well.

"I like the sound of that. You should call me that more often"

"Call you what?" Jade asked confusedly.

"Your man" He said smilingly, making Jade blush.

"So tell me how was it? You were successful I suppose?" She curiously inquired, while Jake bobbed his head up and down.

"Yeah I was. And I have you to thank for that" He said taking her hand on the table. "Thank you so much Jade, you're a blessing to me. Thank you for being there and for all of this" He said before placing a warm kiss on the back of her hand.

"And thank you for making me proud" She giggled.

"I'm more proud of you" Jade blushed harder at his words

"Stop flattering me.. Let's eat" She told him.

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