When You Are Mine

Chapter 285 - Her Night


Jade was surprised when Jake carried her on his shoulders. She had no idea when he was taking her till they arrived at the bedroom. He threw her on the soft king sized bed making her squeal as she bounced on it.

She blushed when she saw Jake slowly crawling up to her. He looked very seductive and alluring.

"You really look a Playboy now" She said with a smile as he towered over her. His hair covering the side of his face and he looked really handsome and sexy.

"Really?" He asked as he slowly began to rub his hands on her thighs again and sneakily move to her inner thighs.

"Hmm" She nodded her head, her hands moving to brush his hair backward.

"Then I'll show you what your playboy can do" He smirked, before putting his fingers into hot core one more time, and started thrusting in, in slow motion.

"mmmm" Jade instantly closed her eyes as she moaned. She wasn't expecting that. That.... that was good.

"Look at me, Jade" He said in a hot and sexy voice. Jade who was having a very hard time keeping up or opening her eyes, had no choice but to look at him.

"Tell me you love me" He said.

"I love you"

"Promise me you'll never leave me"

"I'll... I'll never leave you" She absentmindedly repeated. At this point she would say whatever he asked her to.

"I love you" Jake said.

Throwing her head back and her eyes rolling inside, she replied, "I love you too Jake....but ple...ase.." She couldn't finish her statement when Jake inserted another finger and started hand fucking her hard.

"Yess..Aaaahhh. Baby please" Jade squirmed and swirled on the bed when Jake started thrusting his fingers inside her fast, his thumb massaging her clits and his tongue now sucking her breasts hungrily.

He moaned along with her when she suddenly pulled his head upward and started kissing him hungrily.

"Uhhhmm...Ja..ke I... I'm–" She couldn't say it out loud. She was floating in the air right now, her core was heating and sending waves all over body. Tension was building all over her body. She was close, so fucking close.

Gripping his hair, she cried, "Honey, I'm... I'm about to...."

"Just cum baby" Jake said as he increased the intensity of his thrust, his thumb not leaving her clits, as he caressed her there.

"Fuck!" She cussed when she hit the spot of climax. Her clear juice started sipping out as she got another orgasm. Her breath was fast, she placed her hand on her head as she tried to calm herself down. She slowly opened her eyes to see Jake staring at her sexily. He brought out his fingers from her honey pot and started licking it. The way he was swirling his tongue around his fingers as he licked her juice made Jade feel shy and at the same time aroused.

She was about to say something, when Jake split her legs and placed himself between them. He winked at her before lowering his head down there.

"What are you doi–" She tried to say but she completed her sentence with a moan, "mmmm"

Jake was going to be the death of her. Because right now he was in between her legs and his head was buried there while he licked her teased with the tip of his tongue.

Jake cupped her ass cheek with his hands, giving them some little squeeze, while using his tongue to lick her pussy.

"Aaaahhh" Jade moaned in ecstasy. She thought she had seen it all, felt it all, but this feeling was different. It was bliss.

Jake moved his tongue around her in circular motion, as he slowly stimulated her core, building more tension inside her. He licked and sucked her folds before pounding on her clit. He could feel her clit twitch with excitement before he lodged his tongue deep into her sex. Jade moaned, and cried out in pleasure.

Her hand found their way to his head and she nudged him to give her more. More pleasure, more of his tongue.

Jake obliged as he kept tongue fucking her, making Jade turn and squirm, her hands gripping the sheet tightly.

"Ahhh.... I'm going to...." Her vagina was dying of sweetness and pleasure.

"Not yet" Jake said as instantly pulled away, and deftly pulled her up, he laid on the flat on the bed, and placed her on his face so she was sitting directly on his face. Her pussy directly on his mouth.

Jade didn't even have the time to process what had just happened before Jake attacked her pussy again, eating her up not just with his mouth but also with his finger. He deftly used both his hand and tongue on her. Jade gripped the head board to stabilize herself, so she wouldn't fall, because she might just fall off him. This was too much.

She threw her head back as Jake continued with his onslaught.

"Jake Jake, I'm going to....I can't hold...it"

"Mmm" Jake moaned against her vagina as he intensed his finger thrust and his tongue moved a little faster. Jade quickly reached cloud nine and back as she started jerking, another wave of orgasm hitting her. More pussy juice dripped and slipped out of her straight into Jake mouth, who enjoyably swallowed them all and kicked her dry. Jade hissed out.

Jake was a monster. He had her cum thrice in a row.

Noticing she was tired after giving her three orgasms, Jake firmly held her waise and pulled her backward, carrying her to sit on his waist whiel he equally sat up right. Jade wrapped her hand around him and buried her head on his neck.

Jake hissed inwardly when Jade sat on his hard rock member who has been twitching all this while, ready for some action....but unfortunately it wasn't getting some. It was beginning to hurt from being turned on for too long, with no form of release.

Jade felt his hard bulge under her. She tried to move but Jake held her down. He brushed his hand through her hair and cupped her face to kiss her.

"Jake what about you? I can help" She said in a low voice. She could tell he was having a hard time with his full blown boner.

Jake kissed the top of her head, "Don't bother about it. Tonight's for you" He told her.

"But–" Jade tried to move down so she could help him, but her actions made him hiss out. Her movements weren't helping him.

"Move one more time and I'll eat you all night till you're out of energy" He threatened, making Jade gulp.


Kissing her forehead again, he said, "It's nothing a cold bath can't fix" 'A really cold bath' he added in his head. It had taken all his will power not to make love to her right there. She has done alot for him, and he didn't want her to do more. He'll save the best for their special night. Their wedding night.

Jake let her off him, and kissed her cheek.

"You owe me an all nighter Jade Peterson. When I finally make you mine, you won't get a wink of sleep" He warned her before kissing her lip and scooping her in his arms. She didn't know if she should dread that day and turn down the thought of ever marrying this man.

"Where are we going to?" She asked.

"To get you cleaned up" He said as he carried her to the bathroom.

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