When You Are Mine

Chapter 286 - A Mistake To Blessing

Jade laid on the bed staring at the handsome man lying by her side. She plopped her head up with her hand while Jake played with her hair.

"You know I should be angry with you right?" Jade asked with a not so serious look, but that was enough to make Jake panic. He didn't like the thought of Jade being angry at him.

"Why? What did I do?" He asked with a frantic expression which made Jade smile but she tightened her look back.

"Did you ask me how my presentation went? No you didn't" Jake shamefully closed his eyes when he remembered that. How could he have made such a mistake? And to think he had seen her on that day?

He wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer, "Baby I'm sorry. I...I don't even have an excuse for that. Please forgive me" He apologized. Jade shot him a contemplative look as if she was thinking about forgiving him.

"Honey please. I promise to be more attentive towards you."

"You better be."

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" He asked, while Jade nodded her head. Jake heaved a sigh of relief as he kissed her lips and said, "Thank you"

"You're welcome" She kissed him back.

"So tell me, how was it? I already know you blew their minds away" He praised.

"How did you know?" Jade asked feeling cheeky.

"Because my girlfriend is so smart, in fact she's the best" He praised making her blush as she buried her face in his chest.

"She's the bomb" He added as he kissed the top of her head. She felt giddy when he praised her like that. This was something Cale never did, despie all her effort and sacrifices.


"You know you look handsome right?" Jade asked as she brushed his hair backward with her hand.

With a smirk on his face, Jake replied, "Isn't that the reason why you fell for me in the first place" making Jade chuckle.

"You're just a narcissist" She playfully smacked his arm.

Jake put his hand on her waist and leaned upward to peck her lips.

"Yeah, I know but you still love me anyway," He chuckled.

Jade pecked his lips back before resuming what she was doing with his hair. She gazed at him for a while and sighed, her expression suddenly turning serious.

"You know before we met I thought i had experienced love and had something special going on, something I didn't want to lose" She paused and looked at Jake who was now looking at her with a serious expression on his face. She give him a wry smile before returning her attention to his hair which was very soft and silky. She was going to ask him for the name of his hair product after now.

"I thought I was in love and was equally loved back. But it turned out to be a lie and I was just living in my own delusion" She paused and hissed. Jake looked at her intently as he listened to her, he could feel the hurt in her voice but he didn't interrupt her.

Still playing with his hair Jade continued, "I guess the signs were there but I didn't see them because I was too stupid living in my own fantasy, planning a future with someone who didn't love me or respect me, slaving away for him and –" She paused again when she felt uneasy and a flicker of pain surge through her heart.

Jake noticed the change in her eyes and he raised his palm to touch her cheek, "Hey, you don't have to talk about it. It's all past now, just let it be" Jake said in a low voice, trying to comfort her when she looked like she was about to cry.

Jade slowly shook her head, silently telling him it was okay. She didn't mind telling him this, as a matter of fact she wanted to tell him.

"No I want to" She said placing her small hand on top of his large palm which was on her face.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked while Jade nodded her head. He sighed deflatedly when he realized she was determined to share her past with her. He really didn't mind if she chose not to tell him, all that matters was the present and their future.


Jade laid on the bed and placed her head on his chest while Jake snaked his hands around her waist.

"You know on that night we met, I was in desperate need of cash to save someone who was about to die. Remember how I boldly offered myself to you right?" She chuckled as the memory of that night flashed through her head.

How could he forget, that was the worst and best day of his life. It has been the best day of his life because that was how he had seen her, but it was equally the worst because he made a mistake with her on that night.

It was the day he had mostly regretted and wished he had acted differently. The day he had wished he shouldn't have given in to his lustful desires. Jake was still embarrassed by his debauched attitude on that day and because of that, he couldn't reply. He simply nodded his head and muttered an, "mmm"

"Well you wouldn't believe who I wanted to save" She paused and mockingly chuckled.

"It was to save my boyfriend who I had been dating for four years" She snorted. She was amused by her level of foolishness and stupidity at the time.

"You know at the time, I didn't care what I had to do to save him, or the consequences I'd have to face for doing something stupid, neither did I listen to my mother's plea. I just had one goal at that time and that was to save him no matter the cost. And I did"

"I saved him, but then instead of getting a pat at the back or anything that would make me feel better and not drown myself with shame, I was rewarded with a huge pile of betrayal handed to me in the most painful and undermining way ever" She paused when she felt tears prick her eyes. She wasn't feeling teary about the fact that she was betrayed, no, that would only give Cale some room for feeling special in her heart. She was feeling teary for being a fool and despite her foolishness the heaven did not cast her aside, but rather she was given a second chance at love, but this time with someone better.

A mistake had turned in to a blessing.

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