When You Are Mine

Chapter 287 - Better Than Jade

Jake heard her voice turn heavy, he could tell she was tearing up. He wanted to sit up and hold her, but Jade pinned him down, snuggling closer against him. He sighed when she did that, and he could only tighten his hold around her to comfort her.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself before she continued. "You know it was embarrassing bumping into you that morning at the hospital at the very moment when I had just caught my boyfriend who I have need dating for four years proposing to his fiancee who I thought was his cousin all this while. To think we all work under the same place and I've been stupidly helping her, trying to impress my would be in-law who unknowingly was dating my boyfriend. I must have been a fool" Jade couldn't stop a tear from rolling down her eyes.

Jake could feel his heart ache for her, he gently brushed his hand down her cheek and caught her tears and wiping it off her face. Though it was past he could feel his blood boil with anger.

He pushed her on the bed and hovered his face over her. His heart pound ferociously when he saw her reddened eyes. Wiping her face with his palm, he kissed her cheek and said, "You were not a fool, you were just in love. It was their loss and foolishness for treating you that way. Never call yourself a fool again" He told her, while Jade slowly nodded her head.

He didn't want to see her sad especially when it had to do a stupid ex who might have broken her heart. He didn't mind not hearing all that, he just didn't want her to cry because of any undeserving jerk.

She wrapped her hand around his neck and hugged him. There was something else she wanted to tell, something that had even hurt her more than Cale cheating on her and that was the fact that she had shared him with Stephanie. She had not thought much about it before they started dating, but when they finally did, she couldn't help but feel angry at the fact she had also shared her man with that vixen even though it was in the past.

Well she shouldn't bother herself about it anymore, Jake was hers and only she had the right to talk about him, hold him and kiss him.

Jake wrapped his hands around her and hugged her tightly against himself, pulling her to lie on top of him, while his hand gently patted her back.

"Don't be sad okay. It's past" He comforted her. While Jade shook her head.

"I'm not sad because of him, I'm just sad because you didn't come sooner. You just took so long" Jade smacked his arm as she rubbed her face against his chest making Jake chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to look pretty for you" He said in a serious tone even though it was supposed to maker her smile.

"And see I'm here now aren't I? Don't think about the past anymore okay. You have me now and I'll love you till my dying day"

"You better do" She said as she tightened her hold around him.


Stephanie sat on the cold floor of her apartment with a murderous expression on her face, a dark glint glistening in her eyes as she continued to gulp down the bottle of Brandy in her hand. Lying on her side were few bottles of alcohol which she had consumed.

The whole apartment was in a mess, she had thrashed all she could lay her hands on to vent her anger, but her anger was no where calm, rather she looked worse. Her hatred for Jade grew by the second. She desperately wanted to kill her. She could lunge a knife through her heart and mutilate her.

"That damn bitch" She cussed out as she threw the bottle in her hand against the wall, smashing it and it's content spilling on the floor. Her eyes were red and so much anger, pain, and hatred were burning in them. She was fuming with anger.

"Why that damn bitch?" She threw another bottle at the plasma hanging on the wall as she shrieked in anger. She didn't understand what they saw in her. What did they all see in Jade? As far as she was concerned she surpassed Jade in every way. She was more beautiful, more intelligent, more perfect, and she was more satisfying in bed. So what the hell did see in her? What did Jade have that she didn't have? She had more! She deserved all the attention that Jade was receiving.

That bitch couldn't even have sex with her man, she didn't even know how to pleasure a man so what did they all see in her?

First it was Cale, and now she even got someone like Jake. And the company dare let her go because of a mere intern when she has been working for the company for years, and even when had a better position than her. This was too much for her.

She won't let them humiliate her like this. She was going to get back at her. Since they all loved Jade that much, she was going to see if they'd still love her after she was done with her.

"Ahhhh!" She shrieked, kicking all the things on her path away as she staggered to her feet.

"I'm going to kill that bitch!" She swore as she picked up her phone dialed a number.

"I'm coming over" She said in a cold tone.

"mmm" Was all the person from the other side muttered before she hung up.

She grabbed her jacket from the sofa and her ATM card as well as her keys before stepping out of the house.

She was going to teach that bitch a lesson.. Then she'd see how they were all going to love and adore her.

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