When You Are Mine

Chapter 288 - Seeking Help


Half an hour later

In a dark Alley, Stephanie stepped out of her car, though she was a bit drunk she looked quite sober. She looked at both side of the alley seemingly looking for someone.

She picked up her phone and dialed the number again. After one ring the person picked up.

"Come out, I've got a job for you" She said before hanging up.

She leaned against her car as she waited for whoever she had tried to call to show up. After waiting for a few minutes, three dangerous looking men approached her from both sides but she was unfazed. She was familiar with them, or rather their boss.

"I thought I'd never see you again" One of the men who was their boss said as he approached her, while Stephanie rolled her eyes. He stopped right in front her, his eyes lustfully seizing her up while the other two men stood in the shadows.

Trailing his finger down her face, he licked his lips, and asked, "What do you want now?" He asked with a lascivious smile which badly irked Stephanie, but she was familiar with this guy. He was a creep.

She couldn't provoke him right now and most importantly she needed his services.

Passing her phone to him she showed him the picture currently displaying on her phone.

"I want a full package. And maybe you can season her face with a bit of acid too" Stephanie said with a straight face, like she had not just asked him to do something bad.

The man cocked his brows amusedly. "A full package huh?" The man asked with a sly smile as he looked at the picture.

"She's pretty. I think I like her already" The lascivious smile on his face widened.

Stephanie felt her blood boil when she heard him say, 'Jade was pretty'. Her hands clenched into a fist as she eyed the man.

The man smirked when he saw the dark look on Stephanie's face, "We're going to have fun with her" He smiled before slipping the phone into his pocket.

"Payment?" He asked.

Stephanie eyed before bringing out the envelope from her car and handed it to him.

The man received the envelope, he took a look at it before tossing into the darkeness where one of his men deftly caught it.

He took a step closer and he played with a lock of her hair.

"That's for the boys, where's mine?" He asked, smiling eerily.

Stephanie looked at him with disgust but she couldn't say anything to him, she understood the sort of payment he was asking for. The disgust she felt towards him was nowhere near the hatred she had for Jade.

Surreptitiously eyeing him, she said, "Tomorrow, I'll send you an address" She sternly told him, but the man shook his head. He didn't want that.

"Tomorrow's far, what about now?"

"Now?" Stephanie looked at him like he was crazy.

"Come on, you know you want to, and I'm sure you missed it. Just step into the car and I'll get my payment as well as pleasure you" He said, licking his lip in a very irritating manner.

"Can't you–"

Opening the door of the car, the man said, "Get in" the smile was no longer on his face and Stephanie knew things had just turned serious.

Left with no other choice, Stephanie got into the back seat of the car which the man had opened for her and he joined her.

She felt repulsed by him and she couldn't help but cringed when he groped her and began to kiss her.

Soon sound of forced moans could be heard echoing out from the car with the car bouncing up and down, as the couple inside entangled themselves.

After having his fill, the man buckled his trousers and gave Stephanie a kiss on the lips and from the look on her face, she was highly irritated but he didn't care. She silently dressed herself up as she cussed in her heart.

She turned to the man when he was about leave, "Don't forget to send me videos" She told him as he stepped out of the car.

"You sure are vicious" The man said with a creepy smile before walking away with his men.

Stephanie angrily wiped her lips with the back of her hand. She had allowed that repugnant man to kiss and touch her just because of that bitch.

Stephanie turned livid as she cussed in her heart all over again. She was going to make Jade pay. She was going to ruin Jade's life when she gets a hold of that video.

"Bitch" She cussed loudly.


Lair continued to think about what his brother had said earlier at his office.

"Things are not as simple as it seems. I think some had removed some clips of the footage as well as deleted some documents" James said.

"So what do we do?" 

Pausing for a while, James said, "We'll have to look into the security server. Whoever did this must be good. So we might need a professional help to retrieve what ever they're trying to hide"

Lair was getting infuriated with this futile search for Micheal, the search was taking too long. The tension in the house was growing worse by the day, and he could see Amy was really trying to focus on other things to make herself happy, but he knew it was all a fascade to prevent others from worrying about her.

He had to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. He couldn't wait for his brother to contact the right authorities to allow them to access files which they thought would be very useful in finding the whereabouts of this guy.

He had to do this his own way, and there was only one person who could help him find the truth.

With that thought in mind he picked up his phone and dialed a number. After a few rings the person picked up.

"Lair Walker, what a pleasant surprise" Blake greeted from the other side of the phone. He was quite surprised to see Lair calling him at this time of the night.

"You make it sound like it awkward receiving a call from me." Lair said with a smile.

"Isn't it? You have my number yet you didn't call until now. The last time I saw you was at my party. You promised you hang out, but it medical doctor don't keep to their words. How said." Blake joked.

"Come on man, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better. You're my homie."

"Yeah I know. So tell me why did you call? Or you missed my voice?" Blake teased making Lair chuckle. Blake was never be going to change.

Hesitating for a while, Lair said, "I need your help."

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