When You Are Mine

Chapter 291 - Miracle Worker

"Nothing." Amy shrugged, while Jade's brows creased. After seeing Blake at the charity ball, she didn't really understand how someone like him would be so dense and stupid.

Putting her hand on Amy's shoulder, she said, "Don't worry he'll come around and get over the thick cloud of denseness hovering over his brain, and even if he doesn't I'll beat it out of him, okay?" Jade tried to comfort her friend, who in turn chuckled and nodded her head.


"Now let's not talk men, let's go see our celebrity crush!" Jade squealed making Amy chuckled amusedly.

"He's not my celebrity crush, just yours." Amy pointed out, while Jade rolled her eyes, "Whatever. He's my celebrity crush who I can't stop crushing over."

"I think I should let Jake hear that."

"What?!" Jade exclaimed, her eyes widened to the fullest.

"Amy don't you dare. That boy isn't just clingy but possessive. If you want your friend with a broken nose and bruised face maybe then you can tell him" Jade warned her. After being with Jake, she had come to know who possessive he was of her, and his jealousy grew worse by the day.

Amy laughed out, "Who'd believe the famous Jake Beau, would change and become clingy? Jade, I must commend you. You're a miracle worker. You've turned the playboy to your lovestruck fool" She laughed.

"Of course. Now we just have to make you a miracle worker in the life of his stupid brother. Maybe then we can have a double wedding!!!"


When Jade and Amy arrived at the auditorium which was to serve as the venue of the concert, they gasped at the large crowd of people standing outside seeking passage into the building.

"I can't believe this. It's almost like the whole city came" Jade gushed.

"It's his last concert, so it's expected" Amy replied.

"Really?" Her mouth fell open. She couldn't believe it.

"He's leaving?"

Nodding her head, Amy answered, "Yes"


Amy turned to Jade, she chuckled when she saw her in a daze. "Okay close your mouth before a fly gets in, and let's go." Amy chortled as she got out of the car. Jade shook her head to process the information she had just received before stepping out of the car.

She was about to follow Amy when her phone started ringing. It was a strange number.

"Amy holds on, let me take this." She said waving the phone at Amy who nodded.

"Hello," She said after answering it, but there was no response.

"Hello," She said for the second time.

"Hello Jade" She heard someone say from the other side of the phone. Her blood boiled the moment she heard that voice. How could she ever forget it?

"Why are you calling me?" She asked lividly.

"Why are your sounding cold? You used to be sweet to me you know? I just wanted to let you know you look beautiful. Blue is still my favourite colour and it seems you still miss me"

Jade turned to look around her when she heard what he said. It meant he was here. He could see her?

"You're stalking me?" She asked in a fierce tone. Thinking about it, recently she has been feeling like she was under someone's gaze, so it turned out it was this idiot.

"You've been stalking me?" She asked in. a more angry tone.

"So what if I am?" He asked back. "I know you still want me. And I want you back, and believe me, I'm going to get you back" He stated.

Jade almost spat blood when she heard the nonsense he was spewing over the phone, "Cale you need help. Psychological or spiritual, I don't know but you really do need help. Now if you know what's good for you, stay away from me and stop stalking me, you creep!" She snapped before hanging up. She took a look around if she could spot him anywhere but she couldn't. Like a creep, he must be lurking in the dark.

Jade took deep breaths before turning to Amy who was waiting for her ahead.

"What happened? Why do you look like that?" Amy asked with concern when she saw the sullen look on Jade's face.

"It's nothing, let's go," She said dismissively. She didn't see the need to tell Amy, as it might dampen their mood. And with Amy's temper, she was sure Amy was going to call the cops or do something crazy.

Hopefully, her warning was good enough for him.


"You promise you're not going to hurt her right?" Ethan asked the man sitting in front of the dressing table for the hundredth time.

Glaring at him, the man replied, "I said I won't." Ethan could tell he was getting angry, but he didn't care about his anger right now.

"So after this, you'll get your revenge and we can all move on right?" He carefully asked while the man nodded his head, "Right"

Still not assured enough, Ethan took a few towards the man, "Believe me, if you as much as hurt a strand of her hair, I'll do what we both won't like. She has nothing to do with this"

The man swivelled the chair around and looked at Ethan, his eyes were locked to his, "You know you should be more concerned about me, but here we are...." He slurred when he saw the look in Ethan's eyes.

"I promised I won't hurt her, after all as you said, she's innocent but that doesn't mean the people around her are innocent too. So stop making a fuss and go out there while I go do my thing" He paused and turned back to lock at the mirror, his lips curled upward, "I'm sure she has missed this face"

Ethan didn't know what to do at the moment. He has come this far but now he was feeling quite uneasy about everything. He didn't know if he should regret ever agreeing to this plan in the first place. But he had no choice but to take his word for it.

"Just keep to your words" Ethan drawled as he picked up his guitar and sauntered out of the room.

The man looked at his back through the mirror. His eyes turned dark after Ethan closed the door.

Would he be nice? No, he doesn't think so.. He was going to make all of them pay, innocent or not.

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