When You Are Mine

Chapter 292 - Sexpert

Mike, Phil, Rick and Dan sat in a private room at Mike's club chatting and laughing with Jake over the phone.

"So the legendary bed humper has become a woman keeper. Tch. What has the world turned into?" Mike asked with a teasing smile.

"Get lost" Jake chuckled.

"It's good he's no longer hanging out with us. I mean I can now get a fair share of the ladies, thanks Jake. You should have found your girl sooner" Rick added making Jake shake his head at him in disbelief, while Dan and Phil laughed.

"Never knew you were jealous of him. That's cheap man" Mike laughed. Well it was true that Jake always got all the attention of ladies whenever they were together. Even their own girls would always had their eyes on him, hoping he'd call them over, and even if he as much as winked at them, they'd happily jump into his arms without no care for who had brought them. But they were all used to it. It was his gift, who would argue with him.

Rick glared at the laughing duo, "What's funny? Acting like you aren't happy about it." He eyed them, before turning to Jake.

"This fools are even more happier than I am, that they don't have to share with you anymore. They're just traitors" He glared at Phil and Mike, but not Dan, since Dan was already married. That dude was the first to leave their clan.

"No one shared women with Jake. Girl's run away from you because unlike Jake who's a pleasure giving demon and a sexpert who knows how to give them what they want, you're just a sex demon, a masochist, who likes fetish stuff. Dude the girls are just scared of your craziness" Phil told him making Rick glare at him even more.

"I don't do fetish stuff okay" Rick refuted while Dan snickered.

"Tell that to your Christian grey mini sex tolls you have stuck in your wardrobe" Dan hissed, while the others chuckled.

"I don't do fetish stuff! Those things are just for sexual pleasures" He gruffed.

"Yours or theirs?" Phil asked, tilting a brow.

"His of course" Mike answered amusedly making Rick scowl at him.

"Theirs and mine!" He refuted, while the rest nodded their head for agreement sake, as they tried not to laugh at him.

"Yeah, we agree" Dan replied in a sarcastic tone, as they all chuckled at the grumpy man.

"Okay that's enough about Rick." Phil said as he turned to look at the tab.

"Jake how's your little goddess? She's doing you well I suppose?" Phil asked with a mischievous wink.

"Just shut up" Jake shot him a mock glare, while Phil rolled his eyes. "Hiding details now are we? You've simply become a live struck fool. Tsk Tsk Tsk" Phil shook his head.

"Well I don't mind, as long as it's for her" Jake replied with cheeky smile.

"Okay that's enough. We don't appreciate cheesy stuff" Mike eyed him.

"Jake, so because you've found love you've decided to leave us and not hang out anymore right? Man you're worst than a traitor. Even Dan hangs out with us and guess what, he's married" Rick hissed at him making Jake smile.

"He's wife is not being lenient with him, my girl will burn Mike's club down if I step in there without her. She's watchful of her man."

"Newsflash, you're not married" Mike told him.

"Well for now, but for long" He said with a suggestive smile which caught all their attention.

They all gasped, "No way!" Phil exclaimed.

"Yes way, she said yes" He wriggled his brow at them.


"Cheeky bastard" Rick completed Phil's sentence for him, as they looked at Jake with disbelief.

"You proposed?" Phil asked in disbelief.

"Not really. I'm still missing a ring and an engagement party. So let's say it was a pre-proposal" He replied smilingly. The thought of going down on one knee with a ring in his hand as he asks Jade to marry him was making him giddy. He couldn't wait to make her his, and have her with him at all times.

"Congrats bro" Daniel congratulated him, while the others still looked stunned. Jake chuckled when he saw them like that.

"You guys look stupid" Jake laughed. He hasn't seen them this stunned before.

"That was fast" Mike exclaimed in disbelief.

"So wait, you really want to get married, like Dan?" Rick asked pointing at Dan who smacked his hand away from him, while Jake nodded his head.

"Woah, I never saw that coming" Phil exhaled as he gulped his drink down. "But I guess congratulations are in order. Congrats bro" Phil said with a smile. He had not really expected Jake to go into marriage so soon, but he was happy for him.

"I guess you're–" Mike slurred when someone knocked on the door and stepped in. It was his club manager.

"What is it?" Mike asked in annoyance.

"Boss, Marcus is here" The man reported.

"Again?!" Mike frowned.

"Yes boss"

The other's looked at each other as they tried to know who he was talking about. The change in his countenance told them who this Marcus guy was, he was definitely bad news.

"Which Marcus?" Jake inquisitively inquired. "Creepy guy from college who has a gang?" He knew one Marcus that was capable of making someone look like that.

"Yeah" Mike sighed deflatedly. "The guy is just a pain in the ass. He keeps coming here.. to pester me" Mike hissed out in frustration.

"What does he want?" Jake asked.

"I don't know man. Same stuff he keeps talking about since college"

"Hanging out with us?" Rick asked with incredulity.

"Does he think we're in one sort of fraternity or what? Why is he so keen on hanging with us?" Phil asked.

"If I had known you'll ask me, I'd have asked him" Mike sighed in annoyance.

"And he keeps talking about some weird stuff, like making some investment and wanting to buy some shares–" Mike stopped talking when they all burst out in laughter.

"Investing? On what? Organ trafficking or drugs?" Phil asked amid laughter.

"Maybe in weapons and in this case Mike's club" Rick added as they continued to laugh.

Jake couldn't help but laugh too. Hearing someone like Marcus use the word investment, sounded like Satan asking God to celebrate his birthday in heaven and invite him there. No, it was way worse than that.

"Well you should steer clear that guy. He's father might be reputable man but the guy is damaged" Jake warned after the laughter died down while Mike nodded.

"I'll be back" He announced before leaving the room.

"Let him go solve that" Phil said before returning his attention back to Jake.

"So Jake how many strippers for you bachelor party?" He inquired making Jake glare at him.

"How about a gazillion" Jake said sarcastically.

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