When You Are Mine

Chapter 293 - Trouble

When Mike stepped into the main club down stairs, the manager pointed him to the direction of the man who was drinking at the VIP lounge with a some men sitting around him. His usual silver hair was eye catching as ever. The dark aura emanating from him was enough to let people know he was dangerous.

Mike took a deep breath as he approached them. How he hated this guy.

"Mikey" The man chirped when he saw Mike approach him.

"It's Mike and not Mikey" Mike drawled, while the man shrugged.

"Mikey is better. As a buddy I should give you a name that suits you"

"You're not my buddy. Marcus tell me why you're here again?" Mike said in a weary tone. He didn't like handling this man. He always ends up with a headache whenever he talks to him.

"You're my buddy, buddy. Where are the others? They didn't come? I wanted to hang out with you guys today" He tsked. "What a shame" He added feigning a sad tone which made Mike roll his eyes at him.

"They didn't come. Now if you can, please leave. You create too much trouble and I don't want that here today" The man would always cause a scene whenever he was here. He'd either forcefully claim someone's girl, or he'll pick a fight with someone and have his boys trash the person out.

Feigning a sad look, he pouted his lips, "Mikey, that's a bad thing to say to your pal. I don't create trouble. They're the ones who try to start a fight, not me" He complained like he has been wronged.

Mike felt like punching his face at the moment, but he remembered that wouldn't be in his favour as this was his business place and the man in question was a psychopath.

"Fine then leave already. Don't you have a job to do? No consignment to chip? No gang fight or somebody to kill? Just go do something else and get out of my club man" Mike told him in a harsh tone but the man only smiled.

"Mikey you're not being fair. I'm your friend–"

"You're not my friend" Mike refuted. If his father as much as heard he was familiar with this dude, he could as well consider his club gone and his position at the company approved. The last thing he wanted right now was to leave his luxurious life behind to go work in a company. Marcus had a bad reputation, many people knew what he does but couldn't say anything about it, because even the police was yet to do something about him.

Marcus sighed, "Just be polite, it the least you can do. And no I don't have a job today. I'm just here to relax and–" The man slurred when few of his surbordinates walked in and lolled themselves beside him.

The man turned to them with a frown forming on his face, "Why are you sitting here? Can't you see I'm talking to my best friend? Move" The man drawled.

"Boss there's a small job for tonight" One of the surbordinates whispered into his ears.

"What kind?" Marcus asked.

"Errm, boss my type" The man smiled, one which Mike found to be very creepy. They were all the same, creepy and disgusting set of people.

"Let me see" He stretched his hand towards him, before turning towards Mike who looked highly irritated. He shrugged, a mocking pout on his lips as he wriggled his brows in a playful manner. Mike eyed him in return and the man chuckled.

"Boss here" The surbordinate placed the money and the phone in his hand. Marcus took a look at the money and tossed it back towards his subordinate. "Keep it, It's yours"

He didn't like getting involved with these petty jobs. These kinds were what his boys liked more, so he let them be, but he calls the shot. His reputation was on the line and he wouldn't want them to ruin his life's work. So they knew it was better to consult with him first. He'd never deny his boys of their thrill.

Marcus looked at the picture of the girl on the screen and he smiled.

"She's pretty, I like her. Too bad someone wants to harm such a beauty" He hissed before turning to Mike who was still standing there, with a very irritated look in his eyes.

Marcus smiled, and raised the phone to him, "What do you think? Isn't she fine? She'll make a fine mistress right?" He asked with a very disturbing look in his eyes. Mike wondered how someone like this had actually been born. A miscarriage would have saved the world of this stress and saved him from having to deal with him every now and then.

Mike glared at him and the phone which had the picture of a lady on it. He hissed in annoyance, "Marcus just get out of my club. You have ten minutes" He said before turning to leave.

Marcus tsked, "Mike you're so boring. You, Jake and the others need me in your life to spice it up" He yelled from behind him gaining the attention of the people who had been oblivious of his presence, and the moment they did, they stood up and left.

No one wanted to deal with crazy.

Mike ignored him and walked ahead. He had to admit that the lady on that phone was pretty, and for some reason she looked very familiar. Maybe she was one of the girls he had been with, he didn't know. But he quickly shrugged it off his mind, and made his way back to the private room.

When he walked back in, the guys were still talking to Jake on the phone.

"Is he gone?" Phil asked.

"Not really. But that guy is crazy. Calling me Mikey. I seriously hate that guy" Mike said as he plonked himself on the sofa and snatched the drink from Dan's hand, chugging it down his throat, while the other chuckled.

"He wants to put me out of business. I really hate him. Jake help me get rid of him" He pleaded.

"Why me? What happened to you?" Jake asked with an accusing tone.

"Because you know how to deal with stuff like this"

"Well I don't. Go fix your problem, as for me I have an engagement to plan and a Cinderella stepmother to get rid of, my plate is full"


Mike sat up straight when he heard the word engagement. It sort of triggered a memory in his head. The girl he had just seen on that phone was....

"Fuck!" He cussed as he jerked up to his feet, making the others look at him with concern.

"Jake get your fucking ass here, your girl's in trouble" He yelled as he dashed outside the room in full speed.

Jake was shocked by that outburst. He looked at the others who were still as shocked as him.

"What the hell is going on?" Jake asked confusedly, as he stared at his friends. His heart was already beating off the roof.

"Get up here man" Phil said before hanging up and walking out of the room with the others.

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