When You Are Mine

Chapter 296 - Your Choice

Jake felt like slapping the hell out of Marcus when he spewed the nonsense that had just come out of his mouth. Who was he calling a pretty mistress? Hopefully not his girl.

Marcus let out an awkward laugh when he saw the murderous look on Jake's face.

He placed one of his hand on Jake's had which was gripping his shirt tightly.

"Jake I know you have a crazy temper but can you let me go so we can find her? Delay is dangerous." Marcus said in almost choked voice.

Phil also joined and patted Jake on the shoulder to calm him down.

Jake took a deep breath and relunctantly let go of Marcus shirt.

Marcus drew in deep breaths, "Jeez, you're so fiesty man." He hissed.

"Marcus!!" Jake growled.

"You can't just come to my territory and bully me, so keep your cool. I'll call my men off, but on one condition" Marcus boldly said. He was yet to say something else when Jake lunged at him, but Phil was deft enough to hold him back.

"How dare you?! You want to make conditions with me?!" Jake asked lividly.

Phil who was having a hard time holding Jake spoke up, "What condition?" He asked.

Marcus revealed a creepy and pleased smile, "I want you to help me acquire my father's company" Marcus said with a serious expression. Phil looked at him with surprised eyes. Now he understood why people called him a psycho. Jake stared at him seethingly, all he could think about was beating this stupid guy to death.

"Why would you want to do that?" Phil couldn't help but ask. Marcus' father was a good man, and people loved the man and his company. And not to mention the man had done a lot for this stupid child of his, even though he was a huge embarrassment to the world of children, so why the hell was he vvying for his father's company.

Marcus tsked, "Don't look at me like that, I only want what's mine. I can kill him and take it, but that's not my style. It will be too simple. So are you doing it or not?" Marcus asked as he turned back to Jake.

"I'm not making a deal with you" Jake said with a tone of finality.

"Jake" Phil called, but Jake didn't budge.

Marcus scoffed when he heard Jake, "It seems you don't understand how much danger your woman is in. But don't worry I'll lecture you. Who ever wanted to harm your woman wanted a 'full package', do you know no what that means?" He asked and paused to pique Jake's interest, while cocking a taunting brow at him. He continued without waiting for his answer.

"It means, she's going to be drugged, ganged raped and deformed with acid, and oh! did I tell you of the part where there's supposed to be a video?" Marcus taunted.

"You bastard!" Jake growled as he threw a punch at Marcus face making him stagger backward. 

Marcus had not expected a punch from him. He winced in pain, "That's a death punch, you have there" He said amusedly, as he licked the side of his lips which had blood dripping from it.

"So what do you say? My way or your girlfriend gets ruined. It's your choice" He said tauntingly, flashing a creepy smile at Jake.

Jake gritted his teeth as he stared at the man before him with murderous eyes. If Jade wasn't in a precarious position right now, he'd smash this idiots head against the wall.

Jake looked at him coldly, "If a strand of her hair is out of place, consider this deal over and your underground business done" Jake declared. He had no choice but to agree with him. This was for Jade.

Marcus revealed a satisfied smile, "That's perfect"

"Now make the damn call" Phil yelled at him.

Marcus quickly whipped out his phone from pocket, his eyes widened when he saw the numerous missed call on his phone.

"You guys call much huh?"

Marcus dialed his subordinate's number but the idiot chose that moment not to pick his call. He dialled another one's number and still no response. They weren't answering their phones.

Phil cocked a brow at Marcus when he saw the worried frown on his face. "What happened? Why aren't you calling them?" Phil asked.

Marcus looked from Phil to Jake and replied, "They're not answering"


"Jake calm down" Phil said in a bid to calm him down. But Jake turned to him with angry eyes, "Phil I swear if you tell me to calm down one more time, I'll get mad at you" Jake snapped angrily. He wasn't the type to transfer aggressions, and he fully understood that Phil was just been concerned for him, but he just couldn't help it.

Phil also understood how Jake was feeling. He had watched him lose his father and he remembered how helpless he had been at the time, and now his girlfriend was in danger and he was still so helpless. He nodded and sighed deflatedly.

Jake turned to Marcus and ordered, "Keep calling!" His anxiety was growing. They were wasting a whole lot of time and a lot of things could be happening to Jade at the moment. God helps whoever was behind this. Even the heavens won't be angry with him for returning their 'kindness' because they came after his woman first and he wasn't going to let them go.

Marcus immediately dialed the number one more time. He was also anxious but not because of Jade, but because of the deal tied to finding her. He had been going after this folks for a while so he could seek their help in getting his father's company since he lacked in the corporate world. And now that the opportunity had dropped on laps he couldn't let it go so easily.

'Those idiots had better take his call now, or they'll live to regret it' He sneered in his heart.

Fortunately one of his men finally picked the phone.

"Boss" The person called at the other side of the phone.

"Where are you?" He asked coldly. Jake and Phil tensed up when he spoke.

"We're outside the Regent Center" The man replied.

"Have you seen the girl? Don't touch her, just bring her here, right away" Marcus ordered.

"Erm...Boss I don't think that's possible" The man stuttered.

"Why? What is it?" Marcus inquired.

"Boss the girl is not with us"

"Wait what? If she isn't with you then go find her!" Marcus ordered.

"Boss that's the problem we can't find her." The man explained.

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Marcus asked, his eyes darting towards Jake and Phil who were looking at him intently.

"Boss someone took her before we could get to her"

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