When You Are Mine

Chapter 297 - Harm My Sister


"What happened?" Jake anxiously asked. The expression on his face the moment Marcus exclaimed like that was horrendous.

Marcus looked at Jake who looked like he was sitting on the edge of a cliff. He almost cussed out when he heard what his surbordinate had just reported.

"Who took her?" Marcus asked.

Jake bit his lips angrily when he heard what Marcus had just said.

'Someone took her? Someone other than Marcus' men took Jade? What the hell was going on? Who the hell were all these people going after his girl?'

Jake snatched the phone from Marcus hand making the man completely stunned. Jake didn't mind Marcus expression, he simply put the phone on loud speaker and asked, "Who took her?" His voice was as cold as ice and the anger in it was lethal.


"Answer him" Marcus ordered his surbordinate.

Not sure who he was no talking to, but when he heard his boss' order he continued, "We have no idea. Her last location had showed the west side of the auditorium but when we got there we saw her being carried out by some guy. I think someone else is also after her"

Jake closed his eyes, he didn't know what to say at the moment. He was blank.

Phil and Marcus looked at him and they could see the pained expression on his face. Phil gave him a comforting squeeze on the shoulder, while Marcus hissed in his heart. This was why he had never been too involved with a woman. They always turned out to be a man's greatest weakness no matter how strong he is.

Marcus hissed out and angrily roared into the phone, "So why didn't you get her back, you fool?" He was also getting agitated.

"Boss we tried, but that part of the auditorium was too rowdy, we couldn't make a move because that would compromise our position and before we could get an opportunity the person got into a car with her and drove away" The guy reported in a careful tone. He could tell the boss was angry, but why? He didn't know.

"Boss is everything okay?" He asked out of concern.

"I want you to follow to that car"

"Boss...I don't think that's possible anymore, because the car is long gone. Rex tried to follow it while the rest of us are waiting here"

"Tell them to come back now." Jake said in a deflated tone. He pulled the root of his hair in frustration.

Phil looked at him, "What do we do now? I think it's better we call the cops Jake. Things might get out of hand if we keep delaying." He told him.

"Get me a laptop" Was all Jake could say. He didn't have the time to think about anything else such as calling the cops. That might take more time. And they had no time.

Marcus was a little unsettled when he heard Phil mention the word 'cops'.

"You know you can't do that. That will put me and my boys at risk" He stated.

"I–" Phil slurred when he heard a loud shattering noise behind him. He turned around and he was surprised to see the huge vase which had just been standing there completely shattered and an angry looking man standing by it.

"Get him a laptop, I'll go call Mike and the guys" Phil said as he hurried away to go call the guys. He was scared he hadn't seen Jake like this before. The man looked like he could kill anybody any moment from now.

Jake on the other hand felt like his head was about to explode. He whipped out his phone and dialled Jade's number again, but it was still switched off. Whoever had her must have turned it off so it wouldn't be traceable.

Soon Marcus returned with a laptop and also his men returned as well as Rick, Mike and Dan.

"How is he?" Mike asked with concern.

Phil hissed, "Don't even ask. He looks terrible." He replied as the others looked towards the direction Jake was seated, his face was buried in his palms.

Mike hissed out in anger, "This is all my fault. I should have recognized her earlier. I'm so stupid." He cussed out. He has been berating himself over this since the incident happened.

They looked at him, Dan placed a hand on his shoulder, "You're not to blame. It could have happened to any of us" Dan tried to comfort him.

Mike didn't believe that was true, "Jake must be furious"

"Come on dude, don't say that, Jake would never blame you. You know him better than that. The guy is only like this because he's worried for his woman, and he isn't vexed with you" Rick told him.

Phil patted his back, "Don't overthink it. Just be cool. Let's just pray his girl is fine. Everything will be okay" Mike also added.

"Let's go" He said before they walked closer to Jake.

Marcus stood in front of Jake as he stretched out his laptop to him, "Hey keep your temper down and don't break it. My black list and debtors list are in here" Marcus warned but Jake glared at him and snatched the laptop.

"What do you want to do?" Dan asked.

"Find who took her" He replied coldly before looking at Marcus men that had just returned.

"Who can recognize the car?" Jake asked.


Outside of Acrosoft, Blake was waiting for a certain someone to arrive. It was so late and he badly wanted to go home or go look for his brother since the butler had informed him he wasn't home yet. He had tried calling Jake but he has not been receiving this call. He was worried for him.

Soon he saw Lair stepping out of his car and slowly approaching him.

"Hey Beau"

"Big man Walker" They greeted each other.

"Thanks for waiting man" Lair said giving him a half hug.

"Don't thank me yet, I still don't know what's this meeting is all about. And I really don't know why you wanted to see me here, and whatever this is can't we just do it by morning?"

"I'm sorry man I really didn't mean to bother you but you're the only person I know can help me" Lair replied.

"How?" Blake cocked a brow at him.

"I think someone is trying to harm my sister and my family"

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