When You Are Mine

Chapter 298 - Lurking In The Dark

Jake had a serious expression on his face as he ferociously typed on the laptop. It's been more than half an hour since Jade and her friend went missing, he couldn't be still any longer.

"There, that's it" One of Marcus men exclaimed when he saw the black Audi on the CCTV footage. Jake had hacked into the surveillance system of the city and was currently looking at the CCTV around the Regent Center. This wasn't something he would do, but he had no other option. His father had always warned them not to involve themselves in stuff like this especially after Blake got into trouble for hacking into the traffic system and had resulted in a series of the accident around the city due to his youthful exuberance.

"Are you sure?" Marcus asked while the man nodded, "Yes boss." He was certain about the car, and the others who had seen the car too confirmed it.

Jake look intensified by certain degrees as he looked at the car plate number. He copied out the plate number and sent it over to a number on his phone, before jerking to his feet. He looked at the waistline of one of Marcus men and he grabbed the pistol that was tucked there surprising the others.

"Jake!" Phil and the others exclaimed when they saw a gun in his hand, but Jake paid them no attention as he began to stroll out of the lobby in large strides. With each second he had spent there his anxiety had grown by leaps and bounds. He couldn't help but wonder what was happening to Jade right now. He'd kill the bastard that had dared to touch his woman, and also whoever it was that had ordered Marcus men to harm her in the first place.

He paused when something finally clicked in his head.

He turned around towards Marcus men that had been at the scene. "How many girls did you see him with?" He asked.

"Just one" One of the men replied.

'Just one?' So that meant Amy was still at the auditorium, probably waiting for Jade? She must be oblivious to the fact that Jade had gone missing.

Jake pulled out his phone from his pocket when he heard the notification sound. It was a location.

Jake hissed out in frustration, he didn't know what to do at the moment. He had to save his girl as well as get his brother's girl back. There was a possibility she could also be in trouble. What was he to do now?

He looked at Marcus and he walked back to him. He pulled out his phone and searched through Jade's pictures she had uploaded on one of her media accounts. He had once seen a picture of Jade and Amy there.

"Give me your phone" He ordered.

"Why?" Marcus asked back, but Jake glared at him, and he reluctantly handed it over to him.

Jake quickly sent the picture to his phone and passed it back to him.

"She's at the auditorium, find her and your father's company is yours" He declared.

"Who is she?" Marcus inquired.

"Someone your destiny depends on" He coldly said before striding away.

Jake picked up pace as he began to jog to the car. He had thought about informing Blake and asking him to look for Amy but he couldn't do that. What if she was in danger too? That would also expose him to harm. Marcus was the best fit for the job. The auditorium was big and heavily crowded, thus it would be difficult to find her, but Marcus had men, and that meant extra pair of eyes for the job.

He prays that everything turns out well for all of them, else he wouldn't know what to do.

"Come on guys let's go with him," Phil said in a rush, and the four of them hurried after their friend.

Marcus looked at the friends as they walked away in haste so they could meet up with Jake. He let out a frustrated sigh and signalled his men to follow him.

"Let's go save this pretty lady" He ordered as he tossed his phone to one of his subordinates.



Blake stared at Lair as he impatiently waited for him to explain what he meant by someone who wanted to harm Amy and his family.

"The thing is Amy's ex has been missing and my mother had something to do with it –" Lair began to narrate the whole situation to Blake.

Blake's eyes widened as he listened to all that Lair was saying to him. He couldn't believe all these have been happening to Amy yet she had kept a calm face about it, not that she could complain to him, but she has been acting all happy like nothing was wrong with her.

"I think someone is deliberately trying to hide him," Lair said conclusively making Blake arch a brow.

"You think so?" He asked. Lair shot him a confused look. He didn't know what Blake was trying to insinuate.

"What are you trying to say? " Lair asked.

"I'm saying, what if this guy is the one who's trying to hide himself?" Blake asked thoughtfully. His question made Lair fall deep in thoughts. What Blake was trying to

say made a whole lot of sense. It could be that Micheal was the mastermind behind his disappearance. But how true could that be?

Seeing Lair fall into deep thoughts, Blake sighed, "Let's see if we can retrieve those documents. In the Cyberworld not all things can be lost forever. Don't worry I'll help you" But the truth is he had already made up his mind to help the moment he mentioned Amy's name.

"Thank you," Lair said with gratitude. He really wanted this Micheal issue to be handled as soon as possible. He didn't want anything that could be at risk to Amy or any member of the family lurking in the dark.. He wanted it settled once and for all.

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