When You Are Mine

Chapter 302 - Married In Death

Jade quivered where she sat when she saw the way Cale was staring at her murderously. Blood was trickling down his cheeks from the damage she had created on his face. His body was shaking violently, as he stared at her with blood shot eyes.

"You whore!" He roared as he slapped her forcefully making her to fall back on the bed. He raised his hand to touch the side of the cheek which Jade had cut with a nail. When he saw the blood in his hands he riled up even more, he pounced on her and began to rip her shirt off.

"No!! Cale please, don't do this. please stop" She begged as she struggled with him, but the angry man who had changed into a beast hit her head hard against the wall rendering Jade unconscious, blood dripping from the side of her head.

"Shut up" He roared at her despite her being unconscious while he continued to take her shirt off.

"I'll make you feel good, and you'll wake up soon. You'll forget all about him and want me again, I promise." He said, as he began to plant kisses all over her body down to her stomach while his hands tried to unbuckle her belt. His eyes glistened with passion as he saw her half naked body, he wanted to take her, have his revenge on her and the same time make her his all over again. She belongs to him, just him and not that stupid guy who had tried to take his Jade.

He was about to take her trousers off when he heard a loud kick on the door, he turned around and he was shocked to see the door fall backward.

He jerked off Jade's body when he saw who walked into the room.

"You" He seethed, his hand clenching into a fist. It was the man who stole his woman from him. The man he wanted to kill.

How did he get here?

Jake stood at the entrance of the door, his eyes scanned around the room till they fell on Jade who was lying on the bed shirtless with just her bra on. His eyes turned murderous and his blood boiled at the sight.

Cale was still trying to think how this man had gotten there when Jake lunged a death blow at him, sprawling him to the ground.

He had not expected that and the punch was so hard he practically saw stars, blood spilled out of his mouth. Cale was about to stand up to his feet when Jake pounced on him landing several blows on him from all sides. He picked him up with his collar and pressed him against the wall landing even more blows on his stomach, he grabbed his head and hit it on the wall, and he did that several times till blood started dripping out of his head. Jake couldn't stop himself.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" He roared lividly.

This idiot had touched his girl. How dare he? The image of Jade lying behind him with no shirt on was all that he could see in his head.

"You bastard!" Jake hit his head on the wall again before dealing him another blow.

Phil and the guys soon rushed into the place and they met Jake in a crazy state. They had hurried after him at full speed because this man was driving like a lunatic, and now he has lost all reasoning.

Phil and Rick rushed to his side and tried to pull him off the half dead guy he was beating to death, "Jake you're going to kill him"

"Jake stop" They said simultaneously as they tried to drag him off but the guy was damn too lost in his angry state to hear a word. He was too strong whenever he was in this state. This was the side of him that had made them to never provoke him. It's always as if he gains supernatural strength whenever he goes berserk.

"Leave me alone. I'm going to fucking kill him" Jake roared. This idiot had broken his girl's heart and he had the nerve to do this to her? He was surely going to kill him with his two bare hand.

"Jake she's bleeding"

That was all that got Jake stiffened, not just him but Phil and Rick as well. Jake let go of Cale causing him to fall to the ground before hurrying to the bed. He picked her up and he saw the blood which had soaked the part of the bed she was lying on.

"Ba..be" He called in a scared and shaky voice but she wasn't responding. Jake felt his heart leave him. His whole body began to quiver.

"Baby please stop, don't do this" He begged in a shaky voice as he tried to shake her up.

Dan took off his jacket and covered her exposed chest.

"Dude let's take her to the hospital" He told him, while Jake nodded his head as he immediately scooped her up into his arms, striding out of the room in hurried steps, he was practically running with her.

"I'll call an the cops and an ambulance for him" Mike offered.

"We'll go with him" Rick said dragging Phil who had turned murderous when he saw the state of their friend's girlfriend.

"Come on dude let's go" Rick urged him.


Lair and Blake was still trying to make sense of the documents displaying on the monitor when Lair's phone chimed with the notification sound. He whipped his phone out of his pocket and he saw a MMS. It was a video, he frowned when he saw it was from a strange number.

He was reluctant in opening it, because he had received spam messages like this before, but something in him prompted him into opening it.

The moment he did he received the biggest shock of his life.

In the video was Amy dressed in a wedding gown and with some red letters was written on it.

It said, "Micheal"

Her mouth was gagged and something was tied around her waist like a bomb, her head was down almost as if she was sleeping, and she was standing at the edge of a what seemed like a cliff.

"Amy" He called out as his hand began to quiver. Blake who noticed something strange with him couldn't help but look over.

Blake almost ran out of blood when he saw the video. Was that his girl? He asked himself.

Soon the phone chimed with a phone notification again but this time it was a message. It read; Tell Mommy she'll be married to Micheal even in death"


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