When You Are Mine

Chapter 303 - Long Night

Lair tried to call the number back but all to no avail. It was switched off.

Blake asked for the number and tried to trace it, but nothing came through.

Lair tried to dial his father's number but his call came in first.


"Come home now" The man ordered in a cold tone.

"Amy has been–"

"I know, just come home" He said before hanging up the call.

"I've got to go" Lair said as he jolted to his feet and rushed out of the office. Blake tried to call after him but Lair was in a haste to listen. He was running at full speed.

Blake tried Amy's number but it was switched off, there was no use trying to trace it.

"Fuck!!" Blake cussed as he kicked off the seat he had been seating. He raked his hand through his hair pulling the root in frustration. What the hell was happening? How did this even happen? Who the hell was this Micheal guy? How come he has a death certificate and he was here alive?

He wasn't sure if he was the one though, he really had no idea.

Was this why Jake had called him earlier? Did he know something?

Blake immediately dialed Jake's number but he still didn't pick the call. What was wrong with him today? He had never once ignored his call, so what was wrong? Jake's attitude made him even more suspicious that he had an inkling on what was going on, and if he did he wasn't going to be happy about it.

Blake traced his number and he got a location in no time. He was at the hospital.


Blake picked his car keys and rushed out of the company to meet up with Jake.

It was going to be a long night. And Amy had better be fine or else....


Jake kept pacing the hall way of the hospital after they wheeled Jade into the operating room. His whole body was quivering with fear and anger.

"Fuck!" He cussed, hitting his hand against the wall repeatedly till blood seeped out of it.

Rick and Dan went to hold him but he brushed their hands off.

"Damn it! This is all my fault!" He blamed himself.

"No, it's not your fault. You didn't know something like this would happen. And you tried your best man" Dan tried to comfort, but Jake shook his head.

He didn't believe that. He could have insisted on taking her. She was his woman and he couldn't even protect her from a manic ex-boyfriend.

"What if...what if something happens to her?" Jake asked in a shaky voice. On their way to the hospital he had noticed how she bleed from several places. She was badly injured.

That was the girl that had just said yes to marrying him. He couldn't live his life without her.

"I swear I'm going to kill them all!" He Jake roared angrily.

Rick and Dan tried to pat him down, they could understand how he was feeling at the moment.

"Be positive Jake, nothing's going to happen to her. Just relax, every thing will be fine." They comforted him. "And you have get your hand treated." Rick told him but Jake shook his head.

"No." This was nothing compared to what Jade had passed through. He wasn't going to leave that spot till she came out of there.

After several minutes Jake finally sat down at the waiting area close to the operating room. He buried his face in his palm as he tried to calm himself. But no matter how he tried he couldn't.

A lot was happening tonight and he didn't like it.

There was still someone he had to find and that was Amy. She was probably still at the auditorium looking for Jade. He looked at Rick who was standing in front of him leaning his back on the wall.

"Have you heard from Marcus?" He asked in a tired voice.

"No, I'll call him now" Rick replied and called Marcus immediately.

"Found her yet?" Rick asked.

"No. This place is so full like a refugee camp, finding her is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Did all these people really come to see a guy who's probably in make-up and isn't half as handsome as I am?"

"I'll tell Jake you haven't seen her" Rick hissed before abruptly ending the call. 'Clown' He cussed in his mind.

He looked at Jake and heard him sigh. He knew he heard him already.

Jake raked his hand through his hair in frustration. Why were all these happening today?

Just this morning they had been so happy. He had waken up to having Jade in his arms, they had shared breakfast today, she had even said yes to marrying him. So how the hell was she lying on a surgical table fighting for her life, and her friend probably worried as hell, searching for her in a auditorium full of people or worse something might have happened to her too. How did all these happen?

Jake turned to Rick again. There was only one way to get Amy too and that was the person who had invited them in the first place. He had remembered Jade gloating about getting a VIP ticket from Amy's friend who was the artist for tonight.

"Rick get me the contact of the artist who's hosting the concert" He ordered. That was the only he could easily find Amy. He doesn't care how that guy does it, maybe openly call her to stage, crash his concert, whatever he doesn't care but all he wanted right now was to find her. For Jade and Blake's sake he prays everything would be alright.

Rick was about to walk away when he saw Blake approaching with Mike. The look on Blake's face told him there was some sort of trouble. He has known Blake long enough to understand the look on his face. He shot Mike a questioning look but he shook his head indicating that he had no idea what was going on.

"What happened?" Blake asked in horror when he saw Jake covered in blood. Jake snapped his head up when he heard Blake's voice.

"What are you doing here?" Jake asked.

"What am I doing here?" Blake scoffed with disbelief. "I've been calling you but you've been ignoring my call. I had to come find you because Amy has been kidnapped and she's in danger–"

"She has been kidnapped too?" Jake asked in shock as he jerked up to his feet. How 

"What do you mean by too?" Blake asked him.

Jake closed his eyes for a minute before looking at him, "Because Jade was kidnapped too" He replied.

"What?" He looked at Jake in shock. "Is this sister-in-law's blood?" 

"Yes" He nodded.


Jake and Blake was still talking when Marcus returned with his men.

"Jake I'm sorry we couldn't find the Amy girl" He reported to Jake.

Blake at the men that had just said something, and then to Jake. Was he looking for Amy already? He furrowed his brow at Jake when he finally realized something.

"You knew didn't you?" He asked with a deep frown.

and I come here to find you covered in blood? Jake what's happening, is this why you've been ignoring my call all night?" Blake snapped at him.

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