When You Are Mine

Chapter 310 - 310

Jake stood by the door of the room Jade has been placed while the others surrounded her. Her mother and brother had been crying so bitterly as they both held each of her hand. Phil, Rick, Mike and Dan were also in the room, sad and depressive looks were etched on their faces as they stared at Jade. Though they had all spoken to her once, but the girl had left quite an impression on them. Only a girl her could tame a man like Jake.

Phil looked at Jake and he could tell the man was at the verge of breaking down. He walked closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "She'll be fine. You've got a strong girl who loves you and she's going to cling to you okay." He said comfortingly while Jake nodded his head.

"Why don't you go talk to her." Phil nudged him but Jake shook his head.

"I...I can't" He replied.

"Why? You should be at her side. She needs you Jake"

"I failed her. I just can't." He hissed and walked out of the room. He had no place in mind to go, but anywhere other than Jade's room would be fine. Seeing her like that made him run out of air. It looked like she was sleeping but she wasn't. She was in a coma and only God knew when she'll wake up. He felt both suffocated and angry. Angry at life and himself for not getting to her in time.

He should have been quick. He should have driven faster, maybe he would have gotten there in time and she wouldn't be in this condition right now.

Jake was walking aimlessly in the hallway of the hospital when his phone started ringing.

It was the shadow guard he had employed for Blake.

"What is it? Where's my brother?" He asked in a firm tone, when deep down he was anxious. Tonight has been a crazy and taunting night so much his mind was already waiting to hear something bad.

"He's on the way to the hospital" Jake tensed up the moment he heard that.

"Did something happen to him?" He asked nervously.

"No, but someone has been shot and they're bringing him to the hospital."

Jake heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that. He couldn't take one more bad news tonight. He was already exhausted both physically and mentally. But he wondered who the 'he' was.

"Have the girl been found?" Jake asked.


"Okay, I'll wait for him here." Jake said before hanging up. He looked at his shirt and sighed. It looked horrible but there was nothing he could do.

He looked back at the direction he had been coming from and sighed, before stepping into the elevator.

Jake had only arrived the lobby of the hospital when an ambulance arrived with Blake's car driving behind it. He caught sight of Amy at the passenger seat and he heaved out another sigh of relief.

Amy hopped out of the car and rushed towards the stretcher which was been wheeled out from the ambulance. She missed a footing but Blake was quick to catch her.

"Amy wait" He told her but Amy was stubborn as she pushed forward towards Ethan who was already been wheeled into the hospital.

"Blake" Jake called out but Blake walked past him like he hadn't even seen him. He looked at him but Blake ignored him and continued on his stride.

He wasn't surprised, he was angry at him and he deserved it.


"Blake, Ethan is not going to die right?" She asked frantically as she cried. She was still in shock. She couldn't believe Ethan would do something like that for her. What was he even thinking jumping in the save her like that? Didn't he think of himself? What did he do that? She continued to cry as she asked herself those questions.

"No he isn't." He comforted her. He noticed she was having a hard time with the gown she was wearing. 

"Come and sit." He said as he led her to a seat. She sat on it, but she kept tapping her feet nervously. Her hand held a part of his shirt subconsciously as she nervously waited. 

Blake looked at the guy who was just standing right in front of him. So he was the Mason guy? He could swear he was the one he had seen his pictures earlier at the company. He must be a twin brother of the guy. The resemblance was uncanny.

Blake watched him as he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. Was he going to smoke there? He was about to tell him he couldn't smoke there when the man cussed out and squeezed the stick in his hand. Sheer frustration could be seen on his face. He had seen the way the guy was back at the cliff. He had looked like he was about to die. If it wasn't for Ethan right now – funny he was considering Ethan at the moment given the fact that he disliked him days ago – he would have killed this idiot with his own hands for kidnapping Amy and for making her go through so much.

Blake was still trying to comfort Amy when someone suddenly manifested in front of them.

Blake didn't have to look at his face before he knew it was his brother. What did he want now?

He waited for him to say something to him but instead Jake looked at Amy and asked, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked as he crouched down to her level.

Amy looked at him with teary eyes as she shook her head. She wasn't okay. She was shaken up and she was still so scared. Blake wrapped his hands around her tightly as she tried to sniffle her tears.

"You'll be fine." Jake said in a comforting tone while Amy bobbed her head up and down as she wiped her tears.

"Jade... where's Jade?" She had only remembered her now. She looked to the side to look for her, but she wasn't there. She looked at Jake who was now standing on his feet. She wasn't at the auditorium right? She should have known that something happened to her by now. So where was she?

"Where is Ja...." Amy paused when she saw the blood on Jake. She shot up to her feet, her movement was too abrupt and it made her dizzy as her legs wobbled but she didn't give in. 

"Where is Jade?" She asked anxiously. She didn't like what she was seeing. She was having this ominous feeling in her stomach and it made her scared.

Jake looked at Blake defeatedly, he didn't know if he should tell her the truth or not especially when she was facing her own ordeal.

"Tell me where's Jade?!" Amy yelled as she held Jake by the shirt. This shouldn't be what she was thinking. It had better not be.

Jake sighed and looked at her, "Jade is in a coma." He said in the most defeated tone he had ever spoken in. It seems saying it out loud made him realize the real situation of things.

Jade was truly in a coma. And he would not see those blue eyes that sparkled whenever they saw him. He wouldn't see those smiles that made him float in space and made his heart swell. He wouldn't hear her giggle or kiss him.

The realization hit him so bad, it made his eyes swell.

"I'll leave now. Blake will take care of you and I'll be back later." He told her before glancing at Blake who was also looking at him with a surprised gaze. He wasn't expecting to hear his sister-in-law was in a coma.

"Have her checked up." He said to Blake who was still looking at him with a weird expression on his face. Jake looked at Amy one more time before he walked away.

He let them be for now, and he also had to be with Jade as well. She needed him now, and staying away from her because of guilt wasn't going to make him feel better. He had to be there for her and her family.

But mean while there was something that was more important, and that was getting back at the people who had put his girl in her condition.

He picked up his phone and dialed Marcus number.

"I know what you want to say" Marcus said the moment he answered the phone.


"I've got them both. Come to my base whenever you're ready" He told him.



But mean while there was something that was more important, and that was getting back at the people who had put his girl in her condition.

He picked up his phone and dialed Marcus number.

"I know what you want to say" Marcus said the moment he answered the phone.


"I've got them both. Come to my base whenever you're ready" He told him.


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