When You Are Mine

Chapter 311 - My Hero Too

Amy woke up to Blake staring at her from his seat, she closed her eyes when the white bright light assaulted them.

"Hey" Blake said in a soft tone as he looked at her.

Amy slowly flickered her eyes open and looked around the room before looking back at him, "What happened?" She inquired, her voice was hoarse.

Blake stood up and grabbed a bottle of water from the bedside table, "You passed out, the doctor said it's lethargy and a low blood sugar." He told her as he helped her up and uncapped the bottle of water for her.

She had passed out after hearing about Jade's condition. She has been standing at one place after Jake had left and the moment he tried to guide her back to the seat, she collapsed into his arms. He had panicked at the time until the doctor told him not to worry about her, that she was just fine.

"How's Ethan? Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay" She desperately begged. She didn't think her poor heart could take anything like losing Ethan.

Brushing is hand down his hair, he replied, "Ethan is fine. He's surgery was successful but he's still in unconscious." He informed her.

Amy heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Ethan was alive and well. What a huge relief.

"Then what about Jade, I want to see Jade" Amy said the moment she remembered. She was already trying to stand to her feet, but Blake held her back.

"You can't go now, you're not in the best of health to move around, and secondly your family will be here soon." He told her. He couldn't tell her she was as fine when she wasn't, but he also couldn't let her go anywhere now.

"But I want to see her" She insisted.

"And you'll Amy. Jake is there with her for now, you just need to rest and then we'll go see her." Blake tried to reason with her. Amy was about to protest when the door of the room was flung open.

"Amy!" Lair called excitedly as he hurried to her side.


A wave of excitement and relief wash through him as he hugged her tightly. "You scared me" Lair said as he tightened his hold around her.

"I was so worried, thank God you're here now" He placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Amy?" Someone called from behind Lair.

"Brother James?" Amy asked in disbelief. She was surprised to see him, and her dad was standing behind him too.

James also gave her a warm hug and kissed her forehead, "Amy we're so sorry we couldn't get to you on time." James said apologetically.

"It's okay, I'm fine now." She looked at her father who was still standing at the door.

"Dad?" She called softly as she looked at him, wondering why he was standing by the side. Was he crying? She asked herself when she saw him cleaning his eyes.

Mr Walker sniffled his tears before walking closer to her.

"Dad?" Amy called in a teary voice when a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Honey I'm sorry, Dad couldn't protect you like should" He apologized.

Amy shook her head and held him by the hand so he could seat on the bed. She wiped his tears and leaned into his embrace. "Dad it's not your fault. I'm sure you did your best." She felt sad seeing her father this way. She has never seen him like that.

"Dad?" Amy called as she wiped his tears away. He forced a smile and sniffled, "Don't worry princess, daddy is fine. He's just happy you're alive." He kissed her cheek.

Heaven knows how worried he was when he saw those videos. His heart broke into a million pieces seeing his little angel like that. And to think his wife, her mother was the tbe reason for that suffering even made things worse.

Amy looked at them and asked, "Where's she?" The 'she' Amy was referring to was her mother. She shouldn't be blamed, but she couldn't call her mother at the moment.

"Ermm.. honey we've got to tell you something" Mr Walker said. Amy glanced at his face and then her brothers. "She has been arrested hasn't she?" She asked, while her father hesitantly nodded.

"Michael and his family are.....dead. They're dead and it's because of her and she has to pay for that any way" She sighed as she began to cry.

"Micheal is dead?" Lair asked in shock.

"Hmm" Amy nodded as more tears streamed down the her face.

"You mean the guy we've been looking for is dead?"James asked in disbelief while Amy nodded again.

"Oh honey!" Mr Walker exclaimed as he wrapped his hand around her, Lair sat at the other side of the bed and placed his hand on her back as he gently patted her back.

"This is all my fault" She cried.

"No honey, its not. It's your mother faults, so don't blame yourself for her mistake. We gave her many opportunities in the past to change her ways but her pride didn't let her. So don't say that you're at fault okay?" He tried to comfort her.

"But I feel so heartbroken, and sad, and angry, ...and disappointed.I don't know exactly but I'm feeling a lot at the moment, and it's right I here" She sobbed pointing at her chest.

"Baby it's alright to feel that way. What happened it's a lot to take so this is only natural"

"Amy that's true. Don't work yourself out." James also tried to comfort her while.

"It's all her fault and she is sure going to jail for it." James announced. He wasn't supposed to hate his mother but he couldn't help but feel hateful towards her.

Amy looked at him and sniffed her tears, "I guess that's her punishment for not knowing when to stop and for being so cruel" She was pained about the fate of her mother, but she was more pained and heart broken about the Micheal's family ordeal. She was also sad about Ethan's predicament as well as Jade, everything was just so sad.

Amy cried a bit more till her eyes felt slightly swollen. She told her family all that happened, about Ethan and Blake had come to rescue her and how Ethan got shot. She also told him all what Mason told her.

Everyone turned to Blake who has been standing by the side. He had badly wanted to leave earlier while they were having a family time but he just couldn't bring himself to leave especially when he saw Amy crying so badly.

"We can't thank you be enough, but thank you for saving my daughter" Mr Walker appreciated him, making Blake feel a little embarrassed.

"Thank you" James gave him a handshake.

"It's really not me, it was all Ethan. You don't have to thank me" He explained but still they kept thanking him.

Lair gave him a half hug, "I owe you man. Thank you very much." He appreciated him. He had been surprised when Blake called him that Amy had been found.

"Like I said don't thank me. Ethan is the real hero here"

"And you're my hero too." Amy said. She didn't see why Blake was being so modest about things. They shared a look before Amy tore her gaze away and turned to Lair when she remembered something.

"Lair, Jade had an accident and she's in a coma. I want to go to her but–"

"Wait you said what?" Lair asked in shock.


Jake kept staring at Jade from the side of the room. He has been sitting on the chair at the far end of the room while Grace sat by her side. Grace looked at Jake she sighed when she saw the lost look in his eyes. She rose from her seat and walked closer to Jake.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "You should stay by her side. I'm sure she'll love to hear your voice."

Jake looked up at her before glancing back at Jade. He nodded his head and slowly walked to her side.

Grace excused herself while taking Kevin along with her so Jake could have some moments with Jade.

Jake lowered himself on the seat by her bedside. He simply stared at her for a while not sure of what to do or say. It took a while before hesistantly took her hand in his, trailing his free hand down her cheek. Her perfectly carved heart shaped face was looking so pale, and her lips were parched. She was nothing like the girl who had woken up in his arms this morning, kissed him goodbye this afternoon.

He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand, "Honey...I'm sorry" He said in a sad voice, as his eyes welled up. He couldn't help it.

Kissing the back of her and again, "Baby I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, but please wake up, come back to me and I promise to do better. I promise to–" Jake paused when his heart clench tightly with pain, he felt suffocated and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Babe please come back to me, I miss you already. You promised we'll stay together forever. Honey please keep your promise to me. I'll die without you in my life.." He sobbed.

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