When You Are Mine

Chapter 324 - Brutal Psychopath

Jake looked at the man who could barely stand on his feet. His hand were tied to two separate pillars and his feet were barely touching the ground.

Looking at him now, he didn't look like the man who had been standing in his kitchen a while back. Now he had blood dripping from the side of his mouth, and bruises all over his body. Marcus men had dealt him a great beating.

Jake took a step closer to him and asked, "Are you ready to tell me now?" His tone was still as calm as it was minutes ago, but the man still had his lips sealed.

Jake chuckled derisively, before looking at one of Marcus' men who looked more brutal than the rest.

"Peel off his skin." Jake ordered making the others to look at him shock but he didn't pay them any attention.

"And start with stomach, and pull off his nails." Jake said before walking back to his position. Kyle and Marcus looked at him in utmost shock. Seeing the tight and unwavering look on his face Marcus threw his head back and laughed.

"This is too good be true. I need more wine. Jake Beau is officially a brutal psychopath." Marcus said amusedly, while Kyle walked up to Jake worriedly.

"Jake what are you doing? You might kill him" Kyle told him.

"Death is the least of things I'll give to him." Jake said coldly.

Soon the voice of the butler could be heard reverberating in the whole garage as Marcus' men carried out their assignment.

Jake looked at the man as he wailed out in anguish. Jake knew it was only a matter of time before he gave in and confessed everything he wanted.

"Please!" The man wailed as they pulled out his toes nails and his finger nails at same time.

"Peel off his knees." Jake ordered. The sight was gory but it was nothing compared to all the pain Hillary had afflicted on his family. He was going to do far worse to her, he swears on it. What he wanted right now was to get rid of the villian that has been plaguing his life and family, before Jade wakes up. Because when she does all he wanted was to have a happy life with her, and not be bothered about evil step mother or anything of that nature. He was tired of it all.

"Stop, stop I'll say it. It was Hillary." The man blurted out when one of the man cut a piece skin on his stomach. Jake tilted his head towards Kyle who knew exactly what to do.

"You said?" Jake asked like he hadn't heard him well.

"It was your stepmother Hillary. She paid me to feed your grandfather the poison and keep an eye on him Incase he ever brings the lawyer here." He confessed.

Jake scoffed when he heard that.

"And why are you killing him now?" Jake asked.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me, I only do as instructed."

"And did she instruct to hypnotise him and my father too?" He asked pointing at Kyle while the man vigorously bobbed his head up and down.

"Yes she did. She hypnotised him and made him sign the will in her favour, then she overdosed him on the drug that's why he had died out of shock." The butler rambled out, too scared of Jake getting angry and asking for them to continue with the torture.

"What did you just say?" Jake asked in shock and disbelief.

"I said Hillary hypnotised him and made him sign the will before increasing the dose of the ipecac, and she hypnotised him (pointing his chin at Kyle) to stage an act that put your father in shock resulting to his death." He repeated.

Jake stood thunderstruck when he heard what the butler had just said. He felt like cold water has been poured on him. So his father had been poisoned too? Hillary had planned it out perfectly so much it looked like he had of an heart attack when he actually died of poison? Jake could feel his blood rush backward, he clenched his hand and grinded his teeth.

He turned red in anger, he looked like he was about to burst.

"I'll kill that witch!" Kyle cussed out lividly. He also couldn't believe Hillary was the one behind Henry's death. He had thought he died from the heart attack which had resulted to him seeing him on his bed with his wife, but he had died from poisoning.

Jake bit his lips in anger as he tried to control himself. He couldn't bear to lose his mind to his anger right now. He had to be meticulous for the time being. He'll make Hillary pay for it.

Hillary was going to pay with her life for this.

"What else do you know?" Jake asked lividly.

"Nothing." He shook his head but Jake didn't believe him.


"I swear I know nothing more. That was all I know. Hillary only hired me for the job, she never shared any of her idea with me or with anybody. The only person who know everything is–"

"Shirley." Kyle completed his sentence making Jake look at him.

"Yes Shirley. She knows everything. I only got swapped with the real butler that was supposed to work here, and she gives me instructions, nothing more" He rambled out. He was saying the truth, because he knew the Jake before him might not hesitate to kill him if he as much as lied to him.

"And how were you supposed to tell her your job is done?" Jake thoughtfully asked.

"I'll send her a text." He honestly replied.

"Well not today." Jake told him making the man to look at him in surprise. "Where's your the phone you're supposed to use?"

"In my bed drawer." He told him. Jake told Kyle to go get the phone, directing where his room was since he hadn't been there in a while. Soon Kyle returned with the phone and Jake ordered Marcus' men to lose the butler.

He fell to the bloody ground and groaned in pain.

Jake passed his phone to him and said, "Call her and you'll tell exactly what I'll tell you. Don't be smart, because I won't be nice.." He warned him while the butler nodded his head in understanding.

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