When You Are Mine

Chapter 325 - Plot Her Downfall

Jake directed the butler on what to do while he also gave Kyle some instructions as well. Today he was going to pick up a directing role and plot Hillary's downfall before the day ends. He was tired and he needed peace in his life but he knew there was no way he'd have that with Hillary still lingering around like a plague. He had to get rid of her for good.

He stared at the butler who was fidgeting with the phone under his scrutiny. To be honest the Butler had never thought Jake could be as shrewd as he was right now. Yes, he had heard of his famous temper and how he behaved when he went berserk but he had never expected something like this. The man before him looked monstrous.

Jake gave him a knowing look ordering him to stay calm so Hillary wouldn't get suspicious of anything.

"You better stay calm or we can start this all over again." Jake threatened while the butler bobbed his head up and down in understanding and utmost trepidation. He took in deep breaths to calm himself as he waited for the call to connect, but he just couldn't be calm. Fear and pain were searing through every of his fibre.

"I told you never to call me." Hillary drawled the moment she picked the phone. They had a rule of not speaking via calls, only through text messages which he has been ordered to delete almost immediately, but now the moron was calling her, why?

"Boss there's been a problem." The butler said in an almost natural tone, while his eyes nervously stayed on Jake. Hillary frowned at his words.

"What sort of problem?" She asked in annoyance. She couldn't afford to have problems now. That fool! She cussed in her mind.

"I think you might have to go over to the Beau mansion." The Butler said making Hillary cock her brows.

"Why?" She asked in a suspicious tone. She didn't understand why he'd say something like that.

"The old man is almost dead, but I have found the will." The butler said, his eyes firmly glued on Jake who gave him an approving nod to continue.

"You Moron!" Hillary cussed lividly. "What do you mean by 'almost'? I want him dead and not almost dead you fool!" She raged not hearing him talk about the will.

"Did you increase the dose as I instructed?" She asked lividly.

"Yes, I did. I gave him the drugs as you ordered." He replied.

"Then why isn't he dead yet you swine!" Hillary was seething in anger. Here she was celebrating the success of her plans and there he was messing things up.

"What the hell happened?" She demanded angrily.

"Jake happened. He had arrived at the last minute and he had called in an ambulance to take the old man to the hospital but I don't think he'll make it."

"That fool." Hillary cussed. "He's always trying to thwart my plans but I'll make sure to teach that little pr*ck a lesson. That old man would die today either on his way or in the damn hospital." She snarled.

"What about the will?" The butler asked again when it seemed Hillary was too angry to hear what he had said earlier.

"What about it?" She asked in annoyance.

"I said I found it, are you going to take it?" He asked. Hillary stiffened for a few seconds when she heard that.

"You found the will?" She asked with a disbelieving tone.

"Yes, I found it." The butler reaffirmed making Hillary's lips twitch with excitement. She was surprised to hear that. She wasn't expecting to hear that at all.

"Are you sure about what you're saying?" Hillary asked excitedly, but her tone was quite sceptical.

"Yes, boss." The butler replied confidently making Hillary burst out in laughter. She threw her head back and laughed heartily.

"It seems that old man was just waiting to die at my hand for me to finally lay my hands on that damned will. He should have said so and I would have killed him long ago." She said ecstatically but the butler didn't share in her joy.

Hillary stifled her laugh and ordered, "Bring that will over now." She couldn't delay for one more second. The neuron terminals in her brain were beginning to secrete dopamine (aka the feel-good hormone'

"Boss that's the problem. I don't think I can bring it."

"Why?" Hillary asked in an irritated and angry voice as she jumped to her feet. What was wrong with this fool?! She had finally gotten her hands on the will and this moron was going to spoil things?

"Because Jake had asked me to go to the hospital too. I'm currently at the hospital with him." The butler explained, his eyes still fixed on Jake who had a stoic look on his face.

"That stupid fool." She cussed out.

Looking at Jake who gave him a nod to go on, he continued, "I had secretly left the house open, the file is in the hidden drawer at the foot of the old man's bed, you should go get it right away." He told her, his heart was beating fast as he hoped and prayed Hillary took the bait. He didn't think Jake's plan would work because he thought Hillary was far too shrewd to fall for such a dumb plan, but little did he know that Jake had thought things through. Hillary was obsessed over their family wealth so much he believed it had affected her mind. She had spent several years plotting to lay her hands on them, and that must have clouded her judgement. He was sure at this moment Hillary wouldn't see reason, all she would be focused on would be laying her hands on the will.

Jake knew even the shrewdest and toughest of villains die for the most stupid reason, their obsession. They get so hooked to a purpose so much it becomes the bait that lures them to their death. Jake was basking on this small fact. If Hillary could go through so much of killing his father and now his grandfather just for the will he believed a little trip to the house wasn't going to stop her. At least that what he thought until he heard her say...

"I'll send someone to retrieve it immediately," Hillary told him making the butler look at Jake, it was just as he had thought. Hillary wasn't stupid. He was about to say something else when she interjected him, "You know what, I'll get it myself. I'm tired of you lots being incompetent. I'll get the job done myself and ensure that old man doesn't live the hospital alive." She hissed. Her words surprised the butler who less than a second ago was sure she wouldn't fall for his trap. But it seems she was really stupid after all.


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