Whimsical System

Chapter 1285: Resolute action

"The time is almost up, you should have considered the result? Now you just need to give me an accurate response. Are you involved or not involved in this matter?"

On the dark side, the wind became cold and indifferent, and in his words this time, there was nothing else but a "force" question.

The Thirteenth Master looked embarrassed, but in the embarrassment he revealed a little luck.

"Chu Feng, I can take a risk, but if something happens, I hope you can discuss with me to solve it!"

The worry of the thirteenth master did not only affect the impact of this incident, but also included Chu Feng's arbitrariness.

In fact, Chu Feng did have this temper, but since the appearance of Chu Feng on the dark side, his temper was even more domineering.

So, it's no wonder that the Thirteenth Lord will remind you of this premise.

As for the request made by the Thirteenth Lord, Dark Side Chufeng did not refuse. After all, for the Dark Side Chufeng this time, as long as the Thirteenth Lord could agree to cooperate, then his goal would be achieved. As for what the promised cooperation was, he didn't care!

"No problem, this is the benchmark for our cooperation. No matter what happens at that time, I will discuss with you. As long as you don't agree, then I won't easily come to a conclusion!"

The dark face is so dignified that he made a guarantee. This guarantee is not of great significance to the Thirteenth Master, because no matter what Chu Feng said, it will not have a big impact on the Thirteenth Master.

After all, at this moment and then, although Chu Feng can promise all kinds of things, if it really comes to that kind of emergency, whether Chu Feng will still act according to their previous agreement, I am afraid it is a bit unpredictable!

However, although Lord Shisan made this statement, on the surface, he still had to show his approval.

After all, this was the request he made, and the dark side was very happy to agree to it, so naturally he couldn't question it.

"Okay! Now that you have made this decision and made a large enough concession to me, then this matter, just do as you said!"

The Thirteenth Master handed over the handling of this matter to Chu Feng. In fact, all of this was also the reason. He had no definite plan at all.

Therefore, he can only let Chu Feng make all the decisions, and then put himself in a wait-and-see perspective, carefully exploring whether this matter is suitable, whether it is feasible!

Chu Feng got permission from the thirteenth master, and this matter was completely implemented.

So his next words are completely related to his plan.

"Thirteenth Lord, since we have cooperated now, then I hope you can provide me with some manpower and do some things for me!" The Dark Side asked actively.

From the beginning, Chu Feng needed human assistance, which was unexpected to the Thirteenth Master. He thought that this plan would be delayed for a long time before it could be implemented.

But who ever thought that Chu Feng had already asked him on the day the plan was negotiated.

"How many manpower do you need and what are you going to do?"

The Thirteenth Master thought it was necessary for him to ask about this matter, so he immediately asked Chu Feng.


"At present, I don't know the situation in this city very well. Although I know the intricacies in this city, I still need to investigate the specific conditions on the spot before I can get the results!

So I need you to be able to send a few people to take me to walk around, after all, I don't know the city very well! "

This sentence came out from the mouth of the dark side, it is indeed quite normal, after all, it is indeed that there is not much understanding of this city.

But if you talk about this idea from Chu Feng's perspective, it seems a bit suspicious.

Because Chu Feng stayed in this city for a long time, and for a long time, Chu Feng visited and explored all over the city.

Therefore, in the memory of the Shisanye, Chu Feng should have a better understanding of this city.

But now, the dark side of Chu Feng just said that he didn't understand the city, so this also caused the Thirteenth Master to have some doubts about what Chu Feng said.

It's just that in the face of the dark side and the face of Chu Feng, the Thirteenth Lord really has no way to expose Chu Feng. Even if he feels that what Chu Feng said is not the real situation or his true thoughts, he still has no way. Ways to do this, because they are now in a critical period of cooperation.

If Chu Feng made the first request to him, he could not meet it, then it would be a great disappointment for Chu Feng.

And what Chu Feng asked this time was not too much. After all, he just needed a guide who could take him around the city.

So no matter what, even if the thirteenth master had doubts in his heart, he absolutely could not refuse Chu Feng's request.

Therefore, just after the Shisanye waited for Chu Feng to finish explaining, he directly agreed to the matter.

"No problem, when you go later, I will take a few people with you! No matter how long you need them to accompany you, they will obey your orders, as long as there is no danger to life, then I It will never interfere with your affairs!"

Although it also gave Chu Feng enough freedom, his words can be regarded as enough, so that Chu Feng has enough confidence.

Obviously, Chu Feng was absolutely satisfied with everything the Shisanye did at this time, regardless of whether he was the first request.

In short, the current decisions and actions made by the Thirteenth Master left a very good impression on the dark side.

At this time, the dark side also felt that he had chosen the right object.

"Yeah! I know that you can definitely help me with this. If that's the case, then you should send someone to go with me as soon as possible! This afternoon, I plan to implement the plan!"

The dark face is very anxious, although this idea has only just come out, but he can't wait to implement it at this moment.

Although Lord Shisan was a little worried about the eagerness of the dark side, he still did not stop him.

After all, what Dark Side Chufeng did at this time was exactly part of their plan.

And if the current thirteen masters were to block it, it would undoubtedly be an interception and interruption of this plan.

Therefore, in order to avoid this guilt, Lord Shisan could only let the dark side behave according to his own ideas. As for the impact of this matter, Lord Shisan returned at this time. It really has not been considered.

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