Whimsical System

Chapter 1286: Boda

The dark side was smooth, and he got three assistants from the thirteenth master.

At the moment, these three assistants are a shield for the dark side to do anything in this city!

Leaving the residence of the Thirteenth Master, the dark-faced Fengfeng went to the mansion first to meet his old friends.

It is said that the dark side of Chufeng does not have the slightest intersection with John, Xiaoru, and the weirdo, but for some reason, the dark side of Chufeng has such a desire to see them!

As a result, after arriving at the mansion, the dark side and Feng Feng found their position very accurately.

After seeing each other again after many days, the three of them felt like an old friend meeting in the dark side!

However, in the follow-up conversation, the three of them also vaguely noticed the difference in the dark side.

It's just that because the dark side of Chufeng didn't spend long with them, even if they noticed the difference, they would only think that their thinking was wrong.

Moreover, they hadn't seen it for a long time, and what exactly would happen during this period of time, and what changes would happen to Chu Feng, was also unknown.

Therefore, the appearance of the dark side of the wind brings more joy to the three of them.

And John also took this opportunity to ask the dark side of Chufeng about the time to leave here.

Regarding this matter, the dark side has really not considered it, but since John has asked this question, he should give a corresponding answer!

So after some consideration, the Dark Side Chufeng made a half-month appointment with the three.

According to the dark side of the wind, it will take them at least half a month before they can leave this space and return to the fire area.

In this half month, the three of them are still able to live in this building, and the thirteenth will continue to take care of their daily lives.

Such an arrangement was considered lucky enough for the three of them, as they did not know that they had never done anything since they came to this space.

At the same time, you don’t have to worry about your own survival. There are Thirteen Lords who take care of everything for them. This kind of comfortable life is indeed an unparalleled enjoyment for them, but more often, this kind of Enjoyment also becomes a burden!

It's just that they didn't share their thoughts with the dark side of Chufeng, after all, this is also the limit of what the dark side of Chufeng can help them.

If even this is the case, they still have all kinds of dissatisfaction, then this may have a little meaning to make things difficult for the dark side!

After leaving the building, the dark side was that, directly according to his own plan, the exploration work of this city was closely divided in the way of time!

According to his previous understanding, it would take at least four days to fully understand the situation in this city.

In these four days, the dark side not only needs to understand the location and ability of each force, but he also needs to figure out how to solve them during the process of exploring!

As a result, the plan for this step will be difficult for the dark side.

However, even with the difficulty, but the dark side is bewildering, but there is still no idea of ​​complaining at all.


After all, this matter was promoted from the very beginning, so no matter what troubles or difficulties encountered, they are all under consideration in his plan.

The exploration work is going on day by day, but the thirteenth master is also waiting for the result of this matter.

Since the Shisanye didn't receive any arrangements as planned, how does he do the repetitive work like usual on weekdays.

Four days later, the dark side of Chufeng ended as scheduled according to his own plan, and there was an exploration of the city.

Moreover, based on his investigation and search in the past few days, he also has an extremely detailed understanding of the basic situation of the city.

In some respects, his level of information completeness was much more than what the Thirteenth Master knew.

The dark face came to the residence of Lord Thirteen again, this time he brought a large number of documents, including the content of the follow-up plan!

In order to prevent the thirteenth from not understanding the overall sequence of the plan, the dark side directly asked the three subordinates to organize the plan content and work deployment of the past few days into documents and bring them together!

The dark face, Chu Feng and the Thirteenth Lord met in the conference room, and the current state was very similar, when Chu Feng and the Thirteenth Lord met for the first time.

"Thirteenth Lord, my work here has basically been completed. During this time, my overall summary of the power of this city!

I have to say that the distribution of forces in the city is indeed very complicated, but this kind of complicated distribution has certain rules!

And when I found the rules in them, the work of investigation has also increased a lot!

You can take a look at the documents I have compiled first. It is estimated that after you finish reading it, you should be able to understand where my follow-up plan is directed! "

The dark-faced wind pushed the document along the desktop to the thirteenth master, and the thirteenth master took the document from the desktop in his hand.

Then began to read the information recorded in the document.

Without boasting, in this document, the dark side is indeed a summary of all the forces in this city.

Even in this summary, there are still some unknown small forces.

"Are you trying to unite all those people? This plan is bold enough, but do you think it might succeed?"

After reading the document, Lord Shisan understood the dark-faced thoughts.

It turns out that the dark side is to unite all the weak forces to form a big force, and then use this big force to crusade against other true overlords.

In order for them to unite, but it is also possible, they must be given generous rewards, and for those small forces, this matter is no different from a resistance similar to an uprising!

After all, in this city, those overlord-level forces have existed for a long time, and those little-known little forces, in the eyes of those overlord forces, are just small shrimp-like existences!

But at this time, the dark side is bewildering, and it is precisely with the help of this gap between large and small forces to make a fuss.

According to his plan, basically all the small forces have the idea of ​​gradual growth, and they also have the courage to fight. After all, their forces are small. Even if they fail in the end, if they want to reorganize, they are also not one. It's difficult.

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