Whimsical System

Chapter 1498: Lone robber

It's just that Chu Feng is not willing to talk more about this topic, after all, he is too strange.

If he tells the people around him that he can live forever, then this is probably a very scary thing, because many people will explore what is going on, especially the soul body. You must know that he is a long life in this world. Not old, never die the nearest person.

If he can find the secret of this space, maybe he can really do it, and by then, what Chu Feng will face is probably a huge enemy.

In addition, in fact, it is not just these people. After all, there are some souls living on the official side.

For example, they had encountered one before, but they didn't know what happened later.

Since the soul body won, he has not mentioned the person's situation again, and he does not know that the defeated soul still does not exist in this space.

After the small talk, it was time for parting, and about this moment, Chu Feng didn't know how long he had been looking forward to.

You must know that Chu Feng is not willing to have too much communication with the soul body, because they are not the same people in the first place. Now if it weren't for some things, how could he have so much relationship with the soul body.

Now that this result is produced, it was also a decision that Chu Feng had to make. In fact, he had already made up his mind when he came here.

If nothing happens in the future, he will definitely not have too much contact with the soul body. After all, this matter is too risky.

Who can be sure that when the two of them will have some relationship breakdown!

In addition, Chu Feng was even more worried that his soul would really treat him sincerely. If that time really came, Chu Feng might hesitate a bit, whether he should solve the soul body!

After all, once the two become friends, it will be a painful thing to betray a friend.

Chu Feng was unwilling to try to betray, nor to experience this kind of pain, so he simply refused to be friends with the soul body directly, so that once a hundred came, there would not be so many problems between the two.

After returning to his residence, Chu Feng was busy with his own affairs wholeheartedly. In fact, he didn't need to do a lot at present, it was nothing more than robbers.

Now, how to determine an identity for the robber is what Chu Feng needs to consider.

When Chu Feng returned to his residence, the robber was busy with some things, and he didn't know what he was doing. Anyway, he was writing and drawing in the book as if he was practicing calligraphy or doing something. It seemed that he was boring enough.

"It's been a day, how do you feel?"

Returning to the residence, Chu Feng asked the robber while changing his clothes.

The robber scratched his head. In fact, he really had nothing to say. Speaking of his feelings, other than the low prices of consumer products around him, he really had no other experience.

But if I say this, it seems to be inconsistent with the words Chu Feng asked.

"It's not obvious what it feels like, it's actually quite boring. There is nothing to do during the day, so just stay in the room!


As a result, staying there for a whole day, there is nothing to do at all, and now you finally come back, I actually have a talker, you don’t know that you are about to suffocate me today! "

It is estimated that the robbers are accustomed to free and loose, so life like this kind of imprisonment is simply a torture for him.

However, free and undisciplined will always come to an end. Now he is just a rudimentary experience. It is estimated that it will not be long before he will adapt to this life.

But by then, he might be able to truly survive in this base.

But I don't know if Chu Feng will have other tasks assigned to him by that time, or what will he do if Chu Feng leaves?

Should I take him away? Chu Feng did not consider this aspect, but this was not completely denied, after all, everything changed.

If he could be taken away, perhaps Chu Feng would have another good helper. Of course, all of these matters would have to be final loyalty confirmation before Chu Feng would make this decision.

"I know that you are really boring to stay here. After all, there is nothing to do, and you don’t even have a person to talk to. But sooner or later you have to adapt to this kind of living environment. People have their own things to do, and you are the only idler, then you are not boring, who is boring!"

Although Chu Feng understood, he didn't intend to comfort the robber. After all, it was not Chu Feng to do something to comfort people, especially the target was a robber.

Chu Feng believes that the robber should have sufficient psychological quality. If there is no way to withstand this little ordeal, then what Chu Feng will expect him to do in the future.

And when Chu Feng said this, the robber did not refute it. After all, what Chu Feng said was true. If he wants to stay in this base for a long time, he must adapt to loneliness in advance...

After all, there will never be any of his friends in this base, at least for a short time.

"You are right, I really have to adapt to loneliness in advance if I want to stay here, otherwise there will be greater loneliness waiting for me in the future!

If I can't even bear this, then naturally I won't have to think about other ideas! "

Although the robber expressed his approval, he had no solution to this matter.

Now he can understand this boring environment. What is the reason, but it is really difficult for him to do a specific inquiry about this matter, after all, not everything can be found.

"Okay, you don't have to think about it. It's only a day after all. I will find something for you in the future. For example, I have something to arrange for you now!"

Chu Feng had already moved his mind. In fact, when he went to accompany the soul body to check the dormitory during the day, he was already considering these issues, and now he can just tell the robber about this matter.

"whats the matter?"

The robber looked blank, because he didn't think much about this matter, so he was very confused.

However, basically Chu Feng can be sure that as long as it is something he arranged, the robber will definitely obey the order, and Chu Feng can guarantee this.

"A guy was transferred here today. Although I introduced him, the relationship between that person and me is not very good!"

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