Whimsical System

Chapter 1499: I'm satisfied

"So I hope you can stare at him for me, pay close attention to his words and deeds, and see what he is doing. If he has any other actions, you just come over and tell me, I will find a solution!

Anyway, your task is to stare at him, but while staring at him, you have to complete the tasks he has assigned to you, otherwise your identity will be exposed!

This matter is a test of ability, so I intend to give it to you. After all, only I know your identity. If I arrange this task for you, and then you can complete it reasonably, maybe you can be reasonably reasonable. Stay in this base.

When the time comes, I will arrange for you to be a full-time official, and that's not all right! "

Chu Feng made a series of arrangements, but to tell you the truth, Chu Feng did not tell the robbers his specific plan. After all, he did not fully trust the robbers. Now this thing is nothing more than It is a small experiment. If the robber can pass this experiment, there will naturally be other experiments waiting for him in the future.

But if he fails this experiment, then Chu Feng will directly eliminate him.

Anyway, if he was not loyal to Chu Feng, then it would naturally be meaningless to keep him.

"I see, you want me to be an undercover agent! No problem. Although I am not good at this thing, I think I should be able to try it. At least I will try my best to complete what you gave me. Task, monitor him, and report to you, this is my important work process, right?"

The robber basically grasped the main points. When he asked this question, Chu Feng just nodded slightly, but this nod meant affirmation.

The robber was very excited. This was an unprecedented task, and it was also the first time that Chu Feng arranged a task for him, if he could complete it well.

Maybe he can get rewards from Chu Feng. Of course, there are things about rewards. The robbers will naturally not think about it. After all, it is not something worthy of luxury. Now he only hopes to find a suitable place to live. Stay here steadily, and then have a good identity that can hide him.

So this is enough for him.

As for other things, he has not considered it, but one thing is certain is that although his desires are not very high now, and there are not many requirements, but after a while, he has already got everything he needs. After getting it, he will definitely have other ideas.

And until then, if there were any other thoughts, Chu Feng would naturally have other decisions.

"Then when do I leave? Is it now or when?"

After roughly understanding the content of the action, the robbers were already a little impatient. In fact, there is nothing surprising about this matter.

Because the robber has only endured loneliness once, he is no longer willing to endure it many times, so he especially wants to perform the task earlier, so he will naturally not be bored anymore.

It's just that the robber doesn't know the current situation. He doesn't know how Chu Feng arranged it, whether it will act now or a few days later. If it is a few days later, then this boring feeling will definitely continue.


If you start to act tomorrow or even now, then this will naturally be the happiest for robbers!

"You don't have to worry. It is naturally impossible to act tonight, but there is a good chance tomorrow. I will send some people to him tomorrow, and then I will let you go with him.

Although you are not the same as them, on the surface you have to pretend to be no different from them, otherwise you will easily expose your flaws! "

What Chu Feng said was very certain, and he had already determined the clear process of this matter.

The time has basically been determined, and the robber naturally doesn't need to worry about this issue anymore. Now he only needs to recharge his energy and prepare to launch an action within the target time.

"Okay! I have almost thought about it. I don't think this matter is too difficult for me. I can even complete it even if I arrange more tasks.

It’s just that I’m also considering whether it will be too cumbersome if there are too many things, so let’s do it for now, right?

I believe that Chu Feng, you also arranged according to my workload. If you think I can, you can increase it appropriately. As for whether there will be any rewards, then I don’t need to ask more. You know, Chu Feng, you will never treat me wrongly! "

Obviously, although the robber does not mention rewards, his words already represent that he has this idea, but it is a pity that Chu Feng does not have a budget for this.

"You are right, I really will not treat you badly, but now this situation is not a question of whether I treat you badly, but that we have no way to implement this matter. What you have now And what you should do, at this time, I have not got an accurate data. If I don't test you first, then how can I know that you are the kind of person I need!

So during this period of time, you don’t have to think about things like remuneration. I will never give it to you, and even the official officials on the base will never think about these things.

Because even if there is a payment in the later stage, there is a unified deployment, and it is not paid by me!

Even myself, there will be a sum of money in the account every once in a while. Although I don't know how much this money is, it should be calculated according to the specific official income!

In the base, under normal circumstances, I don't need to consume money, so I have a lot of money!

If you can really meet my requirements at any time and make me feel trustworthy, maybe I can leave the money to you for safekeeping! "

There is no doubt that Chu Feng drew another big pie for the robber, and this big pie was still full of tastes of interest.

When the robber encountered this big pie, he was very useful. Although it was not determined when it would happen, he always felt that the problem of funding had been resolved. , And soon he can get income.

"It's enough to have you. In fact, funds or anything are not what I am scarce now. After all, I already have what I hope to get, and now that I have these, it is already very important to me. Satisfied!"

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