Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1315 The royal relationship is very complicated

"Don't Gu Jia have played him out, no longer a home, so it is not so big." The Dawang Ziyue snorted.

"You don't say." On the side, Wang Hao Martha reminded, "This man is deeply unsailed, you are careful."

"Mother, you are too careful in this life."

"Be careful is the first, otherwise, how is your king store to keep it."

Sai Yid did not think about it, and looked at Gu Jingze and looked his eyes.

It is a beautiful person around him, and the figure looks like the women here, it is not weak, but it is not weak, a pair of black eyes, big eyes look very good.

People think of the dark black pearls, exudes a charming mystery.

"This woman ... Who?" Saiss Des question the servant.

"I heard that Mr. Gu is a wife who loves to love this woman. He left Gu Jia, and all the people of Gu Jia have a trouble."

Said is more surprised and deeply glanced at the woman.

I can't help but worth it, in short, in their opinion, for women lose the throne, it is definitely not worth it.

"Hey, Gu." Sai Yi came over.

Lin Che is going back with Gu Jingze.

Gu Jingze Road, "Sai Yi De Dawang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, I have been a long time, walk, there are too many people here, go back to the garden."

"it is good."

Gu Jingze pulled Lin Che.

Pulling the hand, look very intimate, step by step, look at the more and more people, it seems that the woman is mixed, but it is not mixed with the man, but sitting behind, sitting around the scarf, can't see the scarf .

Behind it, Lin Che is still there, with the good-looking fountain,

But suddenly, a yellow thing suddenly rushed to his eyes.

Lin Ce was shocked, when he glanced, he saw that Jing Ze was a flash, blocked in front of Lin Ce.


Lin He saw that something just rushed, nothing else, turned out to be a colorful lion.

The lion looks very huge, when it comes over, it will make people feel some of them.

After all, it was the first time, and I watched the lion in the first time.

"Oh, the Olympics." Saishe looked at the outsiders, smiled and waved, greeted the lion, turning back, smile, clearly showing, he is looking down on the outsiders.

"Sorry, it must be that the maid is not optimistic, but his teeth have already been pulled out, there is no attack, keeping at home, but also small, only two years old."

The people here will raise their lions, really true.

Lin Ke looked at him, when looked at her, a temporary eyebrow, seems to be very proud.

Lin He snorted.

He stared at Lin Qing, "will not scare it."

Lin Che said, "It's just a beast, there is no IQ, more terrible is human heart, people are experiencing so much, how can I am afraid of a simple beast."

"Ha, is it?" He said, "Then you can come and see, touch the O Omay."

Gu Jingze looked at Lin Che.

Lin Che is really not afraid, so many people are here, the lion is going to attack, and there is absolutely someone to kill, and the key is that since he says that she will touch, they must be prepared, otherwise it is here. Out of a thing, is he explained?

She took a step by step.

Sai Yide looked at, lipped up, Lin Ca was not afraid to reach out.

"Hey, don't be so naughty next time, suddenly come out, can you scare people? Who told you that it is so big, right." She touched the lion's hair.

The lion is really smooth, watching her, as if it is a big cat, smashing her hand, smelling, but also extending his tongue and squatting.

Lin Che is taking itching, there is a smile there.

Sai Yide looked at her, and there was a little deep in the smile.

Gu Jingze has already come behind her.

"Okay, don't play, you like to bring you next time."

Lin Ce shook his head, "Forget it, what does it mean, the lion is on the wild is a lion, put it in the yard, and there is no different cat."

Sai Yide's eyes flashed.

Is this ironic?

Oh, this woman should be an except for the woman of Gu Jingze, there is no other identity, but I still dare to satirize him.

Gu Jingze lip corner, said to Lin Che, "that."

"And we still have princes, there is something to come back, the prince will be angry." Lin Che is calm down by him, relatives.

Such a unusual action, so that Sai Yide feels a bit surprised.

His wife will not be so spoiled.

It seems that Gu Jingze is really very pet to her.

Sai Nide said, "It's rare to come once. This time I didn't leave a few days, or Harman was first receiving you, I did not tell me, this is not, I will go to my home tomorrow."

"That is not too hunting."

"If you don't go, don't give me a face, how, Hamant can receive you, can I not?"

Gu Jingze looked at him

He also looked at Gu Jingze.

Half, Gu Jingze nodded, "Well, since you said this, I don't have it."

Sai Yide smiled.

Looking at Lin Che, "Then we will see tomorrow."

Lin Xin frowned, very disgusted on his high eyes.

This big king is not as good as Hamando.

When I went back, I obviously Gu Jingze is also the same as her, and I don't like Seli.

Go out and greeted Hamand, and by the way, there was a thing with Said.

Hhaman said, "Is the big king show like me, why, don't you do it with me?"

Gu Jingze Road, "Look again tomorrow, I will go back first, ready."

"Okay, you can rest assured, in the palace, he can't do anything."

Lin Che is going out with Gu Jingze.

She said, "What, Hamande is not good to have the relationship with Said?"

"Said's mother is Wang Hao, but Harman's mother, who he is unclear."

"What is younger unclear ..."

"The men who are here can marry four wives, so the king has four scorpions, but in addition to the peony, there are many side rooms, and some women who have met outside, they will drive away the woman, leaving Child, he gave it to the three kings, who was gave to the Three Kings, who did not know anything. "


"It's just that Wang Hao's family is really great, and they don't care about this relationship, so they are very blessed together, Wang Hao has also gave birth to five children."

Lin Che is still very surprised, some can't adapt, first know, the royal family here is like this.

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